Y11 students create personal manifestos

As part of their Sixth Form Induction, current Year 11 students have worked together to create learners' manifestos. Here is one inspiring example:

I will not continue to do unnecessary things that I do not enjoy; but the things that I do enjoy, I will spend time on and not let my interest die.
I will maintain balance in my life between my studies, my social life, and my mental health. However, I will always prioritise the people, environments and activities that bring me joy.
I will not over-critcise my previous actions or achievements; however, I will use them to shape my future self and to build a version of myself that is not perfect – but would be considered a half-decent person!
I will be kind to myself; however, I will now allow myself to wallow in a constant state of self-pity and laziness.
I will eat Colin the Caterpillar when needed