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Jersey Lions launch annual charity bursary and issue a challenge to the Island’s young people


The Lions Club of Jersey is launching a challenge to the young people of Jersey at this year’s JCG Serves 2017 charity showcase which takes place at the Jersey College for Girls on Thursday and Friday 2 and 3 November. Following the receipt of a generous bequest from the late Robert E. Brown’s estate, the Lions of Jersey are establishing an annual bursary of up to £9,000, starting in 2018. Young people’s groups (up to six in a group, from 14 to 19 years of age), from schools, youth clubs and other similar organisations will be invited to compete for the bursary by telling the Lions how they would spend charitable money for the good of the community. What could their project be? What would be its objective ? How much would it cost? How would the entrants manage the funds donated from the Bursary and what would success look like? These are the questions the Lions will be posing. Of the project the Lions’ president Lion Ian Barette says: “The Lions believe that whereas the young people of Jersey have always excelled in helping to raise funds for numerous charities across a range of events, they rarely get the opportunity to put significant funds to good use themselves. Now is their chance!” A panel of judges, chaired by Lion Paul Pearce and appointed by the Lions (which will include the Lions’ own Young Ambassador currently JCG student Rosie Nicholls), will select the group and project and award the bursary accordingly. The bursary will be awarded annually for at least five years. The first bursary will be awarded for 2018 and entries will be accepted from any youth group between the launch and Friday 5 January 2018. Entries will be shortlisted and the winner chosen by the end of February. Further information from Lion Paul Pearce (tel: 07797 753810 and/or email: pandrpearce@outlook.com) or Lion Peter Tabb (tel: 07797 721275 and/or email: peteretabb@gmail.com).