Remembrance Day installation features on Channel ITV news

Each year we joint the many millions of people around the country who just pause, be calm and silent and remember those who have given their lives so that we can enjoy our freedom. It is important for our students to understand the price of freedom and the price of democracy and to appreciate that while we enjoy it, many millions around the world don’t. We remember not only the sacrifice of people who have gone before us, but the need that we ourselves we have to spread democracy, joy and peace around the world.

As part of education around Remembrance Day, our Creative Arts Faculty created the ‘Fallen Soldier’ installation. These ‘Fallen Soldiers’ having in every stairwell in our College, A beautiful yet stark reminder of those who fought for us. A poppy wall in The Dome added further thought with students asked to stick up their poppy.

Our Head of Marketing filmed these installations for Channel ITV News who featured them on last nights 6pm news. You can see them at 21:39 here.

Here are Erin and Harriet, with their Remembrance Day poem performance. [insert video]