- Admissions
- Financial Assistance
Financial Assistance
We aim to offer an education to all female students in Jersey who meet our academic entry criteria. Financial Assistance, from a number of sources, is available to help pay all or part of the school fees for your family. People from all backgrounds attend our school and your request will be treated in the strictest confidence.
Financial Assistance is primarily aimed at families with a total household income of under £83,682. Please contact h.delves@jcg.sch.je if you have any queries.
Howard Leopold Davis Scholarship Trust
Provides assistance to students who must be born in the Island of Jersey or, if not, one of their parents must have been. The student must have attended a school in Jersey for not less than two years to qualify.
The Dome Charitable Trust
This Scholarship is available to a student, who without financial assistance , would not be able to attend College. The student must also show a very high degree of both ability and motivation, as well as the right attitude towards learning.
JCG Financial Assistance
Each year the College puts aside funds to provide students with financial assistance of between 10% and 100% which is given following completion of the application form.
JCG Foundation
This source of financial assistance may meet full or part of the cost of a student’s attendance at the College based on the personal circumstances of the applicants.
How to Apply
Please apply by completing the form(s) below. You will need to attach a copy of your Tax Assessment for the relevant year to your application before returning it directly to the College.
Applicants who will need to submit a complete copy of the previous year's certified accounts in addition to the application form include:
- Proprietors
- Partners
- Directors
- Substantial shareholders in any business undertaking, or trust, or who exercise control over that undertaking
Divorced applicants/non-parental carers of children will also need to submit:
- any court orders relating to maintenance and care and control.
Note: All income (including States Benefits) must be shown, whether taxed in Jersey or elsewhere.
When Should I Apply?
The process for applications for long term assistance starts in December, when application forms are sent to existing recipients for renewal, and to applicants for the next Year 7 cohort who have indicated that they would like to apply. Applications will be considered in the Spring Term for an award the following September, so, for example, parents seeking assistance for their daughter coming into Year 7 would apply whilst their daughter is in Year 6.
Parents may apply for short term help at any point during the year.
Please note that it may take several weeks for your application to be processed.
Completed application forms along with the required Tax Assessment confirmation should be returned to the College by the date specified on the form (normally around the middle of February).
In order to be able to meet the deadline, parents will need to ensure that their income tax return is submitted online to the Tax Office as early as possible in January. Late applications will only be considered in exceptional circumstances.
If an application is successful, a new application form must be completed and submitted each year.
Short term financial assistance
In addition to the application form, an accompanying letter explaining why assistance is required must be provided alongside any available supporting documentation.
Additional Assistance
Additional Assistance is also provided to support with costs throughout the academic year, and you can find our Guidance Notes attached below for your ease. These guidelines have been designed to provide transparency and clarity regarding how your allocated funds can be utilised. We believe that, with this information, you will be better equipped to make informed decisions regarding how you wish to spend your Additional Financial Assistance in relation to the needs and requirements of the child in your care.
The Guidance Notes may not list all opportunities that are applicable to your family, and therefore this list is not exhaustive but serves as a dynamic guide. Please follow our Guidelines when making a request to use your Additional Financial Assistance.
Should you have any questions regarding the attached please do not hesitate in contacting our Financial Assistance Co-ordinator on N.McAteer@jcg.sch.je.
Terms and Conditions
All financial assistance is for one academic year and recipients must reapply each year. The size of the award is related to the level of household income, assets and outgoings, so may vary from year to year (or cease altogether if there has been a significant increase). All parents are asked to make some contribution towards their daughter’s fees. Financial Assistance is awarded subject to satisfactory attendance, behaviour and academic performance. Awards may be withdrawn from students who fail to meet these conditions.
Should you require further details please contact: h.delves@jcg.sch.je.