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Exams Policy

Author: Peter Marett, Jenny Rogerson, Kirsty Summerfield
Reviewed by: N/A
Date: December 2024
Next review:  October 2025


At Jersey College for Girls, we aim to provide all students with the opportunity to achieve their full potential in all areas, including external exams. In order for all students to excel in their exams we strive to have an exams system which is efficiently run and which is transparent so that all parties: staff, students and parents, understand their roles within it. We aim to ensure that all parties understand and adhere to the regulations regarding exams, non-examined assessments and coursework and that they are aware of the services available to them prior to, during and following exams and the release of results. 

Aims of this Policy

The centre is committed to ensuring that the exams management and administration process is run effectively and efficiently and in compliance with the published JCQ (Joint Council for Qualifications) and Cambridge International regulations and awarding body requirements.  

This exam policy will ensure that:

  • all aspects of the centre’s process is documented, supporting the contingency plan, and other relevant exams-related policies, procedures and plans are signposted to 
  • the workforce is well informed and supported 
  • all centre staff involved in the exams process clearly understand their roles and responsibilities 
  • all exams and assessments are conducted according to JCQ/Cambridge International and awarding body regulations, guidance and instructions, thus maintaining the integrity and security of the examination/assessment system at all times 
  • exam candidates understand the process and what is expected of them

This policy is reviewed annually to ensure ways of working in the centre are accurately reflected and that exams and assessments are conducted to current JCQ and Cambridge International (and awarding body) regulations, instructions and guidance.  

This policy will be communicated to all relevant centre staff and students. It will be reviewed annually and published on our website.

Roles and Responsibilities Overview

Head of Centre (Principal) responsibilities

Heads of centre must ensure 

  • that senior leadership teams and exam office personnel familiarise themselves with the entire contents of the current General Regulations for Approved Centres (GR) booklet and Cambridge International Guidance. In particular, heads of centre must familiarise themselves with paragraphs 5.1, 5.3 and 5.4.  
  • that relevant members of staff respond promptly to actions raised by the JCQ Centre Inspection Service/Cambridge International Inspections. Failure to do so could result in the centre not receiving or being able to access question papers and other confidential assessment materials. Ultimately, awarding bodies could withdraw approval of the centre.  
  • that relevant members of staff respond promptly to requests for information from awarding bodies relating to the administration and conducting of examinations/assessments.  
  • compliance with the published JCQ regulations and awarding body requirements to deliver the qualification(s)  
  • appropriate controls are in place which ensure accurate data is submitted to the awarding bodies by the required deadlines, e.g. entries, internally assessed marks  
  • all reasonable steps are taken to respond promptly to requests for information or documentation made by an awarding body or regulatory authority  
  • that all staff comply with the instructions in this policy  

The Head of Centre…   

  • Understands the contents, refers to and directs relevant centre staff to annually updated JCQ and Cambridge International publications documents including: 
  • In particular, ensures that they familiarise themselves with sections 5.1, 5.3 and 5.4 of the JCQ General Regulations for Approved Centres booklet.  
  • Ensures the centre has appropriate accommodation to support the size of the cohorts being taught including appropriate accommodation for candidates requiring access arrangements and/or practical assessments. 
  • Where/if using a third party to deliver any part of a qualification (including its assessments) at the centre:  
    • maintains oversight of, and responsibility for, the delivery of the qualification in accordance with JCQ and Cambridge International regulations and awarding body requirements  
    • has in place a written agreement with the third party (unless exclusions apply)to ensure there is a shared understanding of the arrangement and will manage the risk of failure by the third party to deliver the expected service 
    • ensures that a copy of the written agreement is available for inspection if requested by the awarding body 
  • Ensures that relevant members of staff respond promptly to actions raised by the JCQ and Cambridge International Centre Inspection Service, understanding that failure to do so could result in penalties.  
  • Ensures that the centre promptly reports any incidents to the relevant awarding body/bodies which might compromise any aspect of assessment delivery such as a cyber-attack 
  • Ensures other relevant centre staff where they may be involved in the receipt and dispatch of confidential exam materials are briefed on the requirements for maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of the exam materials 
  • Ensures members of centre staff do not forward emails and letters from awarding body or JCQ and Cambridge International personnel without prior consent to third parties or upload such correspondence onto social media sites and applications (including third party applications) 
  • Ensures members of centre staff do not advise parents/candidates to contact awarding bodies/JCQ and Cambridge International directly nor provide them with addresses/email addresses of examiners, moderators, external verifiers and any other awarding body examining/assessment personnel/JCQ/Cambridge International personnel 
  • advises on appeals and re-marks in conjunction with relevant staff 
  • reports all suspicions or actual incidents of malpractice  
  • reports conflicts of interest in the centre  
  • makes decisions, on the advice of Heads of Faculty, about whether or not to enter students for exams  
  • appoint an ENCO, or an equivalent member of staff, who will coordinate the access arrangements process within the centre and determine appropriate arrangements for candidates with learning difficulties and disabilities, candidates for whom English is an additional language, as well as those with a temporary illness or temporary injury 
  • ensures that learners have the correct information and advice on their selected qualification(s) in an accessible format and that the qualification(s) meet their needs (The recruitment process must include the centre assessing each potential learner and making justifiable and professional judgements about the learner’s potential to complete the examinations/assessments successfully and achieve the qualification(s). The centre’s assessment must identify, where appropriate, the support that will be made available to the learner to facilitate access to examinations/assessments)  
  • recognises its duties towards disabled candidates, including private candidates, ensuring compliance with all aspects of the Equality Act 2010 (This must include a duty to explore and provide access to suitable courses, through the access arrangements process submit applications for reasonable adjustments and make reasonable adjustments to the service the centre provides to disabled candidates. Where the centre is under a duty to make a reasonable adjustment, the centre must not charge a disabled candidate any additional fee in relation to the adjustment or aid)  
  • ensures that the ENCO undertakes the necessary and appropriate steps to gather a picture of need and demonstrate normal way of working for a private candidate such as a distance learner or a home educated student (The centre, where required, must lead on the assessment process. The candidate must be assessed by the centre’s appointed assessor. In some instances, depending on their needs, the candidate may have to be assessed away from the centre, for example at home. The centre must comply with the obligation to identify the need for, request and implement access arrangements)  
  • ensures that where a candidate with a learning difficulty requires an assessment of their needs, they are assessed by an appropriately qualified assessor as appointed by the head of centre (Evidence of the assessor’s qualification(s) must be obtained before they assess candidates and held on file for inspection)   Assistant 

Headteacher with responsibility for exams

  • Acts on behalf of the Head of Centre (Principal) to oversee the application of policies and procedures relating to the running of exams in the College 
  • Directs the work of the examinations officer 
  • Oversees and annual review of policies related to exams 
  • Attends relevant update meetings 
  • Understands the contents, refers to and directs relevant centre staff to annually updated JCQ and Cambridge International including documents:
  • Ensures teaching staff undertake key tasks, as detailed in this policy, within the exams process (exam cycle) and meet internal deadlines set by the EO and SENCO (or equivalent role) 
  • Ensures teaching staff keep themselves updated with awarding body subject and teacher-specific information to confirm effective delivery of qualifications 
  • Ensures teaching staff attend relevant awarding body training and update events Ensures it has in place the following policies/procedures for inspection that must be reviewed and updated annually:
    • Safeguarding Policy (available on website)  
    • Complaints Procedure (exams) – Appendix 7  
    • Conflicts of interest Policy – Appendix 10  
    • Privacy Policy ( to include data protection) (available on website)  
    • Data Protection Policy (Exams) – Appendix 18  
    • Equalities Policy – Appendix 6  
    • Contingency Plan – Appendix 2  
    • Internal Appeals Procedure – Appendix 5  
    • Malpractice Policy – Appendix 19  
    • Non-Examination Assessment/Coursework Policy – Appendix 13  
    • Whistleblowing Policy (Exams) – Appendix 8  
    • Word Processor Policy (Exams) – Appendix 11  
    • Access Arrangements Policy – Appendix 9  (See also Special Educational Needs (SEN) Policy available on website)  

Examinations Officer (EO)

  • Understands the contents of annually updated JCQ and Cambridge International publications including: 
  • Completes/submits the National Centre Number Register annual update (administered on behalf of the JCQ member awarding bodies by OCR https://ocr.org.uk/administration/ncn-annual-update/) by the end of October every year to confirm the centre’s contact details and informs of any changes (and follows the process required if any changes occur after the annual update has taken place) 
  • Is familiar with the contents of annually updated information from awarding bodies on administrative procedures, key tasks, key dates and deadlines 
  • Ensures key tasks are undertaken and key dates and deadlines met 
  • Recruits, trains and deploys a team of internal/external invigilators; appoints lead invigilators, as may be applicable to the centre and keeps a record of the content of training provided to invigilators for the required period 
  • Works with the ENCO (or equivalent role) to ensure invigilators supervising access arrangement candidates and those acting as a facilitator supporting access arrangement candidates fully understand the respective role and what is and what is not permissible in the exam room  
  • Supports the Head of Centre (Principal) in ensuring that awarding bodies are informed (where required) of any conflict of interest declared by members of centre staff and in maintaining internal records that confirm the measures taken/protocols in place to mitigate any potential risk to the integrity of the qualifications affected before the published deadline for entries for each examination series 
  • Briefs other relevant centre staff where they may be involved in the receipt and dispatch of confidential materials on the requirements for maintaining the integrity and security of confidential examination/ assessment materials

Heads of Department/Subject


  • Understands the contents, refers to and directs relevant centre staff to annually updated JCQ and Cambridge International documents including: Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments 
  • Leads on the access arrangements and reasonable adjustments process (referred to in this policy as ‘access arrangements’) 
  • If not the qualified access arrangements assessor, works with the person appointed, on all matters relating to assessing candidates and ensures the correct procedures are followed 
  • Presents when requested by a JCQ and Cambridge International Centre Inspector, evidence of the assessor’s qualification 
  • Ensures any applications for access arrangements or reasonable adjustments are submitted by the published deadline (The ENCO will hold on file appropriate documentary evidence to substantiate such an arrangement, which is open to inspection. For those qualifications covered by Access Arrangements Online, a JCQ Centre Inspector will sample a centre’s applications)  
  • Ensures a file is presented which must contain for each online application the downloaded approval for the respective arrangement(s), supporting evidence of need and a signed candidate data personal consent form (This information must be readily available for inspection at the venue where the candidate is taking the examination(s)  
  • Ensures requests for modified papers are submitted by the published deadline  
  • Ensures there are appropriate resources in place at the time of examinations/assessments to meet candidates’ needs, e.g. sufficient readers and scribes  


  • Undertake key tasks, as detailed in this policy, within the exams process and meet internal deadlines set by the examinations officer and ENCO (or equivalent role) 
  • Keep updated with awarding body subject and teacher-specific information to confirm effective delivery of qualifications 
  • Attend relevant awarding body training and update events


  • Attend/undertake training (on the current regulations), annual update, briefing and review sessions as required 
  • Provide information as requested on their availability to invigilate 
  • Sign a confidentiality and security agreement and confirm whether they have any current maladministration/malpractice sanctions applied to them

Office staff 

  • Support the examinations officer in the receipt and dispatch of confidential exam materials and follow the requirements for maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of the exam materials

Site staff 

  • Support the examinations officer in relevant matters relating to exam rooms and resources  


  • Where applicable in this policy, the term ‘candidates’ refers to students of the College 
  • Attend lessons and prepare for qualifications 
  • Complete NEA or coursework assignments 
  • Follow guidelines as set out in exam regulations 
  • Inform the College of any problems, issues or suspected malpractice 
  • Check exams timetable and attend exams as instructed 
  • Comply with the instructions of the examinations officer and invigilators 
  • Must be in Year 9 or above to enter a GCSE examination  

Recruitment, selection training and support of staff 

Jersey College for Girls... 

  • Retains a workforce of an appropriate size and competence, including sufficient managerial and other resource, to undertake the delivery of the qualification as required by an awarding body. This includes taking reasonable steps to ensure occupational competence where this is required for the assessment of specific qualifications 
  • Provides fully qualified teachers to mark non-examination assessments, and/or fully qualified assessors for the verification of centre-assessed components  
  • Ensures that teaching staff do not use artificial intelligence (AI) as the sole means or marking candidates’ work 
  • Enables the Assistant Headteacher, the examinations officer and the ENCO (or equivalent role) to receive appropriate training and support in order to facilitate the effective delivery of examinations and assessments within the centre, and ensure compliance with the published JCQ, awarding bodies and Cambridge International regulations  
  • Ensures that the ENCO (or equivalent role) understands the JCQ document Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments and is given sufficient time to both manage the access arrangements process within the centre. 
  • Ensures that the examinations officer understands relevant awarding body and JCQ documents and has sufficient time to perform their role 
  • Ensures that the  Assistant Headteacher who line manages exams familiarises themselves with relevant awarding body and JCQ documentation  
  • Ensures that teachers understand the relevant awarding body and JCQ documentation for the qualifications they are delivering to ensure they are delivered in line with relevant regulations

External and Internal governance arrangements 

  • Has in place a written escalation process (Appendix 1) should the Head of Centre (Principal) or the Assistant Headteacher with oversight of examinations, be absent 
  • Ensure Assistant Headteacher with oversight of examinations will provide effective line management, support and guidance to the examinations officer and ensure that the integrity and security of examinations and assessments is maintained throughout an examination series  
  • Ensures centre staff undertake key tasks within the exams process and meet internal deadlines set by the examinations officer C
  • an confirm to an awarding body the external governance arrangements so that the awarding body has confidence in the integrity of centre activities such as the delivery of qualifications and the conducting of examinations and assessments  
  • Makes sure that a teacher, a teaching assistant, a tutor or a senior member of centre staff who teaches the subject being examined or a Learning Support Assistant who has supported one or more candidates, is not an invigilator during the examination

Delivery of qualifications

  • Delivers qualifications, as required by the awarding body and in accordance with relevant equality legislation. This includes but is not limited to ensuring that qualifications are made available to all candidates capable of undertaking them and seeking and implementing reasonable adjustments for disabled candidates   
  • Enables candidates to receive sufficient and up to date practical experience, or relevant training where required by the subject concerned

Public liability 

  • Complies with local health and safety rules which are in place and that the centre is adequately covered for public liability claims

Security of assessment materials

  • Takes all reasonable steps to maintain the integrity of the examinations/assessments, including the security of all assessment materials, by ensuring: 
    • the security of all assessment material 
    • that assessment materials supplied to the centre by the awarding body, including pre-release materials and set assignments, and information about their contents are only shared with appropriate centre staff and candidates and are not shared outside the centre 
    • reporting immediately to the awarding body/bodies any potential or actual breach of examination or assessment materials 
    • the location of the centre’s secure storage facility in a secure room which must only be used for the purpose of administering secure examination materials 
    • the secure room only contains exam-related material 
    • there are up to three keyholders, each of whom must fully understand their responsibilities as a key holder to the secure storage facility 
    • access to the secure room and secure storage facility is restricted to the authorised keyholders and staff approved by the Head of Centre (Principal) are accompanied by a keyholder at all times 
    • appropriate arrangements are in place to ensure that confidential examination materials are only handed over to authorised members of centre staff 
    • appropriate arrangements are in place for handling secure electronic materials 
    • the relevant awarding body is immediately informed if the security of question papers or confidential supporting instructions is put at risk  
    • that when it is permitted to remove question paper packets from secure storage, and to avoid potential breaches of security, arrangements are in place to carefully check and record that the correct question paper packets are opened 
    • (If it is ever subsequently identified following this check that the wrong question paper packet has been opened, it will be resealed and the incident reported to the relevant awarding body’s Malpractice Investigation Team immediately) 
  • Makes arrangements to receive, check and store question papers and examination material safely and securely at all times and for as long as required in accordance with the current JCQ and Cambridge International instructions 
  • Makes arrangements to access, download, print (where appropriate) and store electronic assessment materials safely and securely at all times in accordance with section 4 of the current JCQ document Instructions for conducting examinations  
  • Makes arrangements to receive and issue material received from the awarding bodies to staff and candidates, and notify them of any advice and instructions relevant to the examinations and assessments 
  • Provides candidates access to relevant pre-release materials on, or as soon as possible after, the date specified by the awarding bodies  

National Centre Number Register and other information requirements 

  • Provides contact details as follows: 
    • a physical address to which all examination and assessment materials will be despatched – this must be the registered address of the centre 
    • a landline telephone number – this must be the number of the main office/ switchboard of the centre 
    • a contact email address for communications – this must be the school email address of the person or team responsible for the administration of examinations   
    • Note: Except for WJEC, if this is a shared email account it must not be used to access awarding body secure websites 
    • the name of the head of centre and their email address 
    • senior designated contact details (this might include a personal mobile number and/or email address) (These must be the contact details of someone who can be reached in an emergency if the centre is closed over the summer and who can mobilise resources to respond to the issue)   
    • Responds to the National Centre Number Register annual update by the end of October every year 
    • informs the National Centre Number Register Team immediately (email address – ncn@ocr.org.uk) if any changes occur after the National Centre Number Register annual update has taken place (This must be on centre headed stationery which can be sent as an email attachment including the signature of the head of centre) 
    • informs the National Centre Number Register Team (email address – ncn@ocr.org. uk) of any changes to relevant contact details no later than 6 weeks prior to moving to a new address or re-locating of the secure storage facility (This must be on centre headed stationery which can be sent as an email attachment) 
    • informs the National Centre Number Register Team immediately of any other changes in circumstances that could affect the centre’s status  
    • responds, by completing the Head of Centre Declaration, to the National Centre Number Register request for confirmation that they are aware of and adhering to the latest versions of the JCQ regulations, and does so no later than the end of October every year 
    • responds to any other reasonable requests made by the National Centre Number Register Team  
    • Understands that this responsibility for completing the Head of Centre declaration survey cannot be delegated to a member of the senior leadership team or the examinations officer, and acknowledges that failure to respond to the NCNR annual update, and/or the head of centre’s declaration, will result in: 
      • the centre status being suspended 
      • the centre not being able to submit examination entries 
      •  the centre not receiving or being able to access question papers 
      • and ultimately, awarding bodies could withdraw their approval of the centre  

Centre inspections 

  • Co-operates with the Cambridge International and JCQ Centre Inspection Service, an awarding body or a regulatory authority when subject to an inspection, an investigation or an unannounced visit 
  • Allows all venues used for examinations and assessments, paperwork and secure storage facilities to be open to inspection 
  • Understands the JCQ and Cambridge International Centre Inspector will identify themselves with a formal identity document and must be accompanied throughout their tour of the premises, including inspection of the centre’s secure storage facility

The exam cycle

The exams management and administration process that needs to be undertaken for each exam series is referred to as the exam cycle and relevant tasks which need to be undertaken before, during and after an exam series grouped into the following stages: 

  • planning 
  • entries 
  • pre-exams  
  • exam time 
  • results and post-results 

This policy identifies roles and responsibilities of centre staff within this cycle

Planning: roles and responsibilities

Secure materials

Head of Centre (Principal) 

  • Ensures the centre has a secure storage facility in a room solely assigned to examinations  

The secure room and the secure storage facility 

The secure room 

The secure room must only be used for the purpose of administering secure examination materials.  

Access to the secure room must be restricted to three key holders, one of whom must be the exams officer. The key holders must be permanent members of staff or members of staff who have a formal contract of employment and are subject to standard HR policies and procedures. 

The secure storage facility 

Access to the secure storage facility must be restricted to three key holders, one of whom must be the exams officer.  

The key holders must either be part of the exams team or the senior leadership team. A key holder from the exams team must be a permanent member of staff or a member of staff who has a formal contract of employment and is subject to standard HR policies and procedures.  

When the secure storage facility is being accessed for the storage and preparation of secure assessment materials the door to the secure room must be closed.  

Information sharing

Head of Centre (Principal) 

  • Directs relevant centre staff to annually updated JCQ and Cambridge International documents  

Examinations Officer 

  • Signposts relevant centre staff to JCQ and awarding body documentation relating to the examination/assessment process that have been updated 
  • Signposts relevant centre staff to JCQ and Cambridge International information that must be provided to candidates 
  • As the centre administrator, approves relevant access rights for centre staff to access awarding body secure extranet sites 

Information gathering

Examinations Officer

  • Undertakes an annual information gathering exercise in preparation for each new academic year to ensure data about all qualifications being delivered is up to date and correct 
  • Collates all information gathered into one central point of reference 
  • Researches awarding body guidance to identify administrative processes, key tasks, key dates and deadlines for all relevant qualifications 
  • Produces an annual exams plan of key tasks and key dates to ensure all external deadlines can be effectively met; informs key centre staff of internal deadlines 
  • Collects information on internal examinations/assessments to enable preparation for and conduct of mock examinations/assessments 

Heads of Department/Subject 

  • Respond (or ensure teachers respond) to requests from the examinations officer on information gathering 
  • Meet the internal deadline for the return of information 
  • Inform the examinations officer of any changes to information in a timely manner minimising the risk of late or other penalty fees being incurred by an awarding body 
  • Note the internal deadlines in the annual exams plan and directs teachers to meet these  the internal deadlines in the annual exams plan and directs teachers to meet these 

Access arrangements

Head of Centre (Principal) 

  • Ensures the centre has documented processes in place relating to access arrangements and reasonable adjustments 
  • Ensures the ENCO (or equivalent role) is fully supported in effectively implementing access arrangements and reasonable adjustments once approved

ENCO (or equivalent role)

  • Assesses candidates (or works with the appropriately qualified assessor as appointed by the Head of Centre (Principal)) to identify access arrangements/reasonable adjustments requirements 
  • Gathers evidence to support the need for access arrangements for a candidate 
  • Liaises with teachers to gather evidence of normal way of working for a candidate 
  • Determines candidate eligibility for arrangements or adjustments that are centre-delegated 
  • Gathers signed Personal data consent forms from candidates where required and ensures Data protection confirmation(s) by the examinations officer or ENCO are completed 
  • Applies for approval using Access arrangements online (AAO) via the Centre Admin Portal (CAP), where required or through the awarding body where qualifications sit outside the scope of AAO 
  • Keeps a file for each candidate for JCQ and Cambridge International inspection purposes containing all the required documentation (if documentation is stored electronically, an e-folder must be created for each individual candidate. The candidate’s e-folder must hold each of the required documents for inspection)  
  • Employs good practice in relation to the Equality Act 2010 
  • Liaises with the examinations officer regarding exam time arrangements for access arrangement candidates  
  • Ensures staff appointed to facilitate access arrangements for candidates are thoroughly trained and understand the rules of the particular arrangement(s) and keeps a record of the content of training provided to facilitators for the required period 
  • Works with the examinations officer to ensure invigilators and those acting as a facilitator fully understand the respective role and what is and what is not permissible in the exam room  
  • Liaises with the relevant member of the Heads of Department/Subject on the centre’s policy on the use of word processors in examinations. Please refer to the College’s Word Processor Policy (Exams) – see Appendix 11 
  • Ensures criteria for candidates granted alternative rooming arrangements within the centre is clear, meets JCQ and Cambridge International regulations and best meets the needs of individual candidates and remaining candidates in main exam rooms. See Alternative Rooming Arrangements Policy – Appendix 12  

Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for exams

  • Poduces a word processor policy, specific to the centre, which details the criteria the centre uses to award and allocate word processors for examinations (See Appendix 11)

Heads of Department/Subject, Teachers 

  • Support the ENCO (or equivalent role) in determining and implementing appropriate access arrangements/reasonable adjustments

Internal assessments and endorsements

Head of Centre (Principal) 

Controlled assessments, coursework and non-examination assessments

  • Ensures that where candidates are taking non-examination assessments, teaching staff check that the tasks and approach being taken are appropriate and in line with ethical standards and the centre’s safeguarding responsibilities 
  • Ensures awarding bodies are notified of a consortium of centres with joint teaching arrangements for qualifications (This will allow the candidates for each specification to be treated as a single group for the moderation of centre- assessed work. This is only required if two or more member centres will be entering candidates for work that is centre-assessed) 
  • Ensures only current assessment materials/tasks are used to assess candidates’ knowledge and skills (in cases where the awarding body provides such material) 
  • Before submitting marks to the awarding body ensures candidates are informed of their centre assessed marks and allows a candidate to request a review of the centre’s marking 
  • Ensures that all associated administrative tasks are completed in an accurate and timely manner, e.g. marks are correctly calculated, recorded and submitted by the published date (It is the responsibility of the centre to carefully check the marks it is submitting to an awarding body) 
  • Ensures submission of centre-assessed marks and moderation samples, if required by the awarding body, by the published date (It is the responsibility of the centre to ensure that moderators receive the correct samples of work to review) 
  • Ensures a written internal appeals procedure relating to internal assessment decisions is in place and ensures that details of this procedure are communicated, made widely available and accessible to all candidates – See Appendix 5 
  • Ensures a written policy regarding the management of non-examination assessments, including controlled assessments and coursework is in place – See Appendix 13 
  • Ensures that candidates’ work is backed-up and considers the contingency of candidates’ work being backed-up on SharePoint thus ensuring it is backed-up offsite  

Heads of Subject/Department 

  • Ensure teachers have the necessary and appropriate knowledge, understanding, skills, and training to set tasks, conduct task taking, and to assess, mark and authenticate candidates’ work (including where relevant, private candidates) 
  • Ensure appropriate internal moderation, standardisation and verification processes are in place 
  • Ensure teachers delivering relevant qualifications follow JCQ Instructions for conducting coursework and the specification provided by the awarding body  
  • Ensure teachers delivering GCE & GCSE specifications (which include components of non-examination assessment) follow JCQ and Cambridge International Instructions for conducting non-examination assessments and the specification provided by the awarding body 
  • For other qualifications, ensure teachers follow appropriate instructions issued by the awarding body  
  • Ensure teachers inform candidates of their centre assessed marks as a candidate may request a review of the centre’s marking before marks are submitted to the awarding body following the College’s procedure (Appendix 5)


  • Ensure appropriate instructions for conducting internal assessment are followed 
  • Ensure candidates are aware of JCQ and awarding body information for candidates on producing work that is internally assessed (coursework, non-examination assessments, social media) prior to assessments taking place 
  • Ensure candidates are informed of their centre assessed marks (using the appropriate College procedure – Appendix 5) as a candidate may request a review of the centre’s marking before marks are submitted to the awarding body

Examinations Officer

  • Identifies relevant key dates and administrative processes that need to be followed in relation to internal assessment 
  • Signposts teachers to relevant JCQ and Cambridge International Information for candidates documents that are annually updated


Head of Centre (Principal) 

  • Ensures relevant support is provided to the examination officer in recruiting, training and deploying a team of invigilators
  • Ensures, if contracting supply staff to act as invigilators, that such persons are competent and fully trained, understanding what is and what is not permissible (and not taking on its own an assurance from a recruitment agency, that this is the case) 
  • Determines if additional invigilators will be deployed in timed Art exams in addition to the subject teacher to ensure the supervision of candidates is maintained at all times 
  • Ensures that, wherever possible a teacher, a teaching assistant, a tutor or a senior member of centre staff who teaches the subject being examined or a Learning Support Assistant who has supported one or more candidates is not an invigilator during the examination 

Examinations Officer 

  • Recruits additional invigilators where required to effectively cover all exam periods/series’ throughout the academic year 
  • Collects information on new recruits to identify if they have invigilated previously and if any current maladministration/malpractice sanctions are applied to them 
  • Provides thorough training for new invigilators on the current instructions for conducting examinations and an annual update for the existing invigilation team so that they are aware of any changes in a new academic year before they are allocated to invigilate an exam 
  • Ensures invigilators supervising access arrangement candidates understand their role (and the role of a facilitator who may be supporting a candidate) and the rules and regulations of the access arrangement(s) 
  • Ensures invigilators are briefed on the access arrangement candidates in their exam room and made aware of the access arrangement(s) awarded (ensuring these candidates are identified on the seating plan) and confirms invigilators understand what is and what is not permissible  
  • Ensures invigilators complete an annual declaration. See Appendix 14 
  • Collects evaluation of training to inform future events

Entries: roles and responsibilities 

Head of Centre (Principal)

  • Ensures the centre’s obligations as detailed in the regulations are met.

Estimated entries 

Examinations Officer

  • Requests estimated or early entry information, where this may be required by awarding bodies, from HoDs in a timely manner to ensure awarding body external deadlines for submission can be met

Heads of Department/Subject 

  • Provide entry information requested by the examinations officer to the internal deadline 
  • Inform the examinations officer immediately of any subsequent changes to entry information

Final entries 

Head of Centre (Principal) 

  • Ensures appropriate controls are in place which allow accurate data to be submitted to the awarding bodies, e.g. entries

Examinations Officer 

  • Requests final entry information from HoDs/HoSs in a timely manner to ensure awarding body external deadlines for submission can be met 
  • Informs HoDs/HoSs of subsequent deadlines for making changes to final entry information without charge 
  • Submits registrations, examination entries and certification claims by the deadline(s) and complies with the requirements of the specification including any terminal rules which need to be met at the point of certification 
  • Confirms with HoDs/HoSs final entry information that has been submitted to awarding bodies 
  • Ensures as far as possible that entry processes minimise the risk of entries or registrations being missed reducing the potential for late or other penalty being charged by awarding bodies 
  • Observes each awarding body’s terms and conditions for the entry and withdrawal of candidates for their examinations and assessments, and observes any regulatory requirements for the qualification  

Heads of Department/Subject 

  • Provide information requested by the examinations officer to the internal deadline 
  • Inform the examinations officer immediately, or at the very least prior to the deadlines, of any subsequent changes to final entry information, which includes 
    • changes to candidate personal details 
    • amendments to existing entries 
    • withdrawals of existing entries 
  • Check final entry submission information provided by the examinations officer and confirms information is correct  

Entry fees

Please refer to Appendix 15 for information relating to entry fees.

Late entries

Examinations Officer 

  • Has clear entry procedures in place to minimise the risk of late entries 
  • Charges any late or other penalty fees to departmental budgets

Heads of Department/Subject 

  • Minimise the risk of late entries by 
    • following procedures identified by the examinations officer in relation to making final entries on time 
    • meeting internal deadlines identified by the examinations officer for making final entries 

Candidate statements of entry 

Examinations Officer 

  • Provides candidates with statements of entry for checking


  • Ensure candidates check statements of entry and return any relevant confirmation required to the examinations officer 


  • Confirm entry information is correct or notify the examinations officer of any discrepancies

Pre-exams: roles and responsibilities

Head of Centre (Principal) 

  • Ensures the centre’s obligations as detailed in the regulations are met. (With reference to GR 5.8 Candidate information)

Access arrangements and reasonable adjustments 

ENCO (or equivalent role)

  • Ensures appropriate arrangements, adjustments and adaptations are in place to facilitate access to exams/assessments for candidates where they are disabled within the meaning of the Equality Act (unless a temporary emergency arrangement is required at the time of an exam) 
  • Ensures a candidate is involved in any decisions about arrangements, adjustments and /or adaptations that may be put in place for him/her 
  • Ensures exam information (JCQ and Cambridge International information for candidates documents, individual exam timetable etc.) is adapted where this may be required for a candidate to access it 
  • Allocates appropriately trained centre staff to facilitate access arrangements for candidates in exams and assessments (ensuring that the facilitator appointed meets JCQ and Cambridge International requirements and fully understands the rule of the access arrangement)

Briefing candidates

Examinations Officer 

  • Issues individual exam timetable information to candidates and informs candidates of any designated contingency sessions awarding bodies may identify in the event of national or significant local disruption to exams  
  • Prior to exams. issues relevant JCQ and Cambridge International information for candidates documents (coursework, non- examination assessments, on-screen tests, social media and written examinations) and awarding body privacy notices. 
  • Where relevant, issues relevant awarding body information to candidates 
  • Issues centre exam information to candidates including information on: 
    • exam timetable clashes 
    • arriving late for an exam 
    • absence or illness during exams 
    • what equipment is/is not provided by the centre 
    • food and drink in exam rooms 
    • unauthorised items in exam rooms 
    • when and how results will be issued and the staff that will be available 
    • post-results services information and how the centre will deal with requests from candidates 
    • when and how certificates will be issued

Dispatch of exam scripts 

Examinations Officer 

  • Identifies and confirms arrangements for the dispatch of candidate exam scripts in accordance with awarding body guidelines

Estimated grades 

Heads of Department/Subject 

  • Ensure teachers provide estimated grade information to the examinations officer by the internal deadline (where this still may be required by the awarding body)

Examinations Officer 

  • Submits estimated grade information to awarding bodies to meet the external deadline (where this may still be required by the awarding body) 
  • Keeps a record to track what has been sent  

Internal assessment and endorsements 

Head of Centre (Principal) 

  • Ensures procedures are in place for candidates to appeal internal assessment decisions and make requests for reviews of marking  

ENCO (or equivalent role)

  • Liaises with teachers to implement appropriate access arrangements for candidates undertaking internal assessments and practical endorsements


  • Support the ENCO (or equivalent role) in implementing appropriate access arrangements for candidates undertaking internal assessments and practical endorsements 
  • Assess and authenticate candidates’ work  
  • Assess endorsed components 
  • Ensure candidates are informed of centre assessed marks prior to marks being submitted to awarding bodies

Heads of Department/Subject

  • Ensure teachers assess and authenticate candidates’ work to the awarding body requirements 
  • Ensure teachers assess endorsed components according to awarding body requirements 
  • Ensure teachers provide marks for internally assessed components and grades for endorsements of qualifications to the examinations officer to the internal deadline 
  • Ensure teachers provide required samples of work for moderation and sample recordings for monitoring to the examinations officer to the internal deadline

Examinations Officer 

  • Submits marks, endorsement grades and samples to awarding bodies/moderators/monitors to meet the external deadline 
  • Keeps a record to track what has been sent  
  • Logs moderated samples returned to the centre   
  • Ensures teachers are aware of the requirements in terms of retention and subsequent disposal of candidates’ work


  • Authenticate their work as required by the awarding body


Examinations Officer 

  • Provides an annually reviewed/updated invigilator handbook to invigilators, trains new invigilators on the current regulations on appointment and updates the existing invigilation team on an annual basis of any regulation changes and any changes to centre-specific arrangements 
  • Deploys invigilators effectively to exam rooms throughout an exam series (including the provision of a roving invigilator where a candidate and invigilator (acting as a practical assistant, prompter, reader or scribe) are accommodated on a 1:1 basis to enter the room at regular intervals in order to observe the conducting of the exam, ensure all relevant rules are being adhered to and to support the practical assistant/reader and/or scribe in maintaining the integrity of the exam) 
  • Allocates invigilators to exam rooms (or where supervising candidates due to a timetable clash) according to the required ratios 
  • Liaises with the ENCO (or equivalent role) regarding the facilitation and invigilation of access arrangement candidates

ENCO (or equivalent role)

  • Liaises with the examinations officer regarding facilitation and invigilation of access arrangement candidates


  • Provide information as requested on their availability to invigilate throughout an exam series

Centre Inspections 

Examinations Officer or Senior leader 

  • Will accompany the Inspector throughout a visit 

ENCO (or equivalent role) or relevant Senior leader (in the absence of the ENCO) 

  • Will meet with the inspector when requested to provide documentary evidence regarding access arrangement candidates and address any questions the inspector may raise 
  • Ensures that information is readily available for inspection at the venue where the candidate is taking the exam(s)

Seating and identifying candidates in exam rooms 

Examinations Officer     

  • Ensures a procedure is in place to verify the identity of all candidates. This is usually by way of a card with the candidate number and photograph on each desk. Should an invigilator need to verify the identity of a candidate, a member of the senior leadership team should be called. 
  • Ensures invigilators are aware of the procedure 
  • Provides seating plans for exam rooms according to JCQ and awarding body requirements (and ensures candidates with access arrangements are identified on the seating plan and invigilators are informed of those candidates with access arrangements and made aware of the access arrangement(s) awarded)  warded)


  • Follow the procedure for verifying candidate identity provided by the examinations officer 
  • Seat candidates in exam rooms as instructed by the examinations officer/on the seating plan

Security of exam materials 

Examinations Officer 

  • Confirms appropriate arrangements are in place to ensure that confidential materials are only handed over to those authorised by the Head of Centre (Principal)  
  • Ensures access to the secure room is restricted and staff approved by the Head of Centre (Principal) are accompanied by a keyholder at all times.  
  • Has a process in place to demonstrate the receipt, secure movement and secure storage of confidential exam materials within the centre 
  • Ensures a log is kept at the initial point of delivery recording confidential materials received and signed for by authorised staff within the centre and that appropriate arrangements are in place for confidential materials to be immediately transferred to the secure storage facility until they can be removed from the dispatch packaging and checked in the secure room before being returned to the secure storage facility in timetable order 
  • Carefully checks question paper packets when they are removed from the dispatch packing and keeps a log of the check  
  • Ensures the secure storage facility contains only current and live confidential material (ensuring that past examination question papers, internal tests and mock examinations are not kept in the centre’s secure storage facility)  
  • Ensures that examination stationery, e.g. answer booklets and formula booklets are stored in the secure room (attempting to store this material in the secure storage facility, when sufficient space allows)  
  • Ensures the integrity and security of any electronic question paper is maintained during the downloading, printing and collating process (ensuring printing is carried out in a secure environment at the centre to prevent unauthorised personnel accessing live assessment materials and ensuring only authorised members of centre staff have access to electronic question paper materials). At least two and no more than six members of centre staff should be authorised to handle secure electronic materials, one of whom must be the exams officer. Other members of centre staff may assist with printing and collation provided they are under supervision.  

Office staff  

  • Follow the process to log confidential materials delivered to/received by the centre to the point materials are issued to authorised staff for transferal to the secure storage facility


  • Adhere to the process to record the secure movement of confidential materials taken from or returned to secure storage throughout the time the material is confidential

Timetabling and rooming 

Examinations Officer 

  • Produces a master centre exam timetable for each exam series 
  • Identifies and resolves candidate exam timetable clashes according to the regulations (only applying overnight supervision arrangements as a last resort, once all other options have been exhausted and according to the centre’s policy). See Overnight Supervision Arrangements Policy – Appendix 16 
  • Identifies exam rooms and specialist equipment requirements 
  • Allocates invigilators to exam rooms (or where supervising candidates due to an exam timetable clash) according to required ratios 
  • Liaises with site staff to ensure exam rooms are set up according to JCQ and awarding body requirements 
  • Liaises with the ENCO regarding rooming of access arrangement candidates

ENCO (or equivalent role) 

  • Liaises with the examinations officer regarding rooming of access arrangement candidates 
  • Liaises with other relevant centre staff to ensure appropriate arrangements, adjustments and adaptations are in place to facilitate access for disabled candidates to exams

Site staff  

  • Liaise with the examinations officer to ensure exam rooms are set up according to JCQ and awarding body requirements

Alternative site arrangements 

Examinations Officer 

  • Where/if applicable to the centre) Ensures question papers will only be taken to an alternative site where the published criteria for an alternative site arrangement has been met 
  • Will inform the JCQ Centre Inspection Service and Cambridge International to timescale by submitting am Alternative Site arrangement notification using online form CAP (or through the awarding body where a qualification may sit outside the scope of CAP) of any alternative sites that will be used to conduct timetabled examination components of the qualifications.

Centre consortium arrangements 

Examinations Officer 

  • Processes applications for Centre Consortium arrangements using CAP to the awarding body deadline (or through the awarding body where a qualification may sit outside the scope of CAP)

Heads of Department/Subject 

  • Inform the examinations officer of any joint teaching arrangements in place and where the centre is acting as the consortium co-ordinator

Transferred candidate arrangements

Examinations Officer 

  • Liaises with the host or entering centre, as required 
  • Processes requests for Transferred Candidate arrangements using CAP to the awarding body deadline (or through the awarding body where a qualification may sit outside the scope of CAP) 
  • Where relevant (for an internal candidate) informs the candidate of the arrangements that have been made for their transferred candidate arrangement

Internal exams / assessments 

Examinations Officer 

  • Prepares for the conduct of internal exams/assessments under external conditions (where applicable to the centre) 
  • Provides a centre exam timetable of subjects and rooms 
  • Provides seating plans for exam rooms 
  • Requests internal exam papers from teachers 
  • Arranges invigilation (where applicable to the centre)

ENCO (or equivalent role) 

  • Liaises with teachers to make appropriate arrangements for access arrangement candidates


  • Provide exam papers and materials to the examinations officer 
  • Support the ENCO in making appropriate arrangements for access arrangement candidates

Exam time: roles and responsibilities 

Head of centre (Principal) 

  • Ensures the centre’s obligations as detailed in the regulations are met.  

Access arrangements 

Examinations Officer

  • Provides cover sheets for access arrangement candidates’ scripts where required for particular arrangements 
  • Has a process in place to deal with emergency/temporary access arrangements as they arise at the time of exams 
  • Liaises with the ENCO (or equivalent role) for approval through AAO where required or through the awarding body where qualifications sit outside the scope of AAO  

Candidate absence/late arrival 

Please adhere to the following procedure in the case of a student failing to attend an exam: 

  1. Invigilator to send a message to the Office if student is not present at the start of an exam. 
  2. Office to call home / student’s mobile number to ascertain whether or not student is running late or has decided not to take the exam. 
  3. If student has decided not to take the exam, examinations officer and parent to be informed. 
  4. Examinations officer to inform subject teacher and call student to ensure that they are aware of the consequences of not taking the exam. 
  5. If the student arrives up to one hour after the start of the exam for an exam lasting longer than one hour, they can start the exam late and receive the full time allowance for that exam. 
  6. If the student arrives ‘very late’ (for Exams of less than one hour this would mean arriving after the published finishing time for this exam; for Exams of more than one hour this would mean arriving more than an hour after the published starting time for this exam) the student may be allowed to sit the examination at the discretion of the examinations officer but the relevant JCQ/Cambridge International declaration form would need to be completed and JCQ/Cambridge International may subsequently decide not to accept the exam script.


  • Are informed of the policy/process for dealing with absent candidates through training 
  • Ensure that confirmed absent candidates are clearly marked as such on the attendance register and seating plan


  • Are re-charged relevant entry fees for unauthorised absence from exams 

Examinations Officer 

  • Ensures that candidates who arrive very late for an exam are reported to the awarding body by submitting a report on candidate admitted very late to examination room using CAP to timescale 
  • Warns candidates that their script may not be accepted by the awarding body


  • Are informed of the policy/process for dealing with late/very late arrival candidates through training 
  • Ensure that relevant information is recorded on the exam room incident log  

Conducting exams 

Head of Centre (Principal) 

  • Ensures venues used for conducting exams meet the requirements of JCQ and awarding bodies

Examinations Officer 

  • Ensures exams are conducted according to JCQ and awarding body instructions 
  • Uses an exam day checklist to ensure each exam session is fully prepared for, unplanned events can be dealt with and associated follow-up is completed

Dispatch of exam scripts 

Examinations Officer 

  • Dispatches scripts as instructed by JCQ and awarding bodies 
  • Keeps appropriate records to track dispatch

Exam papers and materials 

Examinations Officer 

  • Organises exam question papers and associated confidential resources in date order in the secure storage facility 
  • Attaches erratum notices received to relevant sealed question paper packets 
  • Collates attendance registers and examiner details in date order 
  • Regularly checks mail or email inbox for updates from awarding bodies 
  • In order to avoid potential breaches of security, ensures care is taken to ensure the correct question paper packets are opened by ensuring a member of centre staff, additional to the person removing the papers from secure storage, e.g. an invigilator, checks the day, date, time, subject, unit/component and tier of entry, if appropriate, immediately before a question paper packet is opened 
  • Ensures this additional/second pair of eyes check is recorded 
  • Where allowed by the awarding body, only releases exam papers and materials to teaching departments for teaching and learning purposes after the published finishing time of the exam, or until any timetable clash candidates have completed the exam

Exam rooms 

Head of Centre (Principal) 

  • Ensures that internal tests, mock exams, revision or coaching sessions are not conducted in a room ‘designated’ as an exam room  
  • Ensures that when a room is ‘designated’ as an exam room it is not used for any purpose other than conducting external exams  
  • Ensures only approved centre staff (who have not taught the subject being examined) are present in exam rooms to perform permitted tasks 
  • Ensures the centre’s policy relating to food and drink that may be allowed in exam rooms is clearly communicated to candidates  
  • Ensures the centre’s policy on candidates leaving the exam room temporarily is clearly communicated to candidates

Food and Drink (Exams) 

  • Generally, candidates should not bring food into the examination room 
  • If they do need food, they should ask the examinations officer in advance 
  • The examinationss officer should discuss the types of food (non-noisy) that could be brought in if needed and its packaging (clear with no labelling) 
  • Students may bring water in a clear bottle that does not have a label. Any labels on bottles will be removed.

Leaving the Examination Room   

  • At Jersey College for Girls, candidates are expected to remain in the exam room for the full time of the exam.  
  • Candidates must be supervised if they leave the exam room.  
  • If a candidate leaves without being supervised, they will not be allowed to continue their exam. 
  • If students need to leave due to illness, they must not communicate with other students. Students must be under exam conditions. If the student feels well enough to continue, they will get the missed time added onto their exam finish time.  
  • Students who need the toilet will be escorted, they will not have the time missed added back onto their exam. 
  • For Cambridge International Exams, Candidates cannot leave the examination room completely until after the Key Time of the examination, unless the school keeps them under Full Centre Supervision until the Key Time. Candidates also cannot leave the examination room completely until instructed to do so by the examinations officer/invigilator.

Examinations Officer 

  • Ensures exam rooms are set up and conducted as required in the regulations 
  • Provides invigilators with appropriate resources to effectively conduct exams 
  • Briefs invigilators on exams to be conducted on a session by session basis (including the arrangements in place for any transferred candidates and access arrangement candidates) 
  • Ensures sole invigilators have an appropriate means of summoning assistance (if this is a mobile phone, instructs the invigilator that the mobile phone is only allowed to be used for this specific purpose and that it must be kept on silent mode) 
  • Ensures invigilators understand they must be vigilant and remain aware of incidents or emerging situations, looking out for malpractice or candidates who may be in distress, recording any incidents or issues on the exam room incident log 
  • Ensures invigilators understand how to deal with candidates who may need to leave the exam room temporarily and how this should be recorded on the exam room incident log 
  • Provides authorised exam materials which candidates are not expected to provide themselves 
  • Ensures invigilators and candidates are aware of the emergency evacuation procedure 
  • Ensures invigilators are aware of arrangements in place for a candidate with a disability who may need assistance if an exam room is evacuated 
  • Ensure a documented emergency evacuation procedure for exam rooms is in place  Ensure arrangements are in place for a candidate with a disability who may need assistance if an exam room is evacuated For Emergency Evacuation Policy (Exams) – see Appendix 4

Site staff 

  • Ensure exam rooms are available and set up as requested by the examinations officer 
  • Ensure grounds or centre maintenance work does not disturb exam candidates in exam rooms 
  • Ensure fire alarm testing does not take place during exam sessions


  • Conduct exams in every exam room according to JCQ and Cambridge International Instructions for conducting examinations and/or awarding body requirements and as instructed by the centre in training/update and briefing sessions


  • Are required to follow the instructions given to them in exam rooms by authorised centre staff and invigilators Are required to remain in the exam room for the full duration of the exam  

 Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for exams 

  • Ensures a documented emergency evacuation procedure for exam rooms is in place  
  • Ensure arrangements are in place for a candidate with a disability who may need assistance if an exam room is evacuated (see Appendix 4) 
  • Ensures a procedure is in place in case of an emergency invacuation (lockdown) (see Appendix 3) 


Head of Centre (Principal) 

  • Ensures (as required by an awarding body) any cases of alleged, suspected or actual incidents of malpractice or maladministration before, during or after examinations/assessments (by centre staff, candidates, invigilators) are investigated and reported to the awarding body immediately, by completing the appropriate documentation

Managing Behaviour (Exams)

Jersey College for Girls expects students to conduct themselves well at all times, including when in exams. This section of the policy should be seen in conjunction with the College’s Improving Behaviour Policy.  

In the unlikely situation of a student’s behaviour causing a concern when in an exam, the invigilator should firstly remove the student from the exam room, try to resolve the situation, return the student to the exam room and keep a note of the incident. They should then inform the examinations officer.  

If the issue cannot be resolved by the invigilator, the examinations officer should be called. They should speak with the student and try to resolve the situation. If necessary, this might require the student to take the exam in another room.  

If further escalation is required, the Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for exams should be called (or another member of the senior leadership team).  

In all cases, any incident should be noted by the examinations officer and recorded as appropriate.

Heads of Department/Subject 

  • Ensure support is provided for the examinations officer and invigilators when dealing with disruptive candidates in exam rooms 
  • Ensure that internal disciplinary procedures relating to candidate behaviour are instigated, when appropriate

Examinations Officer 

  • Provides an exam room incident log in all exam rooms for recording any incidents or irregularities  
  • Actions any required follow-up and reports to awarding bodies as soon as practically possible after the exam has taken place  


  • Record any incidents or irregularities on the exam room incident log (for example, late/very late arrival, candidate or centre staff suspected malpractice, candidate illness or needing to leave the exam room temporarily, disruption or disturbance in the exam room, emergency evacuation)

Special consideration – see also Special Consideration Policy – Appendix 17 

Heads of Department/Faculty/School/SLT 

  • Support eligible applications for special consideration by signing appropriate evidence

Examinations Officer 

  • Processes eligible applications for special consideration to awarding bodies  
  • Gathers evidence which may need to be provided by other staff in centre or candidates Submits requests to awarding bodies to the external deadline


  • Provide appropriate evidence to support special consideration applications, where required

Unauthorised items 

  • Unauthorised items taken into the examination room must be handed to an invigilator and placed on the front desk. They may be collected after the examination papers have been collected and candidates dismissed. If an invigilator cannot retain the item, it will be taken to the College office for collection after the exam.


  • Are informed of the arrangements through training

Internal exams/Assessments

Examinations Officer 

  • Briefs invigilators on conducting internal exams 
  • Returns candidate scripts to teachers for marking  


  • Conduct internal exams as briefed by the examinations officer

Results and post-results: roles and responsibilities 

Head of centre (Principal) 

  • Ensures the centre’s obligations as detailed in the regulations are met.

Internal assessment 

Heads of Department/Subject 

  • Ensures teachers keep candidates’ work, whether part of the moderation sample or not, secure and for the required period stated by JCQ and awarding bodies 
  • Ensures work is returned to candidates after the retention period or disposed of according to the requirements

Managing results day(s)

 The Head of Centre (Principal) 

  • Identify centre staff who will be involved in the main summer results day(s) and their role 
  • Ensure senior members of staff are accessible to candidates immediately after the publication of results so that results may be discussed and decisions made on the submission of any requests for post-results services and ensure candidates are informed of the periods during which centre staff will be available so that they may plan accordingly

Examinations Officer 

  • Works with Heads of Department/Subject to ensure procedures for managing the main summer results day(s) (a results day programme) are in place  

Site staff  

  • Ensure the centre is open and accessible to centre staff and candidates, as required for the collection of results

Accessing results 

Head of Centre (Principal) 

  • Ensures results are kept entirely confidential and restricted to key members of staff until the official dates and times of release of results to candidates 
  • Understands that it is not permitted to withhold provisional results from candidates under any circumstances  

Examinations Officer 

  • Informs candidates in advance of when and how results will be released to them for each exam series 
  • Accesses results from awarding bodies under restricted release of results, where this is provided by the awarding body 
  • Resolves any missing or incomplete results with awarding bodies 
  • Issues statements of results to candidates on issue of results date 
  • Provides summaries of results for relevant centre staff on issue of results date

Post-results services 

Review of marking (ROM) and access to scripts (ATS) 

Results - Students will collect their results from College on results day. All results are emailed to students during that day. Results cannot be collected by a third party. Arrangements for the school to be open on results days are made by the Head of Centre. 

The provision of staff on results days is the responsibility of the Head of Centre. 

Review of marking (ROMs) - ROMs may be requested by centre staff or students, in consultation with their subject teacher, if there are reasonable grounds for believing there has been an error in marking. Students usually pay for ROMs themselves. 

Access to Scripts (ATS) - After the release of results, students may ask subject staff to request the return of papers or may request themselves within the allotted time. Centre staff may also request scripts for investigation or for teaching purposes. For the latter, the consent of students must be obtained. If it is used with other students, the script must be anonymised. Review of marking cannot be applied for once a script has been returned.

Head of Centre (Principal) 

  • Ensures an internal appeals procedure is available where candidates disagree with any centre decision not to support a clerical re-check, a review of marking, a review of moderation or an appeal 
  • Ensures that senior members of centre staff are available immediately after the publication of results 
  • Understands that if the centre has concerns about one of its component/subject cohorts, then requests for reviews of marking should be submitted for all candidates believed to be affected (candidate consent is required as marks and subject grades may be lowered, confirmed or raised)

Examinations Officer 

  • Provides information to candidates and staff on the services provided by awarding bodies and the fees charged (see also above Briefing candidates and Access to Scripts, Reviews of Results and Appeals Procedures
  • Publishes internal deadlines for requesting the services to ensure the external deadlines can be effectively met 
  • Provides a process to record requests for services and to collect candidate informed consent (after the publication of results) and fees where relevant 
  • Submits requests to awarding bodies to meet the external deadline for the particular service 
  •  requests to conclusion and informs candidates and relevant centre staff of outcomes 
  • Updates centre results information, where applicable  


  • Meet internal deadlines to request the services and gain relevant candidate informed consent 
  • Identify the budget to which fees should be charged  


  • Meet internal deadlines to request the services
  • Provide informed consent and fees, where relevant

Analysis of results 

Data Analyst 

  • Provides analysis of results to appropriate centre staff 
  • Provides results information to external organisations where required


Certificates are provided to centres by awarding bodies after results have been confirmed. These will usually be posted to candidates.

Retention of records: roles and responsibilities 

Examinations Officer

  • Keeps records as required by JCQ and awarding bodies for the required period  
  • Keeps records as required by the centre’s records management policy 
  • Provides guidance on what information should be held, retention period and method of disposal 

Appendix 1 - Escalation Process

Purpose of the process 

In terms of internal governance arrangements, it is the responsibility of the head of centre to ensure that the College has in place a written escalation process should the head of centre, or a member of the senior leadership team with oversight of examination administration, be absent.  

This process confirms the main duties and responsibilities to be escalated.  

This process also supports the College being able to confirm to an awarding body the external governance arrangements so that the awarding body has confidence in the integrity of centre activities such as the delivery of qualifications and the conducting of examinations and assessments. 

Before examinations (Planning) 

In the event of the absence of the head of centre or the member of senior leadership with oversight of examination administration, responsibility for implementing JCQ regulations and requirements relating to activity prior to examinations will be escalated to another Assistant Headteacher. 

To support understanding of the regulations and requirements, the following JCQ/Cambridge International publications will be referenced: 

  • General Regulations for Approved Centres  
  • Instructions for conducting examinations  
  • Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments 
  • Instructions for conducting coursework 
  • Instructions for conducting non-examination assessments 
  • Suspected Malpractice – Policies and Procedures 
  • A guide to the special consideration process

Main duties and responsibilities relate to: 

  • Third party arrangements 
  • Centre status  
  • Confidentiality  
  • Resilience and contingency arrangements 
  • Cyber security 
  • Communication  
  • Centre management: 
    • Recruitment, selection, training and support of staff  
    • External and internal governance arrangements 
    • Delivery of qualifications 
    • Public liability 
    • Conflicts of interest 
    • Controlled assessments, coursework and non-examination assessments  
    • Security of assessment materials 
    • National Centre Number Register and other information requirements 
    • Centre inspections
  • Policies available for inspection and reference: 
    • Specific JCQ/Cambridge International publications 
    • General Regulations for Approved Centres (section 5) 
    • Instructions for examinations (section 25) 
    • Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments (section 5) 
  • Personal data, freedom of information and copyright

Before examinations (Entries and Pre-exams) 

In the event of the absence of the head of centre or the member of senior leadership with oversight of examination administration, responsibility for implementing JCQ regulations and requirements relating to entries and exam preparation will be escalated to another Assistant Headteacher. 

To support understanding of the regulations and requirements, sections of relevant JCQ/Cambridge International publications will be specifically referenced including: 

  • General Regulations for Approved Centres (section 5) 
  • Instructions for conducting examinations (sections 1-15) 
  • Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments (sections 6-8) 

Main duties and responsibilities relate to:

  • Access arrangements and reasonable adjustments 
  • Entries (including ensuring appropriate controls are in place which allow accurate entries to be submitted to the awarding bodies) 
    • Additional JCQ/Cambridge International publications for reference: 
      • Key dates 
      • Guidance Notes for Transferred Candidates 
      • Alternative Site guidance notes 
      • Guidance notes for overnight supervision of candidates with a timetable variation 
  • Centre assessed work (including ensuring that candidates’ work is backed-up and considering the contingency of candidates’ work being backed-up in the event of IT system corruption or cyber-attack, and ensuring appropriate controls are in place which allow accurate internally assessed marks to be submitted to the awarding bodies)
  • Additional JCQ/Cambridge International publication for reference: 
    • Guidance Notes – Centre Consortium Arrangements 
  • Candidate information 
    • Additional JCQ/Cambridge International publications for reference: 
      • Information for candidates documents 
      • Exam Room Posters  

During examinations (Exam time) 

In the event of the absence of the head of centre or the member of senior leadership with oversight of examination administration, responsibility for implementing JCQ regulations and requirements relating to during exam time will be escalated to another Assistant Headteacher.

The centre also has in place a member of the senior leadership team who will provide support and guidance to the examinations officer and ensure that the integrity and security of examinations and assessments is maintained throughout an examinations series. 

To support understanding of the regulations and requirements, sections of relevant JCQ/Cambridge International publications will be specifically referenced including: 

  • General Regulations for Approved Centres (sections 3, 5) 
  • Instructions for conducting examinations (sections 16-31) 
  • Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments (section 8) 
  • A guide to the special consideration process (sections 2-7)  

Main duties and responsibilities relate to: 

  • Conducting examinations and assessments 
    • Additional JCQ publication for reference: 
      • Guidance Notes – Very Late Arrival 
  • Malpractice  
  • Retention of candidates’ work 

After examinations (Results and Post-Results) 

As a contingency, the centre has at least one senior member of staff (senior designated contact) who is available to manage emergency requests from awarding bodies that are results related during the summer holidays. The National Centre Number Register is provided with the senior designated contact details (this might include a personal mobile number and/or email address). These are the contact details of someone who can be reached in an emergency if the centre is closed over the summer and who can mobilise resources to respond to the issue. This is usually the Principal and the Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for exams. 

In the event of the absence of the head of centre or the member of senior leadership with oversight of examination administration, responsibility for implementing JCQ regulations and requirements relating to after examinations will be escalated to another Assistant Headteacher. 

To support understanding of the regulations and requirements, sections of relevant JCQ/Cambridge International publications will be specifically referenced including: 

  • General Regulations for Approved Centres (section 5)

Main duties and responsibilities relate to: 

  • Results  
    • Additional JCQ/Cambridge International publication for reference: 
      • Release of Results notice 
  • Post-results services and appeals 
    • Additional JCQ/Cambridge International publications for reference: 
      • Post-Results Services (Information and guidance to centres) 
      • JCQ Appeals Booklet (A guide to the awarding bodies’ appeals processes)  
  • Certificates  


Appendix 2 – Contingency Plan – Examination/Assessment Administration and delivery 

Key staff involved in the plan

Role Name(s)
Head of Centre Carl Howarth
Examinations officer line manager (Assistant Headteacher) Peter Marett
Examinations officer Jenny Rogerson & Kirsty Summerfield
ENCO Caroline David
Vice-Principal  Toni Rollo
Assistant Headteachers Ruth Lea, Simon Milner, Emma Silvestri-Fox
Bursar Julie Forsyth
Business Manager Mel Gouzinis
Site Manager Gary Briggs

Purpose of the plan

This plan examines potential risks and issues that could cause disruption to the examinations/assessment process at Jersey College for Girls. By outlining actions/procedures to be invoked in case of disruption it is intended to mitigate the impact these disruptions have on our processes.  

Alongside internal processes, this plan is informed by the Ofqual/JCQ/Cambridge and CYPES arrangements. 

This plan also confirms the College’s compliance with JCQ’s document ‘Preparing for disruption to examinations’ and this plan also confirms the College’s compliance with JCQ’s General Regulation for Approved  Centres (section 5.3)that the centre has in place for inspection that must be reviewed and updated annually: 

  • a written contingency plan which covers all aspects of examination/assessment administration and delivery.  

Contingency arrangements 

In accordance with the regulations, Jersey College for Girls must have an up to date written contingency plan.  

The contingency plan must cover all aspects of examination/assessment administration and delivery. Senior leaders must have robust contingency arrangements in place that will minimise the risk to examination/assessment administration and delivery and any adverse impact on candidates.  

The plan must cover the following scenarios:  

  • the head of centre (Principal) and the Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for exams, ENCO (or equivalent role), examinations officer or any other key staff essential to the examination process being absent at a critical stage of the examination cycle  
  • the potential impact of other events such as flooding which could lead to all or parts of the centre becoming unavailable  
  • potential issues with the centre’s IT systems 

As part of the contingency plan the centre must identify an alternative site if examinations cannot be conducted at the registered address. Larger centres may require more than one potential alternative site or different sites for different Year Groups.  

Jersey College for Girls must have at least one senior member of staff (senior designated contact) who is available to manage emergency requests from awarding bodies that are results related during the summer holidays. However, a number of contacts can be provided to reduce the risk of this falling on one individual throughout the summer holidays.  

Jersey College for Girls must ensure that candidates’ work is backed-up on SharePoint. Appropriate security arrangements must be implemented which protect candidates’ work in the event of IT system corruption and cyber-attacks.  

National Centre Number Register and other information requirements 

In accordance with the regulations, the head of centre will ensure that Jersey College for Girls responds to the National Centre Number Register annual update by the end of October every year which includes providing senior designated contact details (this might include a personal mobile number and/or email address). These must be the contact details of someone who can be reached in an emergency if the centre is closed over the summer and who can mobilise resources to respond to the issue.  

Head of centre absence at critical stage of the exam cycle 

When the head of centre is absent at a critical stage of the examination cycle, main duties will be transferred to the Vice Principal of the Assistant Headteacher with oversight for examinations.

Possible causes of disruption to the exam process

1.Exam officer extended absence at a critical stage of the exam cycle

Criteria for implementation of the plan 

Key tasks required in the management and administration of the exam cycle not undertaken including: 


  • annual data collection exercise not undertaken to collate information on qualifications and awarding body specifications being delivered 
  • annual exams plan not produced identifying essential key tasks, key dates and deadlines 
  • sufficient invigilators not recruited  


  • awawarding bodies not being informed of early/estimated entries which prompts release of early information required by teaching staff 
  • candidates not being entered with awarding bodies for external exams/assessment 
  • awarding body entry deadlines missed or late or other penalty fees being incurred  


  • invigilators not trained or updated on changes to instructions for conducting exams 
  • exam timetabling, rooming allocation; and invigilation schedules not prepared 
  • candidates not briefed on exam timetables and awarding body information for candidates 
  • confidential exam/assessment materials and candidates’ work not stored under required secure conditions  
  • internal assessment marks and samples of candidates’ work not submitted to awarding bodies/external moderators

Exam time

  •  exams/assessments not taken under the conditions prescribed by awarding bodies 
  • required reports/requests not submitted to awarding bodies during exam/assessment periods, for example very late arrival, suspected malpractice, special consideration 
  • candidates’ scripts not dispatched as required for marking to awarding bodies  

Results and post-results

  • access to examination results affecting the distribution of results to candidates  
  • the facilitation of the post-results services  

Centre actions to mitigate the impact of the disruption 

  • Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for exams to organise the completion of administration tasks. Employ alternative staff to assist as necessary 
  • Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for exams to keep updated on tasks to ensure they know current position 
  • Contact Exam Boards to inform them of circumstances and seek advice regarding best course of action 
  • Use contingency fund for any penalty fees suffered 
  • Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for exams to deliver training for invigilators and brief candidates 
  • Lead invigilators have sufficient expertise to ensure safe handling of exam/assessment materials 
  • Heads of Department would take on more significant role in submitting internal assessment marks and samples of work overseen by the Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for exams 
  • Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for exams together with lead invigilators would ensure exams are taken under appropriate conditions and ensure reports and dispatch are completed properly 
  • Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for exams together with the business manager and other members of the SLT would ensure the results and post-results procedure is effectively handled 
  • Inform staff, parents and students of situation should that be necessary

2. ENCO (or equivalent role) extended absence at a critical stage in the exam cycle

Criteria for implementation of the plan 

Key tasks required in the management and administration of the access arrangements process within the exam cycle not undertaken including:


  • candidates not tested/assessed to identify potential access arrangement requirements 
  • centre fails to recognise its duties towards disabled candidates as defined under the terms of the Equality Act 2010 
  • evidence of need and evidence to support normal way of working not collated  


  • approval for access arrangements not applied for to the awarding body centre-delegated arrangements not put in place 
  • modified paper requirements not identified in a timely manner to enable ordering to meet external deadline 
  • staff (facilitators) providing support to access arrangement candidates not allocated and trained  

Exam time 

  • access arrangement candidate support not arranged for exam rooms

Centre actions to mitigate the impact of the disruption

  • Assistant Headteacher Progress and Welfare to allocate tasks to others in the team or seek external assessment 
  • Assistant Headteacher Progress and Welfare would lead Heads of School to ensure evidence to support normal way of working is collated 
  • Examinations officer would work with Assistant Headteacher to apply for access arrangements 
  • Staff (facilitators) would be recruited by Examinations Officer and trained by colleagues from another government school 
  • Inform exam boards 
  • Keep staff, students and parents informed as necessary

3. Teaching staff extended absence at a critical stage of the exam cycle

Criteria for implementation of the plan 

Key tasks not undertaken including: 

  • Early/estimated entry information not provided to the examinations officer on time; resulting in pre-release information not being received 
  • Final entry information not provided to the examinations officer on time; resulting in candidates not being entered for exams/assessments or being entered late/late or other penalty fees being charged by awarding bodies 
  • Non-examination assessment (including controlled assessment/coursework) tasks not set/issued/taken by candidates as scheduled 
  • Candidates not being informed of centre assessed marks before marks are submitted to the awarding body and therefore not being able to consider appealing internal assessment decisions and requesting a review of the centre’s marking 
  • Internal assessment marks and candidates’ work not provided to meet awarding body submission deadlines

Centre actions to mitigate the impact of the disruption 

  • Heads of Department and Heads of Faculty are constantly monitoring and, should a colleague be absent, they would ensure key tasks are carried out and students are not penalised 
  • Examinations officer would highlight any lack of information in time to allow others to complete the task 
  • Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for staffing would work with Head of Department/Head of Faculty/Head of Subject to ensure exam groups and their needs are prioritised 
  • Inform exam board and seek advice where necessary 
  • Use contingency to pay any penalty fees 
  • Keep staff, students and parents informed as necessary

4. Invigilators - lack of appropriately trained invigilators or invigilator absence 

Criteria for implementation of the plan 

  • Failure to recruit and train sufficient invigilators to conduct exams 
  • Invigilator shortage on peak exam days 
  • Invigilator absence on the day of an exam


Centre actions to mitigate the impact of the disruption 

  • Begin recruitment process early to try to avoid this situation 
  • Deploy appropriate existing staff if necessary (ensuring they have some training) 
  • If urgent, deploy existing staff to invigilate (following briefing) with trained invigilators present to oversee

5. Exam rooms - lack of appropriate rooms or main venues unavailable at short notice 

Criteria for implementation of the plan 

  • Examinations officer unable to identify sufficient/appropriate rooms during exams timetable planning 
  • Insufficient rooms available on peak exam days 
  • Main exam venues unavailable due to an unexpected incident at exam time

Centre actions to mitigate the impact of the disruption 

  • Prioritise exams and move other groups when necessary 
  • Book exam rooms early 
  • Work with business manager and the site manager to seek alternative rooms in the room booking system 
  • Use Langford Sports Hall if necessary 
  • Refer to Business Continuity Plan

Alternative venue details: 

  • We would seek help from CYPES to seek alternative venue 
  • Inform students, staff and parent of any required change of venue 
  • Inform exam boards of any change of venue

6. Cyber-attack

Criteria for implementation of the plan

  • Where a cyber-attack may compromise any aspect of delivery

Centre actions to mitigate the impact of the disruption

  • Our system has many security levels in place as established by CYPES 
  • We would seek the support of CYPES. They manage our IT support 
  • We would implement the business continuity plan 
  • We use Office 365 which is backed up offsite and this includes recovery options 
  • Staff are trained about the importance of creating strong passwords and keeping all account details secure Staff are trained about social engineering and phishing attempts (this has been covered by CYPES central training) 
  • Exams officers monitor exam board accounts and remove access when no longer required 
  • Only appropriate staff have access to school accounts 
  • We use multi-factor authentication to access accounts 
  • Any actual or suspected compromise of an awarding body’s online system would be immediately reported to the relevant exam board

7. Failure of IT systems

Criteria for implementation of the plan 

  • IT systems corruption affecting candidates’ work 
  • MIS system failure at final entry deadline 
  • MIS system failure during exams preparation 
  • MIS system failure at results release time

Centre actions to mitigate the impact of the disruption

  • Inform exam boards and seek advice 
  • Contact CYPES as they manage our IT Support. They also host backup 
  • Input directly on exam board websites via alternative approved computer 
  • Source paper lists (from our own records) 
  • Ensure that candidates’ work is backed-up on SharePoint  
  • Implement appropriate security arrangements which protect candidates’ work in the event of IT system corruption and cyber-attacks.

8. Emergency evacuation of the exam room (or centre lockdown) 

Criteria for implementation of the plan 

  • Whole centre evacuation (or lockdown) during exam time due to serious incident resulting in exam candidates being unable to start, proceed with or complete their exams

Centre actions to mitigate the impact of the disruption 

The invigilator must take the following action in an emergency such as a fire alarm or a bomb alert. 

  • Stop the candidates from writing. Note the time the exam was stopped on the board. 
  • Seek advice from Site Manager to ascertain that evacuation is needed. 
  • Collect the attendance register (in order to ensure all candidates are present) and evacuate the examination room in line with the instructions given by the appropriate authority. 
  • Advise candidates to leave all question papers and scripts in the examination room. Candidates should leave the room in silence. 
  • Make sure that the candidates are supervised as closely as possible while they are out of the examination room to make sure there is no discussion about the examination. 

When it is safe for the candidates, return to the room and continue their exam 

  • Make a note of the length of the interruption and the time the exam was restarted. 
  • Allow the candidates the full working time set for the examination. Ensure the revised finishing times are displayed on the board. 
  • If there are only a few candidates, consider the possibility of taking the candidates (with question papers and scripts) to another place to finish the examination. 
  • Make a full report of the incident and of the action taken, and send to the relevant awarding body. 

When dealing with emergencies you must be aware of any instructions from relevant local or national agencies. 

9. Disruption of teaching time in the weeks before an exam – centre closed for an extended period 

Criteria for implementation of the plan 

  • Centre closed or candidates are unable to attend for an extended period during normal teaching or study supported time, interrupting the provision of normal teaching and learning

Centre actions to mitigate the impact of the disruption 

  • Refer to Business Continuity Plan 
  • Maintain communication with staff, students, parents and exam boards 

10. Candidates may not be able to take examinations - centre remains open 

Criteria for implementation of the plan 

  • Candidates may not be able to attend the examination centre to take examinations as normal because of a crisis 

Centre actions to mitigate the impact of the disruption 

  • If student is late, follow normal procedure for late or very late arrival 
  • Communicate with exam boards to make them aware of the issue and seek advice 
  • Liaise with students, staff and parents regarding solutions available to the issue 
  • Seek alternative venue within CYPES and agree with exam boards Consider moving the starting time of the examination for all candidates. Be aware of the rules for very late arrivals 
  • Wherever possible, it is always in the best interest for candidates to sit the examination. However, special consideration is an option where a candidate is unable to sit the examination

11. Centre may not be able to open as normal during the examination period 

(Including in the event of the centre being unavailable for examinations owing to an unforeseen emergency)

Criteria for implementation of the plan 

  • Centre may not be able to open as normal for scheduled examinations  

Centre actions to mitigate the impact of the disruption 

  • Follow Business Continuity Plan 

JCG does wish to run such external exams where possible for the benefit of students providing that no student or member of staff’s health and safety is put at risk. As health and safety is our first priority, the following procedure will apply only when it is deemed appropriate to do so: 

  • In the case of inclement conditions, CYPES will make an announcement on BBC Radio Jersey and social media stating that all schools are closed since the conditions are too dangerous. However if conditions permit attendance for external exams, they will advise parents to contact JCG for further information 
  • Having liaised with the Principal, the Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for communications will contact BBC Jersey and place information on the College website and social media to inform parents and students that the exams are occurring
  • The College will be open by 8am and the morning exams will begin by 9.30am at the latest to conform with the exam boards’ requirements 
  • Notifying JCQ/Cambridge International Inspection Service of an alternative site arrangement by submitting the appropriate online form 

The final decision as to whether students attend external exams having been informed the school is open, rests with the parent. In taking this decision, they should ensure that they can make provision for the safe travel of the student to and from school. If the student is unable to attend her exam, she will be entered in the next exam season (now in the following year).  

Scenario 1 

  • Examinations Officer can make it in- then exams begin at 9.30 and students who arrive by that time will take exam. 
  • Senior staff and any invigilators present will invigilate. Invigilators have been asked to report as usual if safe to do so. 
  • Access arrangements will be followed if possible and there is enough staff to do so.

Scenario 2 

  • Examinations Officer can’t make it in 
  • Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for exams accesses keys and secure storage 
  • Exams will start at 9.30 or before if all students are present 
  • Access arrangements will be followed if possible and if there are enough staff to do so.

Alternative venue details: 

  • Consider use of Langford Sports Hall or Prep Hall. 
  • Liaise with CYPES for alternative venue 
  • Maintain communication with staff, students, parents and exam boards  

12. Disruption in the distribution of examination papers 

Criteria for implementation of the plan 

  • Disruption to the distribution of examination papers to the centre in advance of examinations

Centre actions to mitigate the impact of the disruption 

  • Liaise with exam boards to make copies accessed digitally via secure network 
  • Follow guidance from exam boards 
  • Re-schedule as last resort if agreed to be necessary

13.  Disruption to transporting completed examination scripts 

Criteria for implementation of the plan 

  • Delay in normal collection arrangements for completed examination scripts/assessment evidence

Centre actions to mitigate the impact of the disruption 

  • Communicate with Exam Boards to discuss possible solutions or likely delay 
  • Seek alternative arrangements which comply with regulations 
  • Ensure secure storage of completed examination scripts until as close to the collection time as possible

14. Assessment evidence is not available to be marked

Criteria for implementation of the plan

  • Large scale damage to or destruction of completed examination scripts/assessment evidence before it can be marked 
  • Completed examination scripts/assessment evidence does not reach awarding organisations  

Centre actions to mitigate the impact of the disruption

  • Principal to communicate problem immediately to relevant exam boards 
  • Inform staff, students and parents of problem and the resolutions agreed with exam boards 
  • Exam boards to generate candidate marks for affected assessments based on other appropriate evidence of candidate achievement as defined by the awarding organisations 
  • Where marks cannot be generated by awarding organisations candidates may need to retake affected assessment in a subsequent assessment series.

15. Centre unable to distribute results as normal or facilitate post results services

(Including in the event of the centre being unavailable on results day owing to an unforeseen emergency)

Criteria for implementation of the plan 

  • Centre is unable to access or manage the distribution of results to candidates, or to facilitate post-results services

Centre actions to mitigate the impact of the disruption 

  • Results can be accessed remotely using A2C system 
  • Ensure more than one person is able to manage the A2C system 
  • Download results from the exam board websites if IT issues persist and A2C is unavailable 
  • Use JC Prep or Langford Centre for distribution of results 
  • Liaise with CYPES regarding the venue 
  • Liaise with exam boards if electronic post results requests are not possible 
  • Inform students, staff and parents of outcomes and ways forwards

Appendix 3 – Lockdown Procedure (Exams)

This procedure confirms the arrangements that Jersey College For Girls will undertake when dealing with a lockdown when an examination is taking place.  

A lockdown may be required but not limited to the following situations. 

  • An incident or civil disturbance in the local community which could pose a risk 
  • An intruder on the site with potential to pose a risk 
  • Local risk of air pollution, such as smoke plume or gas cloud 
  • A major fire in the vicinity 
  • A dangerous animal roaming loose 
  • An internal threat from a student 
  • Any other internal/external incident which has the potential to cause a threat to the safety of exams staff and candidates

It should be noted that the likelihood of such an event is unlikely in our setting. 

In the event of a lockdown during an examination the focus before, during and after an exam will be:  

  • training staff engaged/involved in the conducting of examinations  
  • how to achieve an effective lockdown 
  • implementing RUN HIDE TELL principles 
  • the welfare and safety of exam candidates and centre staff engaged in the conducting of examinations 
  • how to let people know what’s happening 
  • maintaining the integrity and security of the examinations/assessments process

Lockdown procedures

Where a lockdown is required, the following procedures will be employed by Jersey College For Girls.

Before an Examination 

As candidates are entering/waiting to enter the examination room:  

  • Invigilators will 
    • Instruct candidates to enter the examination room immediately  
    • Instruct candidates to remain silent, hide under desk or sit against a wall/around a corner but not near the door and to ensure mobile phones are on silent mode 
    • Lock all windows 
    • Switch off all lights 
    • Lock all doors/barricade the entrances 
    • Take an attendance register and or head count if not possible 
    • The examinations officer will collate information from all examination rooms and forward this to the head of centre immediately. T
    • he head of centre will then make the decisions on how/when to tell carers, awarding bodies and emergency services.

During an Examination 

When candidates are in the examination room:  

  • Invigilators will 
    • Tell candidates to stop writing immediately and to close their answer booklets 
    • Collect the attendance register 
    • Make a note of when the examination stopped 
    • Instruct candidate to remain silent and to switch their phones to silent 
    • Where safe invigilators should make contact with the examinations officer  
    • Lock all windows 
    • Switch off all lights 
    • Barricade the entrances using furniture 
    • Where possible the examinations officer should forward any information to he head of centre 
    • The head of centre will make an informed decision on how/when to tell carers, awarding bodies and emergency services.

After an Examination

As candidates are leaving the examination room :

  • Invigilators will 
    • Stop dismissing candidates from the examination  
    • Instruct candidates who have left to re-enter the examination room 
    • Instruct candidates to hide under desks 
    • Where safe, communicate with the examinations officer  
    • Lock all windows Switch off all lights 
    • Lock all doors and barricade the entrances with furniture 
    • Where possible the examinations officer will inform the head of centre  
    • The head of centre will make an informed decision of when and how to tell carers, awarding bodies and emergency services.

Ending a Lockdown

  •  The lockdown will be ended by either the sound of an alarm or the presence of the emergency services.  
  • Invigilators will 
    • Ask candidates to sit back in their seats and restart the examination where applicable 
    • Allow candidates the full working time to complete the examination 
    • Recalculation of the full working time 
    • Note how long the lockdown lasted on an incident log 
  • The examinations officer will 
    • Provide a report of the incident to the awarding bodies (via the special consideration process) 
    • Where applicable as well as possible – the senior leader will, discuss any alternative examination settings 
    • Offer, arrange and provide support services to the staff and candidates 
    • At the earliest opportunity, the senior leader or head of centre will prepare a communication to parents/carers advising them of the events (including relevant actions and outcomes

Roles and Responsibilities 

The role of the head of centre (Principal) 

  • Arrange appropriate training for all exams staff in lockdown 
  • Ensure candidates are aware of the procedures relating to a lockdown, particularly those arriving late for an examination who cannot access the examination due to it being locked down 
  • Ensure candidates are aware of a possible exit point in case an intruder manages to gain access 
  • Provide written lockdown procedures for examination and invigilator use 
  • Inform the relevant emergency services

The role of the Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for exams 

  • Assume responsibility for exams staff and candidates taking the examination during a lockdown 
  • Arrange training drills for examination candidates on lockdown procedures 
  • Inform parents and carers about the centres lockdown policy 
  • Liaise with appropriate authorities and awarding bodies regarding candidates taking the examination session 
  • Use the attendance register to compile a list of any candidates not accounted for 

The role of the examinations officer 

  • Train invigilators on the lockdown procedures 
  • Where safe and possible to liaise with the invigilators in smaller rooms during a lockdown 
  • Assist with the lockdown training for staff and candidates where applicable to the conducting of examinations 

The role of the invigilator 

  • Be aware of the lockdown procedure  
  • Complete attendance registers as soon as possible so candidates can be identified in the event of a lockdown
  • Where safe and possible to liaise with the invigilators in smaller rooms to see the situation

Appendix 4 - Emergency Evacuation Policy (Exams) 

Purpose of the policy 

his policy details how Jersey College for Girls deals with an emergency evacuation of the exam room(s) by defining staff roles and responsibilities and confirming the emergency evacuation procedure. This policy should be seen in conjunction with the College’s overall emergency evacuation procedure.

When is an emergency evacuation required? 

An emergency evacuation is required where it is unsafe for candidates to remain in the exam room. This might include a fire in the exam room, the fire alarm sounding to warn of fire, bomb alert or other serious threat.  

In exceptional situations, where candidates might be severely disadvantaged or distressed by remaining in the exam room, the emergency evacuation procedure may also need to be followed. This might include situations where there is severe disruption in the exam room, serious illness of a candidate or invigilator or similarly serious incidents. 

As each incident may be different, advice will be sought from the relevant awarding body as soon as it is safe to do so.  

Where candidates are unable to return to the building to complete the examination, the relevant awarding body will be contacted immediately for advice.

Emergency evacuation of an exam room 

Roles and responsibilities 

Head of centre (Principal) 

  • Ensures the emergency evacuation policy for exams is fit for purpose and complies with relevant health and safety regulation  
  • Ensures any instructions from relevant local or national agencies are referenced and followed where applicable 
  • Ensures any breach of question paper security or malpractice is reported to the awarding body immediately  

Senior leadership team 

  • Where responsible for the centre-wide emergency evacuation procedure, ensures all staff and appointed fire marshals are aware of the policy and procedures to be followed when an emergency evacuation of an exam room is required

ENCO or equivalent role 

  • Ensures appropriate arrangements are in place for the emergency evacuation of a disabled candidate from an exam room where different procedures or assistance may need to be provided for the candidate 
  • Ensures the candidate is informed prior to taking their exams of what will happen in the event of an emergency evacuation

Examinations officer 

  • Ensures invigilators are trained in emergency evacuation procedures and how an incident and actions taken must be recorded 
  • Ensures candidates are briefed in exam briefing assembly, prior to exams taking place, on what will happen in the event of an emergency in the exam room 
  • Provides invigilators with a copy of the emergency evacuation procedure for every exam room 
  • Provides a standard invigilator announcement for each exam room which includes appropriate instructions for candidates about emergency procedures and what will happen if the fire alarm sounds  
  • Provides an exam room incident log in each exam room Liaises with the ENCO (or equivalent role) and other relevant staff prior to each exam where different procedures or assistance may need to be provided for a disabled candidate 
  • Briefs invigilators prior to each exam where different procedures or assistance may need to be provided for a disabled candidate 
  • Ensures appropriate follow-up is undertaken after an emergency evacuation, reporting the incident to the awarding body and the actions taken 
  • Ensures a full report of the incident is produced and retained on file if required by an awarding body 
  • Ensures an online application for the special consideration is submitted to the relevant awarding body where candidates have been disadvantaged



  • By attending training and/or update sessions, ensure they understand what to do in the event of an emergency in the exam room 
  • Follow the actions required in the emergency evacuation procedure issued to them for every exam room 
  • Confirm with the examinations officer, where different procedures or assistance may need to be provided for a disabled candidate they are invigilating 
  • Record details on the exam room incident log to support follow-up reporting to the awarding body by the examinations officer (see below)  

All staff 

  • Support the senior leader, ENCO or equivalent role, examinations officer and invigilators in ensuring the safe emergency evacuation of exam rooms

Recording details 

As soon as practically possible and safe to do so, details should be recorded. Details must include:  

  • he actual time of the start of the interruption 
  • the actions taken 
  • the actual time the exam(s) resumed 
  • the actual finishing time(s) of the resumed exam(s)

Further details could include: 

  • report on candidate behaviour throughout the interruption/evacuation 
  • a judgement on the impact on candidates after the interruption/evacuation  

Emergency evacuation procedure

Invigilators are trained in this procedure and understand the actions they must take in the event of a fire alarm or other emergency that leads to an evacuation of the exam room.  

The invigilator must take the following action in an emergency such as a fire alarm or a bomb alert.

  • Stop the candidates from writing. Note the time the exam was stopped on the board 
  • Seek advice from Facilities Manager to ascertain that evacuation is needed. 
  • Collect the attendance register (in order to ensure all candidates are present) and evacuate the examination room in line with the instructions given by the appropriate authority. 
  • Advise candidates to leave all question papers and scripts in the examination room. 
  • Candidates should leave the room in silence. 
  • Make sure that the candidates are supervised as closely as possible while they are out of the examination room so that there is no discussion about the examination.

When it is safe for the candidates, return to the room and continue their exam 

  • Make a note of the length of the interruption and the time the exam was restarted. 
  • Allow the candidates the remainder of the full working time set for the examination. 
  • If there are only a few candidates, consider the possibility of taking the candidates (with question papers and scripts) to another place to finish the examination  
  • Make a full report of the incident and of the action taken, and send to the relevant awarding body.

When dealing with emergencies you must be aware of any instructions from relevant local or national agencies. 


Appendix 5 - Internal Appeals Process 

Purpose of the procedure 

This procedure confirms Jersey College for Girls’ compliance with JCQ and Cambridge International’s requirement for centres to have in place for inspection that must be reviewed and updated annually, a written internal appeals procedure which must cover at least appeals regarding internal assessment decisions, access to post-result services and appeals, and centre decisions relating to access arrangements and special consideration. 

The Centre should draw the attention of candidates and their parents to the written internal appeals procedure. 

This procedure covers appeals relating to: 

  • Internal assessment decisions (centre assessed marks) 
  • Centre decisions not to support an application for a clerical re-check, a review of marking, a review of moderation or an appeal 
  • Centre decisions relating to access arrangements and special consideration  
  • Centre decisions relating to other administrative issues

Appeals relating to internal assessment decisions (centre assessed marks) 

Certain qualifications contain components/units of non-examination assessment, controlled assessment and/or coursework which are internally assessed (marked) by Jersey College for Girls and internally standardised. The marks awarded (the internal assessment decisions) which contribute to the final grade of the qualification are then submitted by the deadline set by the awarding body for external moderation. 

This procedure confirms that the centre will:  

  • have in place for inspection purposes that must be reviewed and updated annually, a written internal appeals procedure relating to internal assessment decisions and to ensure that details of this procedure are communicated, made widely available and accessible to all candidates  
  • using the template in this document, before submitting marks to the awarding body inform candidates of their centre assessed marks and allow a candidate to request a review of the centre’s marking

Jersey College for Girls is committed to ensuring that whenever its staff mark candidates’ work this is done fairly, consistently and in accordance with the awarding body’s specification and subject-specific associated documents.  

Jersey College for Girls ensures that all centre staff follow a robust policy regarding the management of non-examination assessments including controlled assessments and coursework. This policy includes the procedures relating to the marking and quality assurance/internal standardisation processes which relevant teaching staff are required to follow. 

Candidates’ work will be marked by staff who have appropriate knowledge, understanding and skill, who have been trained in this activity and do not have any potential conflicts of interest. If AI tools have been used to assist in the marking of candidates’ work, they will not be the sole marker. The College is committed to ensuring that work produced by candidates is authenticated in line with the requirements of the awarding body.  Where more than one subject teacher/tutor is involved in marking candidates’ work, internal moderation and standardisation will ensure consistency of marking. 

On being informed of their centre assessed marks, if a candidate believes that the above procedures were not followed in relation to the marking of their work, or that the assessor has not properly applied the marking standards to their marking, then the candidate may make use of the appeals procedure below to consider whether to request a review of the centre’s marking.

Jersey College for Girls will: 

  1. using the template below, ensure that candidates are informed of their centre assessed marks so that they may request a review of the centre’s marking before marks are submitted to the awarding body  
  2. inform candidates that they will need to explain on what grounds they wish to request a review of an internally assessed mark as a review will only focus on the quality of work submitted  
  3. inform candidates that they may request copies of materials (generally as a minimum, a copy of the marked assessment material (work) and the mark scheme or assessment criteria plus additional materials which may vary from subject to subject) to assist them in considering whether to request a review of the centre’s marking of the assessment  
  4. having received a request for copies of materials, promptly make them available to the candidate within 5 working days. (This will either be the originals viewed under supervised conditions or copies)  
  5. inform candidates they will not be allowed access to original assessment material, including artefacts, unless supervised  
  6. provide candidates with sufficient time, normally at least five working days, to allow them to review copies of materials and reach a decision.   
  7. provide a clear deadline for candidates to submit a request for a review of the centre’s marking. Requests will not be accepted after this deadline.   
  8. Allow 5 working days for the review to be carried out, to make any necessary changes to marks and to inform the candidate of the outcome, all before the awarding body’s deadline for the submission of marks  
  9. ensure that the review of marking is conducted by an assessor who has appropriate competence, has had no previous involvement in the assessment of that candidate for the component in question and has no personal interest in the outcome of the review 
  10. instruct the reviewer to ensure that the candidate’s mark is consistent with the standard set by the centre  
  11. inform the candidate in writing of the outcome of the review of the centre’s marking

The outcome of the review of the centre’s marking will be made known to the head of centre who will have the final decision if there is any disagreement on the mark to be submitted to the awarding body.  A written record of the review will be kept and made available to the awarding body upon request. 

The awarding body will be informed if the centre does not accept the outcome of a review. 

The moderation process carried out by the awarding bodies may result in a mark change, either upwards or downwards, even after an internal review. The internal review process is in place to ensure consistency of marking within the centre, whereas moderation by the awarding body ensures that centre marking is in line with national standards. The mark submitted to the awarding body is subject to change and should therefore be considered provisional. 

Appeals against decisions to reject a candidate’s work on the grounds of malpractice  

The JCQ Information for candidates documents (Coursework, Non-examination assessments, Social media) which are distributed to all candidates via email, assembly and email, prior to relevant assessments taking place, inform candidates of the things they must and must not do when they are completing their work. 

Jersey College for Girls ensures that those members of teaching staff involved in the direct supervision of candidates producing work for assessments are aware of the potential for malpractice.  

Malpractice by a candidate discovered in a controlled assessment, coursework or non-examination assessment component prior to the candidate signing the declaration of authentication does not need to be reported to the awarding body but will be dealt with in accordance with the centre’s internal procedures. The only exception to this is where the awarding body’s confidential assessment material has potentially been breached. The breach will be reported to the awarding body immediately. 

If there are doubts about the authenticity of the work of a candidate or irregularities are identified in a candidate’s work before the candidate has signed the declaration of authentication/authentication statement (where required) and malpractice is suspected, Jersey College for Girls will: 

  • Follow the authentication procedures and/or malpractice instructions in the  relevant JCQ documents and any supplementary guidance from the awarding body 
  • The teacher should work in liaison with the Head of Faculty and the Head of School  
  • If there is a decision not to accept the candidate’s work for assessment or reject a candidate’s coursework on the the grounds of malpractice, the affected candidate and their parents will be informed of the decision 
  • At this point, the Head of Centre will also be informed   

If a candidate who is the subject of the decision disagrees with the decision: 

  • They will be required to submit a written request, setting out as clearly and concisely as possible the grounds for the appeal including any further evidence relevant to supporting the appeal, should be submitted. 
  • An internal appeals form (see below) should be completed and submitted with five working days of the decision being made known to the appellant 

The appellant will be informed of the outcome of the appeal within 5 working days of the appeal being received and logged by Jersey College for Girls.  

Appeals relating to centre decisions not to support an application for a clerical re-check, a review of marking, a review of moderation or an appeal 

This procedure confirms that Jersey College for Girls will: 

  •  have available for inspection purposes and draw to the attention of candidates and their parents/carers, a written internal appeals procedure to manage disputes when a candidate disagrees with a centre decision not to support an application for a clerical re-check, a review of marking, a review of moderation or an appeal

Following the issue of results, awarding bodies make post-results services available. At Jersey College for Girls, the examinations officer oversees this procedure. Full details of how to request any of these services will be provided in advance of the issue of exam results. This involves completing an online form and paying a fee. 

Senior members of College staff are available immediately after the publication of results so that results may be discussed, and decisions made on the submission of reviews of marking. 

If the centre or a candidate (or their parent/carer) has a concern and believes a result may not be accurate, post-results services may be considered.  

The post-results services currently available are detailed below.

Reviews of Results (RoRs): 

  • Service 1 (Clerical re-check) 
    • This is the only service that can be requested for objective tests (multiple choice tests) 
  • Service 2 (Review of marking) 
    • Priority Service 2 (Review of marking)  
    • This service is available for externally assessed components of both unitised and linear GCE A-level specifications 
  • Service 3 (Review of moderation)  
    • This service is not available to an individual candidate 

Access to Scripts (ATS): 

  • Copies of scripts to support reviews of marking  
  • Copies of scripts to support teaching and learning

Where a concern is expressed that a particular result may not be accurate, the centre will look at the marks awarded for each component part of the qualification alongside any mark schemes, relevant result reports, grade boundary information etc. when made available by the awarding body to determine if the centre supports any concerns.  

For written components that contributed to the final result, JCG will …

  1. Where a place a university or college is at risk, consider supporting a request for a Priority Service 2 review of marking  
  2. In all other instances, consider accessing the script by: 
    1. (where the service is made available by the awarding body) requesting a priority copy of the candidate’s script to support a review of marking by the awarding body deadline or  
    2. (where the option is made available by the awarding body) viewing the candidate’s marked script online to consider if requesting a review of marking is appropriate 
  3. Collect informed online written consent/permission from the candidate to access his/her script 
  4. On access to the script, consider if it is felt that the agreed mark scheme has been applied correctly in the original marking and if the centre considers there are any errors in the marking 
  5. Support a request for the appropriate RoR service (clerical re-check or review of marking) if any error is identified C
  6. ollect informed online written consent from the candidate to request the RoR service before the request is submitted 
  7. Where relevant, advise an affected candidate to inform any third party (such as a university or college) that a review of marking has been submitted to an awarding body

Online consent, using the form accessed via the link shared, is required in all cases before a request for a RoR service 1 or 2 (including priority service 2) is submitted to the awarding body. Consent is required to confirm the candidate understands that the final subject grade and/or mark awarded following a clerical re-check or a review of marking, and any subsequent appeal, may be lower than, higher than, or the same as the result which was originally awarded. Candidate consent must only be collected after the publication of results

For any moderated components that contributed to the final result, the College will: 

  • Confirm that a review of moderation cannot be undertaken on the work of an individual candidate or the work of candidates not in the original sample submitted for moderation 
  • Consult any moderator’s report/feedback to identify any issues raised 
  • Determine if the centre’s internally assessed marks have been accepted without change by the awarding body – if this is the case, a RoR service 3 (Review of moderation) will not be available 
  • Determine if there are any grounds to submit a request for a review of moderation for the work of all candidates in the original sample

Centre actions in the event of a disagreement (dispute) 

Where a candidate disagrees with a centre decision not to support a clerical re-check, a review of marking or a review of moderation, Jersey College for Girls will  

  • For a review of marking (RoR priority service 2), advise the candidate they may request the review by providing informed written consent (and the required fee) for this service to the centre by the deadline set by the centre 
  • For a review of marking (RoR service 1 or 2), first advise the candidate to access a copy of their script to support a review of marking by providing written permission for the centre to access the script (and any required administration fee for this service) for the centre to submit this request  
  • After accessing the script to consider the marking, inform the candidate that if a request for a review of marking (RoR service 1 or 2) is required, this must be submitted by the deadline set by the centre by providing informed written consent (and the required fee for this service) for the centre to submit this request  
  • Inform the candidate that a review of moderation (RoR service 3) cannot be requested for the work of an individual candidate or the work of a candidate not in the original sample

If the candidate (or their parent/carer) believes there are grounds to appeal against the centre’s decision not to support a review of results, an internal appeal can be submitted to the centre by completing the internal appeals form at least 5 working days prior to the internal deadline for submitting a request for a review of results. The appellant will be informed of the outcome of the appeal before the internal deadline for submitting a RoR. 

Following the RoR outcome, an external appeals process is available if the head of centre remains dissatisfied with the outcome and believes there are grounds for appeal. The JCQ publications Post-Results Services, JCQ Appeals Booklet (A guide to the awarding bodies’ appeals processes) or the relevant Cambridge International guidance will be consulted to determine the acceptable grounds for a preliminary appeal. 

Where the head of centre is satisfied after receiving the RoR outcome, but the candidate (or their parent/carer) believes there are grounds for a preliminary appeal to the awarding body, a further internal appeal may be made to the head of centre. Following this, the head of centre’s decision as to whether to proceed with a preliminary appeal will be based upon the acceptable grounds.  Candidates or parents/carers are not permitted to make direct representations to an awarding body. 

Jersey College for Girls’ internal appeals form should be completed and submitted within 5 working days of the notification of the outcome of the RoR. Subject to the head of centre’s decision, this will allow the centre to process the preliminary appeal and submit to the awarding body within the required 30 calendar days of the awarding body issuing the outcome of the review of results process. Awarding body fees which may be charged for the preliminary appeal must be paid to the centre by the appellant before the preliminary appeal is submitted to the awarding body. If the appeal is upheld by the awarding body, this fee will be refunded by the awarding body and repaid to the appellant by the centre

Appeals regarding centre decisions relating to access arrangements and special consideration  

Jersey College for Girls will: 

  • have in place for inspection, that must be reviewed and updated annually, a written internal appeals procedure which must cover at least appeals regarding centre decisions relating to access arrangements and special consideration
  • comply with the principles and regulations governing access arrangements and special consideration as set out in the JCQ and Cambridge International  
  • ensure that all staff who manage and implement access arrangements and special consideration are aware of the requirements and are appropriately supported and resourced  

Access arrangements and reasonable adjustments 

In accordance with the regulations, the College: 

  • recognises its duty to explore and provide access to suitable courses, through the access arrangements process submit applications for reasonable adjustments and make reasonable adjustments to the service the centre provides to disabled candidates.  
  • complies with its responsibilities in identifying, determining and implementing appropriate access arrangements and reasonable adjustments  

Failure to comply with the regulations has the potential to constitute malpractice which may impact on a candidate’s result(s).  

Examples of failure to comply include: 

  • putting in place access arrangements/adjustments that are not approved  
  • failing to consider putting in place access arrangements (which may be a failure to comply with the duty to make reasonable adjustments)  
  • permitting access arrangements/adjustments within the centre which are not supported by appropriate evidence  
  • charging a fee for providing reasonable adjustments to disabled candidates  

Special consideration 

Where Jersey College for Girls has appropriate evidence signed by a member of the senior team to support an application, it will apply for special consideration at the time of the assessment for a candidate who is affected by adverse circumstances beyond their control when the issue or event has had, or is reasonably likely to have had, a material effect on the candidate’s ability to take an assessment or demonstrate their normal level of attainment in an assessment.  

Centre decisions relating to access arrangements, reasonable adjustments and special consideration  

This may include the College’s decision not to make/apply for a specific reasonable adjustment or to apply for special consideration, in circumstances where a candidate does not meet the criteria for, or there is no evidence/insufficient evidence to support the implementation of an access arrangement/reasonable adjustment or the application of special consideration. 

Where Jersey College for Girls makes a decision in relation to the access arrangement(s), reasonable adjustment(s) or special consideration that apply for a candidate or candidates:

  • If a candidate who is the subject of the relevant decision (or the candidate’s parent/carer) disagrees with the decision made and reasonably believes that the centre has not complied with its responsibilities or followed due procedures, a written request setting out the grounds for appeal should be submitted 
  • An internal appeals form should be completed and submitted within 5 working days of the decision being made known to the appellant)

To determine the outcome of the appeal, the head of centre will consult the respective JCQ/Cambridge International publication to confirm the centre has complied with the principles and regulations governing access arrangements and/or special consideration and followed due procedures. 

The appellant will be informed of the outcome of the appeal within 5 working days of the appeal being received and logged by the centre If the appeal is upheld, the College will proceed to implement the necessary arrangements/submit the necessary application. 

Appeals regarding centre decisions relating to other administrative issues

Circumstances may arise that cause Jersey College for Girls to make decisions on administrative issues that may affect a candidate’s examinations/assessments.  

Where the College may make a decision that affects a candidate or candidates: 

  • If a candidate who is the subject of the relevant decision (or the candidate’s parent/carer) disagrees with the decision made and reasonably believes that the centre has not complied with the regulations or followed due process, a written request setting out the grounds for appeal should be submitted 
  • An internal appeals form should be completed and submitted within 5 working days of the decision being made known to the appellant) 

The appellant will be informed of the outcome of the appeal within 5 working days of the appeal being received and logged by the centre.  

Appendix 6 – Equalities Policy 

Purpose of the policy

This document is provided as an exams-specific supplement to the centre-wide Diversity Equity an Inclusion Policy. We recognise our duties towards disabled candidates, ensuring compliance with all aspects of equality legislation in Jersey. This must include a duty to explore and provide access to suitable courses, through the access arrangements process submit applications for reasonable adjustments and make reasonable adjustments to the service the centre provides to disabled candidates. Where the centre is under a duty to make a reasonable adjustment, the centre must not charge a disabled candidate any additional fee in relation to the adjustment or aid.

This policy details how the centre facilitates access to exams and assessments for disabled candidates by outlining staff roles and responsibilities in relation to:

  • identifying the need for appropriate arrangements, reasonable adjustments and/or adaptations (referred to in this policy as ‘access arrangements’) 
  • requesting access arrangements 
  • implementing access arrangements and the conduct of exams 
  • good practice in relation to the Equality Act 2010  

Identifying the need for access arrangements 

Roles and responsibilities 

Head of centre (Principal) 

  • Is familiar with the entire contents, refers to and directs relevant centre staff to the annually updated JCQ and Cambridge International publications relating to access arrangements and reasonable adjustments

Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for exams

  •  s familiar with the entire contents of the annually updated JCQ and Cambridge International publications relating to access arrangements and reasonable adjustments

ENCO (or equivalent role) and any assessors of candidates with learning difficulties

  • Has full knowledge and understanding of the contents, refers to and directs relevant centre staff to the annually updated JCQ and Cambridge International publications relating to access arrangements and reasonable adjustments 
  • Ensures the quality of the access arrangements process within the centre 
  • Leads on the access arrangements process to facilitate access for candidates 
  • Ensures staff roles, responsibilities and processes in identifying, requesting and implementing access arrangements for all candidates are clearly defined and documented 
  • Ensures an appropriately qualified assessor(s) is appointed, evidence of the assessor’s qualification(s) is obtained before he/she assesses candidates and that evidence of the qualification(s) of the person(s) appointed is held on file  
  • Ensures the assessment process is administered in accordance with the regulations and that the correct procedures are followed 
  • Ensures a policy demonstrating the centre’s compliance with relevant legislation is in place 
  • Ensures that the access arrangements/reasonable adjustments approved allow the candidate to access the assessment, but do not result in the candidate gaining an unfair advantage 
  • Defines and documents roles, responsibilities and processes in identifying, requesting and implementing access arrangements 
  • If not the appropriately qualified assessor, works with the person/persons appointed, on all matters relating to assessing candidates and the administration of the assessment process 
  • Ensures the qualified assessor(s) has access to the assessment objectives for the relevant specification(s) a candidate is undertaking  
  • Ensures that all assessments carried out and arrangements put in place comply with JCQ and awarding body regulations and guidance 
  • Ensures arrangements put in place for exams/assessments reflect a candidate’s normal way of working within the centre 
  • Ensures the need for access arrangements for a candidate is considered on a subject by subject basis  
  • Presents when requested by a Centre Inspector, evidence of the assessor’s qualification 
  • Works with teaching staff, relevant support staff and the examinations officer to ensure centre-delegated and awarding body approved access arrangements are put in place for candidates taking internal and external exams/assessments 
  • Conducts appropriate assessments to identify the need(s) of a candidate 
  • Provides appropriate evidence to confirm the need(s) of a candidate 
  • Completes appropriate documentation as required by the regulations of JCQ, Cambridge International and the awarding body

Teaching staff  

  • Inform the ENCO (or equivalent role) (using the appropriate template) of any observations about a candidate or any support that might be needed by a candidate 
  • Keep evidence of a student’s normal way of working and provide this to the ENCO (or equivalent role) on request Provide information to evidence the normal way of working of a candidate

Teaching assistants 

  • Provide comments/observations to support the ENCO (or equivalent role) to ‘paint a holistic picture of need’, confirming normal way of working for a candidate

Requesting access arrangements 

Roles and responsibilities 

ENCO (or equivalent role)

  • Determines if the arrangements identified for a candidate require prior approval from the awarding body before the arrangements are put in place or if approval is centre delegated 
  • Follows guidance to process approval applications for access arrangements for those qualifications included  
  • Applies for approval where this is required, through Access arrangements online (AAO), or through the awarding body where qualifications sit outside the scope of AAO 
  • Ensures that where approval is required the application is processed on time and no later than the awarding body’s published deadline 
  • Ensures that the full supporting evidence is in place before an online application is processed 
  • Reviews the evidence before an online application is processed, ensuring that the candidate does meet the published criteria for the respective arrangement 
  • Holds all supporting evidence and presents such evidence to Centre Inspector upon request  
  • Ensures that the agreed adjustment has been put in place before the candidate’s first examination, e.g. internal tests and mock examinations 
  • Ensures appropriate and required evidence is held on file to confirm validation responses in AAO including (where required) the completion of relevant forms, such as JCQ Form 8 or Form 9 supplemented by written statements when required 
  • Ensures where forms are required to be completed, they are signed (a handwritten, electronic or typed signature is acceptable) and dated as required prior to approval being sought and that the form is provided for processing and inspection purposes (This may be a hard copy paper version or an electronic version) 
  • Ensures the names of all other assessors, who are assessing candidates studying qualifications covered by AAO are entered into AAO to confirm their status 
  • Confirms by ticking the ‘Confirmation’ box prior to submitting the application for approval that the ‘malpractice consequence statement’ has been read and accepted 
  • Makes an awarding body referral through AAO where the initial application for approval may not be approved by AAO, where it is deemed by the centre that the candidate does meet the criteria for the arrangement(s) 
  • Maintains a file/e-folder for each candidate (the required documentation for a candidate will be in hard copy within the candidate’s file/each of the required documents held electronically within the candidate’s e-folder) that will include:  
    • completed JCQ/awarding body application forms and evidence forms 
    • appropriate evidence to support the need for the arrangement where required 
    • appropriate evidence to support normal way of working within the centre 
    • in addition, for those qualifications covered by AAO (where approval is required), a printout/PDF of the AAO approval, a signed candidate personal data consent form (which provides candidate consent to their personal details being shared)  
    • (where applicable) ‘Data protection confirmation by the ENCO completed before an application is processed online  
  • Presents the files/e-folders when requested by a Centre Inspector and addresses any queries/questions raised 
  • Liaises with teaching staff regarding any appropriate modified paper requirements for candidates

Examinations officer 

  • Liaises with the ENCO (or equivalent role) to ensure all applications are made in time 
  • Liaises with the ENCO to ensure arrangements are in place to either order a non-interactive electronic or to download a PDF copy of the standard question paper or to open question paper packets in the secure room within 90 minutes of the awarding body’s published starting time for the exam where the centre is permitted to modify a timetabled written component exam paper (copy on coloured paper, enlarge to A3 or copy to single sided print) 
  • Following the appropriate process orders published modified papers, by the awarding body’s deadline for the exam series, where these may be required for a candidate

Assistant Headteacher Student Progress and Welfare 

  • If the ENCO (or equivalent role) is unavailable, presents the files/e-folders of access arrangements candidates when requested by a Centre Inspector and addresses any queries/questions raised  

Implementing access arrangements and the conduct of exams 

Roles and responsibilities  

External assessments

These are assessments which are normally set and marked/examined by an awarding body which must be conducted according to awarding body instructions and/or the JCQ/Cambridge International instructions. 

Head of centre (Principal) 

  • Supports the ENCO (or equivalent role), the examinations officer and other relevant centre staff in ensuring appropriate arrangements, adjustments and adaptations are in place to facilitate access for disabled candidates to exams


  • Ensures appropriate arrangements, adjustments and adaptations are in place to facilitate access for candidates where they are disabled within the meaning of the Equality Act (unless a temporary emergency arrangement is required at the time of an exam)  
  • Ensures a candidate is involved in any decisions about arrangements, adjustments and/or adaptations that may be put in place for them and ensures the candidate understands what will happen at exam time 
  • Ensures exam information (instructions/timetable/guidance) is adapted where this may be required for a disabled candidate to access it 
  • Ensures that prior to any arrangements being put in place checks are made that arrangements do not impact on any assessment criteria/competence standards being tested 
  • Ensures that any arrangements put in place do not unfairly disadvantage or advantage disabled candidates  
  • Monitors, in internal tests/mock exams, the use of arrangements granted to a candidate and where a candidate has never made use of the arrangement, may consider withdrawing the arrangement, provided the candidate will not be placed at a substantial disadvantage  
  • Liaises with the examinations officer (EO) regarding facilitation and invigilation of access arrangement candidates in exams 
  • Liaises with other relevant centre staff regarding the provision of appropriate rooming and equipment that may be required to facilitate access for disabled candidates to exams 
  • Appoints appropriate centre staff as facilitators to support candidates (practical assistant, prompter, Language Modifier, reader, scribe or Communication Professional) 
  • Ensures facilitators supporting candidates are appropriately trained and understand the rules of the particular access arrangement(s) 
  • Ensures a record of the content of training given to those facilitating an access arrangement for a candidate under examination conditions is kept and retained on file until the deadline for reviews of marking has passed or until any appeal, malpractice or other results enquiry has been completed, whichever is later 
  • Ensures where a person is appointed to facilitate an access arrangement, the person appointed is not normally the candidate’s own subject teacher, Learning Support Assistant or teaching assistant. Where the candidate’s own subject teacher, Learning Support Assistant or teaching assistant has to be used, a separate invigilator is always present  
  • Ensures where a person is appointed to facilitate an access arrangement, the person appointed is not a relative, friend, peer or private tutor of the candidate Ensures a facilitator acting as a prompter is aware of the appropriate way to prompt depending on the needs of the candidate 
  • Liaises with the EO where a facilitator may be required to support a candidate requiring an emergency (temporary) access arrangement at the time of exams

Examinations officer 

  • Understands and follows JCQ/Cambridge International instructions for Invigilation arrangements for candidates with access arrangements and Access arrangements 
  • Ensures invigilators supervising access arrangement candidates are trained in their role and understand the invigilation arrangements required for access arrangement candidates and the role of any facilitator 
  • Ensures cover sheets, where these are required by the arrangement are completed as required by facilitators  
  • Liaises with the ENCO and other relevant centre staff to ensure appropriate arrangements, adjustments and adaptations are in place to facilitate access for disabled candidates to exams Liaises with the ENCO to ensure exam information (JCQ information for candidates documents, individual exam timetable etc.) is adapted where this may be required for a disabled candidate to access it 
  • Liaises with the ENCO regarding the facilitation and invigilation of access arrangement candidates Liaises with the ENCO regarding rooming of access arrangement candidates 
  • Liaises with the ENCO to ensure that invigilators are made aware of equality legislation and are trained in disability issues 
  • Ensures appropriate seating arrangements are in place where different arrangements may need to be made for a candidate to facilitate access to his/her exams 
  • Ensures candidates with access arrangements are identified on exam room seating plans and invigilators are informed of those candidates with access arrangements and made aware of the access arrangement(s) awarded  
  • Ensures invigilators are briefed prior to each exam session of the arrangements in place for a disabled candidate in their exam room 
  • Checks in advance of dated exams/assessments that modified paper orders have arrived (and if not will contact the awarding body to ensure that papers are available when required) 
  • Makes modifications that are permitted by the centre (a question paper copied onto coloured paper, an A4 to A3 enlarged paper or a paper printed on single sheets or where a question paper may need to be scanned into PDF format where a candidate is approved the use of a computer reader) that may be required and either accesses a non-interactive electronic (PDF) question paper or opens the exam question paper packet in the secure room no earlier than 90 minutes prior to the awarding body’s published start time of the exam 
  • Understands that where permitted/approved, a secure question paper packet may need to be opened early in the secure room to facilitate the following:
    • a Language Modifier may have access to the question paper 60 minutes prior to the awarding body’s published start time for the exam in order to prepare 
    • the Communication Professional may have access to the question paper 60 minutes prior to the awarding body’s published start time for the exam in order to prepare 
    • a Live Speaker may have access to the transcript of the Listening examination 60 minutes prior to the awarding body’s published start time for the exam in order to prepare
  • Provides cover sheets prior to the start of an exam where required for particular access arrangements and ensures that these have been fully completed before candidates’ scripts are dispatched to examiners/markers 
    • prints pre-populated cover sheets from AAO where this is required for particular arrangements 
  • Has a process in place to deal with emergency (temporary) access arrangements as they arise at the time of exams in terms of rooming and invigilation 
  • Liaises with the ENCO where a facilitator may be required to support a candidate requiring an emergency (temporary) access arrangement at the time of exams 
  • Where required for emergency (temporary) access arrangements, applies for approval through AAO or through the awarding body where qualifications sit outside the scope of AAO   


  • are familiar with the instructions for Invigilation arrangements for candidates with access arrangements and Access arrangements

Internal assessments 

These are non-examination assessments (NEA) which are normally set by a centre/awarding body, marked and internally moderated/standardised by the centre and externally moderated by the awarding body.  

However, ‘NEA’ is not limited to internal assessment as externally marked and/or externally set practical examinations taken at different times across centres are also classified as ‘NEA’.  

ENCO (or equivalent role)

  • Liaises with teaching staff to implement appropriate access arrangements for candidates 
  • Ensures centre-delegated and awarding body approved arrangements are in place prior to a candidate taking their first formal supervised assessment 
  • Ensures candidates are aware of the access arrangements that are in place for their assessments 
  • Ensures a candidate has had appropriate opportunities to practise using the access arrangement(s) before their first examination 
  • Ensures facilitators supporting candidates are appropriately trained and understand the rules of the particular access arrangement(s) 
  • Ensures cover sheets are completed as required by facilitators 
  • Liaises with the teacher where a facilitator may be required to support a candidate requiring an emergency (temporary) access arrangement at the time of their formal supervised assessment  

Teaching staff  

  • Support the ENCO (or equivalent role) in implementing appropriate access arrangements for candidates  
  • Provide the ENCO with assessment schedules to ensure arrangements are put in place when required 
  • Liaise with the ENCO regarding assessment materials that may need to be modified for a candidate  

Internal exams

These are exams or tests which are set and marked within the centre; normally a pre-cursor to external assessments.  

ENCO (or equivalent role) 

  • Liaises with teaching staff to implement appropriate access arrangements for candidates

Teaching staff   

  • Support the ENCO (or equivalent role) in implementing appropriate access arrangements for candidates  
  • Provide exam materials modified for a candidate if necessary

Examinations Officer or Heads of School 

  • Provide the ENCO (or equivalent role) with internal exam timetable to ensure arrangements are put in place when required

Facilitating access - examples

The following information confirms the centre’s good practice in relation to equality legislation and the conduct of examinations. 

On a candidate by candidate basis, consideration is given to:

  • adapting assessment arrangements 
  • adapting assessment materials 
  • the provision of specialist equipment or adaptation of standard equipment 
  • adaptation of the physical environment for access purposes

The table provides example arrangements, adjustments and adaptations that are considered to meet the need(s) of a candidate and the actions considered/taken by the centre for the purposes of facilitating access.

Example of candidate need(s) Arrangements explored Centre actions
A medical condition which prevents the candidate from taking exams in the centre
Alternative site for the conduct of examinations  
Supervised rest breaks
ENCO (or equivalent role) gathers evidence to support the need for the candidate to take exams at home
Relevant member of staff (Head of School) provides written statement for file to confirm the need
Approval confirmed by ENCO; AAO approval for both arrangements not required
ENCO discussion with candidate to confirm the arrangements should be put in place
Examinations Officer submits ‘Alternative site form’ for timetabled written exams to awarding body/bodies online using CAP
An on-line submission must only be made for timetabled written examinations in the following qualifications…
Examinations Officer provides candidate with exam timetable and JCQ information for candidates
ENCO confirms with candidate the information is understood
ENCO agrees with candidate that prior to each exam will call to confirm fitness to take exam Examinations Officer allocates invigilator(s) to candidate’s timetable; confirms time of collection of exam papers and materials
Invigilator monitors candidate’s condition for each exam and records any issues on incident log Invigilator records supervised rest breaks (time and duration) on incident log and confirms set full time given for exam
Invigilator briefs Examinations Officer after each exam on how candidate’s performance in exam may have been affected by his/her condition Examinations Officer discusses with ENCO or Head of School if candidate is eligible for special consideration (candidate present but disadvantaged)
Examinations Officer processes request(s) for special consideration where applicable; incident log(s) provides supporting evidence signed by a member of the senior leadership team (Evidence retained until after the publication of results)
Examinations Officer informs candidate that special consideration has been requested
Persistent and significant difficulties in accessing written text  
Reader/computer reader
25% Extra time
Alternative rooming arrangements
Confirms candidate is disabled within the meaning of equality legislation  
Papers checked for those testing reading Computer reader/examination reading pen sourced for use in papers (or sections of papers) testing reading OR up to 50% extra time awarded.
AAO application for approval processed Supporting evidence, AAO approval and signed candidate personal data consent form and completed Data protection confirmation form administered by the ENCO kept on file kept on file
Significant difficulty in concentrating Prompter
Alternative rooming arrangements
Gathers evidence to support substantial and long term adverse impairment
AAO application for approval processed Supporting evidence, AAO approval, signed candidate personal data consent form and completed Data protection confirmation by the examinations officer or ENCO form kept on file Confirms with candidate how and when they will be prompted
Briefs invigilator to monitor candidate and the method of prompting (call out his name to bring his attention back to the paper - confirms requirement for alternative room)
A wheelchair user Desk
Seating arrangements
Practical assistant
Applies for practical assistant to help candidate set up wheelchair and other equipment in a practical assessment; approval automatically fails so awarding body referral lists the tasks that will be performed
Supporting evidence, AAO approval, signed candidate personal data consent form and completed Data protection confirmation by the examinations officer or ENCO form kept on file Provides height adjustable desk in exam room
Allocates exam room on ground floor near adapted bathroom facilities
Spaces desks to allow wheelchair access S
eats candidate near exam room door
Confirms arrangements in place to assist the candidate in case of emergency evacuation of the exam room
Practical assistant cover sheet printed from AAO; to be completed by facilitator and inserted inside the candidate’s work where this may be applicable to the assessment


Appendix 7 – Complaints procedure - exams

Purpose of the procedure 

This procedure confirms that Jersey College for Girls will draw to the attention of candidates and their parents/carers our written complaints procedure which covers general complaints regarding the centre’s delivery or administration of a qualification and our internal appeals procedure. This procedure should be viewed in conjunction with the College’s Complaints Policy.

Grounds for complaint 

A candidate (their parent/carer) may make a complaint on the grounds below (this is not an exhaustive list).  

Teaching and learning 

  • Quality of teaching and learning, for example 
    • Non-subject specialist teacher without adequate training/subject matter expertise utilised on a long-term basis  
    • Teacher lacking knowledge of new specification/incorrect core content studied/taught 
    • Core content not adequately covered 
    • Inadequate feedback for a candidate following assessment(s) 
  • Pre-release/advance material/set task issued by the awarding body not provided on time to an exam candidate  
  • The marking of an internal assessment (centre assessed work), which contributes to the final grade of the qualification, not undertaken according to the requirements of the awarding body  
  • Candidate not informed of their centre assessed marks prior to marks being submitted to the awarding body 
  • Candidate not informed of their centre assessed marks in sufficient time to request/appeal a review of marking prior to marks being submitted to the awarding body 
  • Candidate not given sufficient time to review materials to make a decision whether to request a review of centre assessed marks  
  • Candidate unhappy with internal assessment decision  
  • Centre fails to adhere to its internal appeals procedure

Access arrangements and special consideration 

  • Candidate not assessed by the centre’s appointed assessor
  • Candidate not involved in decisions made regarding their access arrangements 
  • Candidate did not consent to record their personal data online (by the non-acquisition of a completed candidate personal data consent form) 
  • Candidate not informed/adequately informed of the arrangements in place and the subjects or components of subjects where the arrangements would not apply 
  • Exam information not appropriately adapted for a disabled candidate to access it 
  • Adapted equipment/assistive technology put in place failed during exam/assessment 
  • Approved access arrangement(s) not put in place at the time of an exam/assessment  Appropriate arrangements not put in place at the time of an exam/assessment as a consequence of a temporary injury or impairment 
  • Candidate unhappy with centre decision relating to access arrangements or special consideration  
  • Centre fails to adhere to its internal appeals procedure


  • Failure to clearly explain a decision of early entry for a qualification to candidate (or parent/carer) 
  • Candidate not entered/entered late (incurring a late entry fee) for a required exam/assessment 
  • Candidate entered for a wrong exam/assessment 
  • Candidate entered for a wrong tier of entry

Conducting examinations 

  • Failure to adequately brief candidate on exam timetable/exam regulations prior to exam/assessment taking place 
  • Room in which exam held did not provide candidate with appropriate conditions for taking the exam Inadequate invigilation in exam room 
  • Failure to conduct exam according to the regulations 
  • Online system failed during (on-screen) exam/assessment 
  • Disruption during exam/assessment  
  • Alleged, suspected or actual malpractice incident not investigated/reported 
  • Eligible application for special consideration for a candidate not submitted/not submitted to timescale 
  • Failure to inform/update candidate on the accepted/rejected outcome of a special consideration application if provided by awarding body

Results and Post-results  

  • Before exams, candidate not made aware of the arrangements for post-results services and the accessibility of senior members of centre staff after the publication of results 
  • Candidate not having access to a member of senior staff after the publication of results to discuss/make decision on the submission of a review/enquiry 
  • Candidate request for return of work after moderation and work not available/disposed of earlier than allowed in the regulations 
  • Candidate (or parent/carer) unhappy with a result (complainant to refer via examinations officer to awarding body post-results services) 
  • Candidate (or parent/carer) unhappy with a centre decision not to support a clerical re-check, a review of marking, a review of moderation or an appeal 
  • Centre fails to adhere to its internal appeals procedure 
  • Centre applied for the wrong post-results service/for the wrong script for a candidate 
  • Centre missed awarding body deadline to apply for a post-results service 
  • Centre applied for a post-results service for candidate without gaining required candidate consent/permission

Raising a concern/complaint

If a candidate (or their parent/carer) has a general concern or complaint about the centre’s delivery or administration of a qualification they are following, Jersey College for Girls encourages the candidate to try to resolve this informally in person, via a telephone call or via email with the appropriate member of staff in the first instance.  If a complaint fails to be resolved informally, the candidate (or their parent/carer) is then at liberty to make a formal complaint.

How to make a formal complaint 

  • A formal complaint should be submitted by completing a complaints and appeals form 
  • Forms are available below 
  • Completed forms should be returned to the examinations officer 
  • Forms received will be logged by the centre and acknowledged within 5 working days

How a formal complaint is investigated 

  • The Principal will further investigate or appoint a member of the senior leadership team (who is not involved in the grounds for complaint and has no personal interest in the outcome) to investigate the complaint and report on the findings and conclusion 
  • The findings and conclusion will be provided to the complainant within 5 working weeks

Internal appeals procedure

  • Any appeal must be submitted to the College by completing an internal appeals form 
  • Forms received will be logged by the College and acknowledged within 5 working days 
  • The appeal will be referred to the principal, or if further escalation is required, a member of the governing body 
  • The College will inform the appellant of the final conclusion 

Appendix 8 – Whistleblowing Policy (Exams)  

Whistleblowing at Jersey College for Girls is encouraged, not penalised, and staff are made aware that they have a duty to report any concerns they have about the conduct of examinations and assessments.   

The head of centre and governing board at the College aim to create and maintain an approach to examinations and assessments that reflects an ethical culture,  and encourages staff and students to be aware of and report practices that could compromise the integrity and security of examinations and assessments.

Jersey College for Girls will 

  • take all reasonable steps to prevent the occurrence of any malpractice (which includes maladministration) before, during and after assessments have taken place 
  • inform the awarding body immediately of any alleged, suspected or actual incidents of malpractice or maladministration, involving a candidate or a member of staff, by completing the appropriate documentation 
  • as required by an awarding body, gather evidence of any instances of alleged or suspected malpractice (which includes maladministration) and provide such information and advice as the awarding body may reasonably require

The Whistleblower 

A whistleblower is defined as a person who reports an actual or potential wrongdoing. They are protected providing they are acting in the public interest. If the person raising the issue is a worker, this will be considered as whistleblowing. This includes agency staff and contractors. 


If a member of centre staff involved in the management, administration and/or conducting of examinations and assessments (such as examinations officer or invigilator), a student or a member of the public (such as a parent/carer) has a concern or reason to believe that malpractice has or will occur in an examination or assessment, concerns should normally be raised initially with the Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for exams. 

However, there may be times when it may be more appropriate to refer the issue direct to the Head of Centre (Principal) (if the allegation is against the assistant headteacher) or the governing board (if the allegation is against the head of centre). 

Examples of malpractice 

In addition to the centre wide Whistleblowing Policy, this exams-specific policy, includes reference to exams-related breaches including, but not limited to, the following: 

  • Failure to comply with exam regulations as set out by the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) and awarding bodies 
  • A security breach of the examination paper 
  • Conduct of centre staff which undermines the integrity of the examination/assessment 
  • Unfair treatment of candidates by either giving an advantage to a candidate/group of candidates (e.g. by permitting a candidate an access arrangement which is not supported by appropriate evidence), or disadvantaging candidates by not providing access to the appropriate conditions (providing a ‘level playing field’) 
  • Possible fraud and corruption (e.g. accessing the exam paper prior to the exam to aid teaching and learning) 
  • Abuse of authority (e.g. the head of centre/members of the senior leadership team overriding awarding body regulations) 
  • Other conduct which may be interpreted as malpractice/maladministration  

Whistleblowing procedure 

If the individual does not feel safe raising the issue/reporting malpractice within the centre, or they have done so and are concerned that no action has been taken, that individual could consider making their disclosure to a malpractice expert at the awarding body for the qualification where malpractice is suspected.  

In order to investigate concerns effectively, the awarding body should be provided with as much information as possible/is relevant, which may include:

  • The qualifications and subjects involved 
  • The centre involved 
  • The names of staff/candidates involved 
  • The regulations breached/specific nature of suspected malpractice 
  • When and where the suspected malpractice occurred 
  • Whether multiple examination series are affected 
  • If the issue has been reported to the centre and what the outcome was 
  • How the issue became apparent


In some circumstances, the whistleblower might find it difficult to raise concerns with the Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for exams. If a concern is raised anonymously, the issue may not be able to be taken further if insufficient information has been provided. In such instances, and if appropriate, the allegation may be disclosed to a union representative, who could then be required to report the concern without disclosing its source. Alternatively, whistleblowers or others with concerns about potential malpractice can report the matter direct to Ofqual, who is identified as a ‘prescribed body’. Awarding organisations are not prescribed bodies under whistleblowing legislation; however, awarding organisation investigation teams do give those reporting concerns the opportunity for anonymity. 

A whistleblower can give their name but may also request confidentiality; the person receiving the information should make every effort to protect the identity of the whistleblower.  


Students at Jersey College for Girls are made to feel comfortable discussing/reporting malpractice issues of which they are aware. The regulations surrounding their assessments, and wider academic integrity, will be reiterated to students who are undertaking, or who are about to undertake, their courses of study.  

Appendix 9 – Access Arrangements Policy 

This policy should be read in conjunction with our College Individual Student Needs Policy.

Access arrangements 

Access arrangements are agreed before an assessment. They allow candidates with specific needs, such as special educational needs, disabilities or temporary injuries to access the assessment and show what they know and can do without changing the demands of the assessment. The intention behind an access arrangement is to meet the needs of an individual candidate without affecting the integrity of the assessment. Access arrangements are the principal way in which awarding bodies comply with the duty under equalities legislation to make ‘reasonable adjustments’.

Reasonable adjustments

The UK Equality Act 2010* requires an awarding body to make reasonable adjustments where a candidate, who is disabled within the meaning of the Equality Act 2010, would be at a substantial disadvantage in comparison to someone who is not disabled. The awarding body is required to take reasonable steps to overcome that disadvantage. An example would be a Braille paper which would be a reasonable adjustment for a vision impaired candidate who could read Braille. A reasonable adjustment may be unique to that individual and may not be included in the list of available access arrangements. Whether an adjustment will be considered reasonable will depend on several factors which will include, but are not limited to:  

  • the needs of the disabled candidate; 
  • the effectiveness of the adjustment; 
  • the cost of the adjustment; and 
  • the likely impact of the adjustment upon the candidate and other candidates.  

An adjustment will not be approved if it: 

  • nvolves unreasonable costs to the awarding body; 
  • involves unreasonable timeframes; or 
  • affects the security and integrity of the assessment.  


This is because the adjustment is not ‘reasonable’.

The centre must ensure that approved adjustments can be delivered to candidates

Purpose of the policy

The purpose of this policy is to confirm that Jersey College for Girls has a written record which clearly shows the centre is leading on the access arrangements process and is complying with its obligation to identify the need for, request and implement access arrangements.  

The ENCO (or equivalent role) holds individual files/e-folders of each access arrangements candidate. Each file/e-folder contains detailed records of all the essential information that is required to be held according to the regulations.   

Where the ENCO (or equivalent role) is storing documentation electronically they must create an e-folder for each individual candidate. The candidate’s e-folder must hold each of the required documents for inspection.

General principles 

The Head of Centre/Principal/SLT will appoint an ENCO, or an equivalent member of staff, who will coordinate the access arrangements process within the centre and determine appropriate arrangements for candidates with learning difficulties and disabilities, candidates for whom English is an additional language, as well as those with a temporary illness or temporary injury.  

The purpose of an access arrangement/reasonable adjustment is to ensure, where possible, that barriers to assessment are removed for a disabled candidate preventing them from being placed at a substantial disadvantage due to persistent and significant difficulties. The integrity of the assessment is maintained, whilst at the same time providing access to assessments for disabled candidate.   

The ENCO (or equivalent role) must ensure that the proposed access arrangement/reasonable adjustment does not unfairly disadvantage or advantage the candidate.  

Access arrangements/reasonable adjustments should be processed at the start of the course.   

Arrangements must always be approved before an examination or assessment.   

The arrangement(s) put in place must reflect the support given to the candidate in the centre.  

The candidate must have had appropriate opportunities to practise using the access arrangement(s)/reasonable adjustment(s) before their first examination.  

Equalities Policy (Exams) 

A large part of the access arrangements/reasonable adjustments process is covered in the Equalities Policy (Exams) which covers staff roles and responsibilities in identifying the need for, requesting and implementing access arrangements and the conduct of exams. 

This policy further covers the assessment process and related issues in more detail.

The assessment process 

Assessments are carried out by the ENCO or assessors appointed by the head of centre.  The assessors are appropriately qualified as required by JCQ/Cambridge International regulations.

Process for the assessment of a candidate by an assessor  

Most assessments are carried out by appropriately qualified Jersey College for Girls’ staff. If they are carried out by another qualified professional, the ENCO will always consider the assessment to see whether the process of gathering a picture of need, demonstrating normal way of working within the centre and ultimately assessing the candidate themselves should be instigated 

Picture of need/normal way of working 

The ENCO will oversee the collating of information from all subject areas to paint a ‘holistic picture of need’ and gather evidence to demonstrate normal way of working. The evidence gathered will give background information to assist any assessment.

Processing access arrangements and adjustments 

Arrangements/adjustments requiring awarding body approval

Access arrangements online (AAO) is a tool provided by JCQ member awarding bodies for centres to apply for required access arrangement approval for the qualifications covered by the tool. This tool also provides the facility to order modified papers for those qualifications included. Similarly access arrangement approval needs to be sought for Cambridge International Exams. 

AAO is accessed within the JCQ Centre Admin Portal (CAP) using any of the awarding body secure extranet sites. A single application for approval is required for each candidate for all JCQ awarding bodies.  

Online applications must only be processed where they are supported by the centre and the candidate meets the published criteria for the arrangement(s) with the full supporting evidence in place.  

The processing of applications are made by the ENCO (or equivalent role) in liaison with the examinations officer.   

The ENCO (or equivalent role) must liaise with the examinations officer to ensure that candidates have complete a personal data consent form prior to processing the online application. The consent form must be retained for 26 months from the date of the online application being approved.  

The ENCO (or equivalent role) must keep detailed records of all the essential information on file. This includes a copy of the candidate’s approved application, appropriate evidence of need and a signed candidate personal data consent form. This should be available for inspection.

Centre-specific criteria for particular arrangements/adjustments 

Word Processor Policy (Exams) – see Appendix 11

An exam candidate may be approved the use of a word processor where this is appropriate to the candidate’s needs and not simply because the candidate now wants to type rather than write in exams or can work faster on a keyboard, or because they use a laptop at home. The use of a word processor must reflect the candidate’s normal way of working within the centre.

Alternative Rooming Arrangements Policy – see Appendix 12 

A decision where an exam candidate may be approved alternative rooming arrangements, e.g. a room for a smaller group of students with similar needs will be made by the ENCO or equivalent role  The decision will be based on:  

  • whether the candidate has a substantial and long-term impairment which has an adverse effect and  
  • the candidate’s normal way of working within the centre

Alternative rooming must reflect the candidate’s normal and current way of working in internal school tests and mock examinations. 

  • Nervousness, low level anxiety or being worried about examinations is not sufficient grounds for separate invigilation within the centre. 
  • 1:1 invigilation and the use of an alternative room would apply where the candidate has a serious medical condition such as frequent seizures, Tourette’s or significant behavioural issues which would disturb other candidates in the examination room.  


Appendix 10 - Conflicts of Interest Policy 

It is the responsibility of the head of centre (Principal) to ensure that Jersey College For Girls

  • Manages any conflicts of interest by informing the awarding bodies, before the published deadline for exam entries for each examination series. A
  • ny members of centre staff who are teaching and preparing members of their family (which includes step-family, foster family and similar close relationships) or their immediate family for qualifications which include internally assessed components/units and maintains clear records of all instances where: 
    • Exam office staff have members of their family (which include step-family) are being entered for examinations at the centre 
    • Centre staff are taking qualifications at their own centre which do not include internally assessed components/units. 
    • Centre staff taking qualifications at other centres

Purpose of the policy 

The purpose of this policy is to confirm how Jersey College for Girls manages conflicts of interest under normal delivery arrangements in accordance with the regulations. 

General Principles 

A process is in place to collect any declaration of interests and place the hard copies in a secure location as well as sending an electric copy to the awarding bodies.

Declaration process 

A hard/electronic copy of the declaration of interests form is sent to exam office staff.

Roles and responsibilities 

 The role of the head of centre (Principal) 

  • Ensure conflicts of interests are managed according to the requirements 
  • Ensure clear records are maintained and that the records include details of the measures taken to mitigate any potential risk to the integrity of the qualifications affected. 
  • Ensure that entering members of staff for qualifications at the centre as a last resort in cases where the member of centre staff is unable to find another centre. 
  • Ensure that proper protocols are in place to prevent the member of centre staff having access to the examination materials prior to the examination. 
  • Ensure that during the examination series the member of centre staff is treated in the same way as any other candidate entered for that examination.

The role of the examinations officer 

  • Ensure the process for collecting declarations has taken place Identify and follow the awarding body’s administrative process for submitting details of members of staff who are  
  • Taking qualifications which include internally assessed component at their own centre 
  • Retain records of the measures taken to mitigate any conflict of interest.

Appendix 11 - Word Processor Policy (Exams)

The use of a word processor in exams and assessments is an available access arrangements/reasonable adjustment.

Purpose of the policy 

  • The purpose of this policy is to confirm how Jersey College for Girls ensures that where possible the barriers to assessments are removed for a disabled candidate preventing them from being placed at a substantial disadvantage due to persistent and significant difficulties. The integrity of the assessment is maintained, whilst at the same time providing access to assessments for a disabled candidate 
  • JCG must make decisions on appropriate access arrangements for their candidates. Although professionals from other organisations may give advice, they cannot make the decision for the centre. They will not have a working knowledge of an individual candidate’s needs and how their difficulties impact in the classroom and/or in timed assessments. It is the responsibility of the ENCO to make appropriate and informed decisions based on the JCQ and Cambridge International regulations 
  • This policy details how Jersey College for Girls complies with JCQ and Cambridge International regulations regarding the use of word processors 
  • The term word processor is used to describe for example the use of a computer or laptop within an examination. 
  • The criteria Jersey College for Girls use to award and allocate word processors for examinations and assessments is as directed by the head of centre that the students will handwrite assessment and exams unless there are exceptions, such as handwriting difficulties.

General Principles 

  • The purpose of an access arrangements or reasonable adjustment is to ensure that there are no hurdles in place for a candidate that puts them at a significant and persistent disadvantage to other candidates. 
  • Although access arrangements or adjustments are intended to allow access to assessments, they are not granted where they will compromise the assessment objectives for that particular qualification. 
  • Candidates may not require the same access arrangements in each specification, subjects and their methods of assessments may vary, leading to other different demands of the candidates. 
  • Our ENCO will consider the need for access arrangements on a subject by subject basis. Our ENCO will ensure that the proposed access arrangements do not unfairly disadvantage or advantage a candidate. 
  • The candidate must have had appropriate opportunities to practise using the access arrangements before her first examination. 
  • A word processor cannot simply be granted to a candidate because they now want to type rather than write in examinations or can work faster on a keyboard or because they use a laptop at home. It must reflect their normal way of working in assessments within the College.

Jersey College For Girls will: 

  • Allocate the use of a word processor to a candidate with the spelling and grammar check facility (predicted text) switched off when the ENCO has assessed and confirmed that this should be their normal way of working in assessments 
  • Award the use of a processor to candidates where appropriate to their needs which may be, for example:  
    • A learning difficulty which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to write legibly 
    • A medical condition 
    • A physical disability 
    • A sensory impairment 
    • Planning and organisation problems when writing by hand 
    • Poor handwriting
  • Only permit the use of a word processor where the integrity of the assessment can be maintained 
  • Not grant the use of a word processor where it will compromise the assessment objectives 
  • Ensure that practice written assessments replicate the arrangements to be used in external exams (handwriting or word processing) as advised by the ENCO 
  • Review the use of word processors by students on a regular basis 
  • Process access arrangements at the start of the course or as soon as possible when having firmly established a picture of a particular need that requires a word processor as an access arrangement. 
  • Where a candidate is not sat next to plugs, check the word processor is fully charged. 
  • Not simply grant the use of a word processor to a candidate because they now want to type rather than write in examinations or can work faster on a keyboard. 
  • Provide a word processor to the candidate with the predictive text and spell check switched off. 
  • Ensure the candidate is reminded of their candidate and centre number as well as all the relevant information relating to that particular examination 
  • Ensure the candidate understands that each page of the typed scripts must be numbered. 
  • Ensure that the candidate is reminded to save their work at regular intervals Instruct the candidate to use a minimum of 12pt font as well as have double spacing between their lines. 
  • Make sure the word processor is unable to be connected to any Wi-Fi or external websites. 
  • Make sure the word processor is being used as a typewriter – not a database. 
  • Make sure a pen drive is used to save the candidates works and this will be kept for a minimum of 6 months after the examination has taken place. This pen drive will be provided by Jersey College for Girls. 
  • Where an awarding body may require a word processor cover sheet, include this with the candidate’s typed script (and according to the relevant awarding body’s instructions) 
  • Require the candidate’s signature on the bottom of each page of the exam script.

Appendix 12 - Alternative Rooming Arrangements 

Alternative rooming within the centre is an available access arrangements when a candidate may be eligible to take an examination accommodated outside the main examination room, for example in a room for a smaller group of candidates. 

Decisions on the awarding of the arrangement 

At Jersey College for Girls, decisions on the awarding of the arrangements are made by the ENCO (or equivalent role).

Decisions are based on 

  • Whether the candidate has a substantial and long-term impairment which has an adverse effect 
  • The candidate’s normal way of working within the centre 
  • Ensuring the proposed arrangement does not unfairly disadvantage the candidate 
  • Low level anxiety or being worried about examinations is not sufficient grounds for separate invigilation within the centre

Criteria for the awarding of the arrangement 

Alternative rooming will be considered where the arrangement would prevent a candidate from being placed at a substantial disadvantage and where the following conditions are met  

  • The candidate has an established difficulty as defined in JCQ/Cambridge International access arrangements and reasonable adjustments publications 
  • The candidate’s disability is established within the centre and known to their Head of School and the ENCO 
  • Alternative rooming reflects the candidate’s normal current way of working in internal tests and mock examinations 
  • Where a candidate is subject to alternative rooming within the centre, the regulations and guidance within the JCQ publication/Cambridge International instructions for conducting examinations will be adhered to, particularly in relation to accommodation and invigilation arrangements 
  • 1:1 invigilation and the use of an alternative room would apply where the candidate has a serious medical condition such as frequent seizures, Tourette’s or significant behavioural issues which would disturb other candidates in the examination room.  

Appendix 13 - Non-Examination Assessment/Coursework Policy 

What does this policy affect? 

GCE and GCSE specifications with one or more non-examination assessment component, controlled assessments (where applicable) and coursework.  

The regulators’ definition of an examination is very narrow. In effect, any type of assessment that is not:  

  • set by an awarding body  
  • designed to be taken simultaneously by all relevant candidates at a time determined by the awarding body, and  
  • taken under conditions specified by the awarding body (including conditions relating to the supervision of candidates during the assessment and the duration of the assessment)  is classified as non-examination assessment (NEA).  

The term coursework is a generic one. It includes the work required in Project qualifications and internally assessed work in other qualifications covered by these Instructions.

Purpose of the policy 

This policy confirms the JCQ requirement that JCG has in place for inspection that must be reviewed and updated annually, a written policy regarding the management of non-examination assessments including controlled assessments and coursework.  

Awarding bodies require centres to have a non-examination assessment policy in place to:  

  • cover procedures for planning and managing non-examination assessments 
  • define staff roles and responsibilities for non-examination assessments 
  • manage risks associated with non-examination assessments 

Procedures for planning and managing non-examination assessments identifying staff roles and responsibilities 

The basic principles 

Remember the mantra: ‘There should be no surprises!’  


Coursework (or NEAs) are an essential component of many GCSE and A level subjects. The exact details and requirements vary from board to board and subject to subject, but essentially the work must be the student’s own work, verified by the school and submitted for marking by a specified date. The need for a systematic approach to coursework is essential if students are to maximise their success in this component of their examination and if all candidates are to be treated fairly. The College will provide support, advice and a structured process for the management of coursework. 

JCG Coursework Deadline Date   

All coursework is to be completed by all students by the given date in mid March (published on the College’s calendar). It is expected that the minimum grade coursework will be a grade 4 (or equivalent) at GCSE and grade C at A level.   

This coursework deadline date will allow lesson time afterwards to be devoted to exam revision. This should also make the administration of coursework and the associated form filling easier to manage.   

The Head of Department in liaison with the Head of Faculty is responsible for   

  • Incorporating coursework preparation into schemes of work for their subject so that coursework can be completed in time to meet the College deadline  
  • Supporting staff and students in the meeting of the whole school coursework deadline  
  • Amending schemes of work to reflect the JCG Coursework deadline  
  • Publishing written guidelines for students and parents at the start of the course, stating interim deadlines for completion, how coursework is presented, marked, standardised and the percentage marks on offer  
  • Ensuring that the completion and submission of coursework is monitored throughout the course and ‘chunked’ into manageable sections with departmental enforced deadlines.  
  • Ensuring that satisfactory progress is made at each interim date  
  • Logging concerns and actions on the College monitoring spreadsheet  Informing parents and Heads of School when interim deadlines are not adhered to and/or work is of substandard quality  
  • Overseeing any action plans put in place to deal with late or substandard work  
  • Ensuring that there is a departmental procedure set up to monitor submission of coursework, i.e. both student and subject teacher sign when coursework is submitted  
  • Ensuring that all coursework is safely and securely stored

Assistant Headteacher Exams is responsible for  

  • Monitoring coursework progress in Faculties with the help of Vice Principal (Curriculum) who includes ‘coursework monitoring’ as a rolling point on the agenda for their regular meetings with the HoFs  
  • Publishing a College Coursework deadline 
  • In conjunction with the examinations offficer / HoFS / HoDs, ensuring that coursework is submitted to the boards on time  
  • Ensures templates for monitoring are used by teachers and candidates 
  • Ensures appropriate procedures are in place to standardise/verify marks awarded 
  • Ensures there is a centre-devised template for issuing NEA/coursework results 

Head of centre (Principal) 

  • Returns a declaration (managed as part of the National Centre Number Register annual update) to confirm awareness of, and that relevant centre staff are adhering to, the latest version of NEA 
  • Ensures the centre’s Non-examination Assessment Policy is fit for purpose and covers all types of non-examination assessment 
  • Ensures the centre’s Internal Appeals Procedures clearly details the procedure to be followed by candidates (or their parents/carers) appealing against internal assessment decisions (centre assessed marks) and requesting a review of the centre’s marking 

Head of Faculty/Department/Subject 

  • Ensures subject teachers understand their role and responsibilities within the non-examination assessment process 
  • Ensures NEA and relevant awarding body subject specific instructions are followed in relation to the conduct of non-examination assessments (including endorsements) 
  • Works with the Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for exams to ensure appropriate procedures are followed to internally standardise/verify the marks awarded by subject teachers 

Subject teacher 

  • Understands and complies with the general instructions as detailed in NEA 
  • Where these may also be provided by the awarding body, understands and complies with the awarding body’s specification for conducting non-examination assessments, including any subject-specific instructions, teachers’ notes or additional information on the awarding body’s website 
  • Marks internally assessed work to the criteria provided by the awarding body 
  • Ensures the examinations officer is provided with relevant entry codes for subjects (whether the entry for the internally assessed component forms part of the overall entry code for the qualification or is made as a separate unit entry code) to the internal deadline for entries for the relevant series 

Examinations officer 

  • Signposts the annually updated JCQ NEA and ICC documents to relevant centre staff 
  • Carries out tasks where these may be applicable to the role in supporting the administration/management of non-examination assessment  

Task setting

Subject teacher 

  • Selects tasks to be undertaken where a number of comparable tasks are provided by the awarding body OR designs tasks where this is permitted by criteria set out within the subject specification  
  • Makes candidates aware of the criteria used to assess their work 

Issuing of tasks 

Subject teacher 

  • Determines when set tasks are issued by the awarding body 
  • Identifies date(s) when tasks should be taken by candidates 
  • Accesses set tasks in sufficient time to allow planning, resourcing and teaching and ensures that materials are stored securely at all times 
  • Ensures the correct task is issued to candidates 

Task taking 

Supervision Subject teacher 

  • Checks the awarding body’s subject-specific requirements ensuring candidates take tasks under the required conditions and supervision arrangements 
  • Ensures there is sufficient supervision to enable the work of a candidate to be authenticated  
  • Ensures there is sufficient supervision to ensure the work a candidate submits is their own Is confident where work may be completed outside of the centre without direct supervision, that the work produced is the candidate’s own 
  • Where candidates may work in groups, keeps a record of each candidate’s contribution and it must be possible to attribute assessable outcomes to individual candidates  
  • Ensures candidates are aware of the current JCQ/Cambridge International guidelines relating to NEA/coursework and social media 
  • Ensures candidates understand and comply with the relevant regulations  
  • Ensures candidates understand that information from all sources must be referenced, receive guidance on setting out references and are aware that they must not plagiarise other material  

Advice and feedback 

Subject teacher 

  • As relevant to the subject/component, advises candidates on relevant aspects before candidates begin working on a task 
  • Will not provide candidates with model answers or writing frames specific to the task  
  • When reviewing candidates’ work, unless prohibited by the specification, provides oral and written advice at a general level to candidates 
  • Allows candidates to revise and re-draft work after advice has been given at a general level 
  • Records any assistance given beyond general advice and takes it into account in the marking or submits it to the external examiner 
  • Ensures when work has been assessed, candidates are not allowed to revise it 


Subject teacher 

  • Refers to the awarding body’s specification and/or associated documentation to determine if candidates have restricted/unrestricted access to resources when planning and researching their tasks 
  • For JCQ examinations, refers to JCQ document AI Use in Assessments: Protecting the Integrity of Qualifications as well as the awarding body’s specification or associated documentation 
  • Brings the College’s malpractice policy to the attention of students 
  • Makes candidates aware of the appropriate and inappropriate use of AI, the risks of using AI, and the possible consequences of using AI inappropriately in a qualification assessment 
  • Ensures conditions for any formally supervised sessions are known and put in place
  • Ensures appropriate arrangements are in place to keep the work to be assessed, and any preparatory work, secure between any formally supervised sessions, including work that is stored electronically 
  • Ensures conditions for any formally supervised sessions are understood and followed by candidates 
  • Ensures candidates understand that they are not allowed to introduce augmented notes or new resources between formally supervised sessions 
  • Ensures that where appropriate to include references, candidates keep a detailed record of their own research, planning, resources etc 

Word and time limits 

Subject teacher 

  • Refers to the awarding body’s specification to determine where word and time limits apply/are mandatory 

Collaboration and group work 

Subject teacher 

  • Unless stated otherwise in the awarding body’s specification, and where appropriate, allows candidates to collaborate when carrying out research and preparatory work 
  • Ensures that it is possible to attribute assessable outcomes to individual candidates 
  • Ensures that where an assignment requires written work to be produced, each candidate writes up their own account of the assignment 
  • Assesses the work of each candidate individually 

Authentication procedures

Subject teacher 

  • Where required by the awarding body’s specification: 
    • ensures candidates sign a declaration confirming the work they submit for final assessment is their own unaided work 
    • signs the teacher declaration of authentication confirming the requirements have been met 
  • Keeps signed candidate declarations on file until the deadline for requesting reviews of results has passed or until any appeal, malpractice or other results enquiry has been completed, whichever is later  
  • Provides signed candidate declarations where these may be requested by a Centre Inspector (Electronic signatures are acceptable) 
  • Where there may be doubt about the authenticity of the work of a candidate or if malpractice is suspected, follows the authentication procedures and malpractice information in NEA and informs Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for exams 
  • Understands that if, during the external moderation process, it is found that the work has not been properly authenticated, the awarding body will set the mark(s) awarded by the centre to zero

Presentation of work 

Subject teacher 

Obtains informed consent at the beginning of the course from parents/carers if videos or photographs/images of candidates will be included as evidence of participation or contribution Instructs candidates to present work as detailed in NEA unless the awarding body’s specification gives different subject-specific instructions Instructs candidates to add their candidate number, centre number and the component code of the assessment as a header/footer on each page of their work Ensures if candidates’ work is to be submitted electronically, that it meets the awarding body’s specified requirements 

Keeping materials secure 

Subject teacher 

  • When work is being undertaken by candidates under formal supervision, ensures work is securely stored between sessions (if more than one session) 
  • When work is submitted by candidates for final assessment, ensures work is securely stored  
  • Follows secure storage instructions 
  • Takes sensible precautions when work is taken home for marking 
  • Stores internally assessed work, including the sample returned after awarding body moderation, securely until all possible post-results services have been exhausted 
  • If post-results services have not been requested, returns internally assessed work to candidates (if requested by a candidate) after the deadline for requesting a review of results for the relevant series 
  • If post-results services have been requested, returns internally assessed work to candidates (if requested by a candidate) once the review of results and any subsequent appeal has been completed 
  • Reminds candidates of the need to keep their own work secure at all times and not share completed or partially completed work on-line on social media or through any other means  
  • Where work is stored electronically, liaises with the IT Manager to ensure the protection and back-up of candidates’ work and that appropriate arrangements are in place to restrict access to it between sessions 
  • Understands that during the period from the submission of work for formal assessment until the deadline for requesting a review of results, copies of work may be used for other purposes, provided that the originals are stored securely as required  

Technical ICT Manager 

  • Ensures appropriate arrangements are in place to restrict access between sessions to candidates’ work where work is stored electronically 
  • Restricts access to this material and utilises appropriate security safeguards such as firewall protection and virus scanning software 
  • Employs an effective back-up strategy so that an up to date archive of candidates’ evidence is maintained 
  • Considers the contingency of candidates’ work being backed-up using SharePoint to ensure that it is backed up off site and not just on one device 
  • Considers encrypting any sensitive digital media to ensure the security of the data stored within it and refers to awarding body guidance to ensure that the method of encryption is suitable  

Intervention if deadlines are not met 

When a student does not meet an interim deadline or the work is substandard the following will apply: 

  1. The subject teacher informs parents, Head of Department (HOD) and Head of School  
  2. The subject teacher meets with student to devise an action plan to ensure coursework is completed within 7 days  
  3. The concern and action is logged on the coursework monitoring spreadsheet 

If the newly agreed deadline is not met then   

  1. The subject teacher informs parents, HoD, HoF, HoS  
  2. An internal departmental sanction imposed (student may be asked to stay behind after school to work on coursework, with the agreement of parents / HoD)  
  3. The coursework monitoring spreadsheet is updated   

If the work remains outstanding then   

  1. HoF/HoS meet with student.  
  2. Parents informed and invited to meet HoF/HoS  
  3. HoF/HoS sanction imposed (student may be obliged to miss events / non-academic sessions to complete coursework under supervision) 

Task marking – externally assessed components 

Conduct of externally assessed work 

Subject teacher 

  • Liaises with the examinations officer regarding the arrangements for any externally assessed components of a specification which must be conducted within a window of dates specified by the awarding body 
  • Liaises with the Visiting Examiner where this may be applicable to any externally assessed component 

Examinations officer 

  • Arranges timetabling, rooming and invigilation where and if this is applicable to any externally assessed non-examination component of a specification 
  • Conducts the externally assessed component within the window specified by the awarding body

Submission of work 

Subject teacher 

  • Pays close attention to the completion of the attendance register 

Examinations officer 

  • Provides the attendance register to the subject teacher where applicable 
  • Ensures the awarding body’s attendance register for any externally assessed component is completed correctly 
  • Where candidates’ work must be despatched to an awarding body’s examiner or uploaded electronically, ensures this is completed by the date specified by the awarding body 
  • Keeps a copy of the attendance register until after the deadline for reviews of results for the exam series 
  • Packages the work as required by the awarding body and attaches the examiner address label 
  • Ensures that the package in which the work is despatched is robust and securely fastened 
  • Despatches the work to the awarding body’s instructions by the required deadline  

Task marking – internally assessed components 

Marking and annotation 

Head of centre 

  • Makes every effort to avoid situations where a candidate is assessed by a person who has a close personal relationship with the candidate, for example, members of their family (which includes step-family, foster family and similar close relationships) or close friends and their immediate family (e.g son/daughter) 
  • Where this cannot be avoided, ensures the possible conflict of interest is declared to the relevant awarding body and the marked work is submitted for moderation whether or not it is part of the moderation sample 

 Head of Faculty/Department/Subject 

  • Sets timescales for teachers to inform candidates of their centre-assessed marks that will allow sufficient time for a candidate to appeal an internal assessment decision/request a review of the centre’s marking prior to the marks being submitted to the awarding body external deadline 

Subject teacher 

  • Accesses awarding body training/updates as required to ensure familiarity with the mark scheme/marking process 
  • Marks candidates’ work in accordance with the marking criteria provided by the awarding body 
  • Does not use artificial intelligence as the sole means of marking candidates’ work 
  • Annotates candidates’ work as required to facilitate internal standardisation of marking and enable external moderation to check that marking is in line with the assessment criteria  
  • Informs candidates of their marks which could be subject to change by the awarding body moderation process 
  • Ensures candidates are informed of the timescale set to enable an internal appeal/request for a review of marking to be submitted by a candidate and the outcome known before final marks are submitted to the awarding body  

Internal standardisation 

Quality assurance (QA) lead/Lead internal verifier 

  • Ensures that internal standardisation of marks across assessors and teaching groups takes place as required and to sequence 
  • Supports staff not familiar with the mark scheme (e.g. NQTs, supply staff etc.) 
  • Ensures accurate internal standardisation - for example by: 
    • obtaining reference materials at an early stage in the course  h
    • olding a preliminary trial marking session prior to marking  
    • carrying out further trial marking at appropriate points during the marking period  
    • after most marking has been completed, holds a further meeting to make final adjustments  
    • making final adjustments to marks prior to submission, retaining work and evidence of standardisation 
  • Retains evidence that internal standardisation has been carried out

Subject teacher 

  • Indicates on work (or cover sheet) the date of marking 
  • Marks to common standards 
  • Keeps candidates' work secure until after the closing date for review of results for the series concerned or until any appeal, malpractice or other results enquiry has been completed, whichever is later 

Consortium arrangements 

Head of Faculty/Department/Subject 

  • Ensures a consortium co-ordinator is nominated (where this may be required as the consortium lead) 
  • If the consortium lead, liaises with the examinations officer to ensure the relevant awarding body is informed that the centre is part of a consortium by submitting the appropriate form for each exam series affected  
  • Ensures procedures for internal standardisation as a consortium are followed 

Subject teacher 

  • Provides marks to the examinations officer to the internal deadline 
  • Provides the moderation sample to the examinations officer to the internal deadline 
  • Retains all candidates’ work in the consortium until after the deadline for reviews of results for the exam series concerned or until any appeal, malpractice or other results enquiry has been completed, whichever is later 

Examinations officer 

  • Where the centre is the consortium lead: 
    • submits an online notification of Centre consortium arrangements for centre-assessed work to the relevant awarding body through the Centre Admin Portal (CAP) by no later than the published deadline for each exam series affected 
    • submits marks for home centre candidates to the awarding body deadline 
    • where relevant, liaises with the other examinations officers in the consortium to arrange despatch of a single moderation sample to the awarding body deadline 

Submission of marks and work for moderation 

Subject teacher

  • Inputs and submits marks online, via the awarding body secure extranet site, keeping a record of the marks awarded, to the external deadline/Provides marks to the examinations officer to the internal deadline 
  • Where responsible for marks input, ensures checks are made that marks for any additional candidates are submitted and ensures mark input is checked before submission to avoid transcription errors 
  • Submits the requested samples of candidates’ work to the awarding body moderator by the external deadline, keeping a record of the work submitted/Provides the moderation sample to the examinations officer to the internal deadline 
  • Ensures that where a candidate’s work has been facilitated by a scribe or practical assistant, the relevant completed cover sheet is securely attached to the front of the work and sent to the moderator in addition to the sample requested 
  • Ensures the moderator is provided with authentication of candidates’ work, confirmation that internal standardisation has been undertaken and any other subject-specific information where this may be required 
  • Submits any supporting documentation required by the awarding body/Provides the examinations officer with any supporting documentation required by the awarding body

Examinations officer

  • Inputs and submits marks online, via the awarding body secure extranet site, keeping a record of the marks submitted, to the external deadline/Confirms with subject teachers that marks have been submitted to the awarding body deadline 
  • Where responsible for marks input, ensures checks are made that marks for any additional candidates are submitted and ensures mark input is checked before submission to avoid transcription errors 
  • Submits the requested samples of candidates’ work to the moderator by the awarding body deadline, keeping a record of the work submitted/Confirms with Subject teacher that the moderation sample has been submitted to the awarding body deadline 
  • Ensures that for postal moderation: 
    • work is dispatched in packaging provided by the awarding body 
    • moderator label(s) provided by the awarding body are affixed to the packaging 
    • proof of dispatch is obtained and kept on file until the successful issue of final results 
  • Through the subject teacher, ensures the moderator is provided with authentication of candidates’ work, confirmation that internal standardisation has been undertaken and any other subject-specific information where this may be required 
  • Through the subject teacher, submits any supporting documentation required by the awarding body

Storage and retention of work after submission of marks 

Subject teacher 

  • Keeps a record of names and candidate numbers for candidates whose work was included in the moderation sample 
  • Retains all marked candidates’ work (including any sample returned after moderation) under secure conditions for the required retention period 
  • In liaison with the IT Manager, takes steps to protect any work stored electronically from corruption and has a back-up procedure in place 
  • If retention is a problem because of the nature of the work, retains some form of evidence such as photos, audio or media recordings 

Examinations officer

  • Ensures any sample returned after moderation is logged and returned to the subject teacher for secure storage and required retention

External moderation – the process

 Subject teacher 

  • Ensures that awarding body or its moderator receive the correct samples of candidates’ work  
  • Where relevant, liaises with the awarding body/moderator where the moderator visits the centre to mark the sample of work 
  • Complies with any request from the moderator for remaining work or further evidence of the centre’s marking 

External moderation – feedback 

Head of Faculty/Department/Subject 

  • Checks the final moderated marks when issued to the centre when the results are published 
  • Checks any moderator reports and ensures that any remedial action, if necessary, is undertaken before the next exam series 

Examinations officer 

  • Accesses or signposts moderator reports to relevant staff 
  • Takes remedial action, if necessary, where feedback may relate to centre administration

Access arrangements and reasonable adjustments 

Subject teacher 

  • Works with the ENCO (or equivalent role) to ensure any access arrangements for eligible candidates are applied to assessments  

ENCO (or equivalent role) 

  • Follows the regulations and guidance relating to access arrangements and reasonable adjustments in relation to non-examination assessments including Reasonable Adjustments for GCE A-level sciences – Endorsement of practical skills   
  • Where arrangements do not undermine the integrity of the qualification and is the candidate’s normal way of working, will ensure access arrangements are in place and awarding body approval, where required, has been obtained prior to assessments taking place 
  • Makes subject teachers aware of any access arrangements for eligible candidates which need to be applied to assessments 
  • Works with subject teachers to ensure requirements for access arrangement candidates requiring the support of a facilitator in assessments are met 
  • Ensures that staff acting as an access arrangement facilitator are fully trained in their role

Special consideration and loss of work 

Subject teacher 

  • Understands that a candidate may be eligible for special consideration in assessments in certain situations where a candidate is absent and/or produces a reduced quantity of work 
  • Liaises with the examinations officer when special consideration may need to be applied for a candidate taking assessments 
  • Liaises with the examinations officer to report loss of work to the awarding body

Examinations officer 

  • Refers to/directs relevant staff to the special consideration process  
    • Where a candidate is eligible, submits an application for special consideration via the awarding body’s secure extranet site to the prescribed timescale 
    • Where application for special consideration via the awarding body’s secure extranet site is not applicable, submits the required form to the awarding body to the prescribed timescale 
    • Keeps required evidence on file to support the application


Head of Centre (Principal) 

  • Understands the responsibility to immediately report to the relevant awarding body any alleged, suspected or actual incidents of malpractice involving candidates or centre staff 
  • Ensures any irregularity identified by the centre before the candidate has signed the authentication statement (where required) are dealt with under its own internal procedures, with no requirement to report the irregularity to the awarding body (The only exception being where the awarding body’s confidential assessment materials has been breached, the breach must be report to the awarding body) 
  • Is familiar with the JCQ/Cambridge International publications on malpractice 
  • Ensures that those members of teaching staff involved in the direct supervision of candidates producing non-examination assessments or coursework are aware of the potential for malpractice and ensures that teaching staff are reminded that failure to report allegations of malpractice or suspected malpractice constitutes malpractice in itself

Subject teacher

  •  Ensures candidates understand what constitutes malpractice in non-examination assessments or coursework 
  • Ensures candidates understand the JCQ/Cambridge International’s guidance on malpractice, including in relation to social media 
  • Escalates and reports any alleged, suspected or actual incidents of malpractice involving candidates to the head of centre 

Examinations officer 

  • Signposts JCQ/Cambridge International publications on malpractice to the Principal, teachers and candidates 
  • Where required, supports the head of centre in investigating and reporting incidents of alleged, suspected or actual malpractice

Post-results services 

Head of centre/Principal 

  • Is familiar with the Post-Results Services 
  • Ensures the centre’s internal appeals procedures clearly details the procedure to be followed by candidates (or their parents/carers) appealing against a centre decision not to support an application for a review of results or an appeal 

Head of Faculty/Department/Subject 

  • Provides relevant support to subject teachers making decisions about reviews of results 

Subject teacher 

  • Provides advice and guidance to candidates on their results and the post-results services available 
  • Provides the examinations officer with the original sample or relevant sample of candidates’ work that may be required for a review of moderation to the internal deadline 

Examinations officer 

  • Is aware of the individual post-results services available for externally assessed and internally assessed components  
  • Provides/signposts relevant centre staff and candidates to post-results services information 
  • Ensures any requests for post-results services that are available to centre-assessed work are submitted online via the awarding body secure extranet site to deadline

Practical Skills Endorsement for the A Level Sciences designed for use in England 

Head of centre/Principal 

  • Returns an online ‘Head of Centre declaration’ at the time of the National Centre Number Register annual update confirming that all reasonable steps have been or will be taken to ensure that all candidates at the centre have had, or will have, the opportunity to undertake the prescribed practical activities 
  • Ensures new lead teachers undertake the required training provided by the awarding body on the implementation of the practical endorsement 
  • Ensures relevant centre staff liaise with all relevant parties in relation to arrangements for and conduct of the monitoring visit

Head of Faculty/Department/Subject 

  • Confirms understanding of the Practical Skills Endorsement for the A Level Sciences designed for use in England and ensures any relevant JCQ/awarding body instructions are followed 
  • Ensures where the centre intends to enter candidates for the first time for one or more of the A level subjects, the relevant awarding body will be contacted at the beginning of the course 
  • Undertakes any training provided by the awarding body on the implementation of the practical endorsement  
  • Disseminates information to subject teachers ensuring the standards can be applied appropriately Liaises with all relevant parties in relation to arrangements for and conduct of a monitoring visit

Subject teacher 

  • Ensures all the JCQ/awarding body requirements/instructions in relation to the endorsement are known, understood and followed 
  • Ensures the required arrangements for practical activities are in place 
  • Provides all the required centre records 
  • Ensures candidates provide the required records Provides any required information to the subject lead regarding the monitoring visit 
  • Assesses candidates using Common Practical Assessment Criteria (CPAC) 
  • Applies for an exemption where a candidate cannot access the practical endorsement due to a substantial impairment 
  • Follows the awarding body’s instructions for the submission of candidates Pass or Not Classified assessment outcome/provides assessment outcomes to the examinations officer to the internal deadline

Examinations officer 

  • Accepts contact with the monitor and passes information to the Head of Faculty for a visit to be arranged with at least two weeks notice 
  • Confirms with the subject teacher that assessment outcomes have been submitted to the awarding body to the external deadline/Follows the awarding body’s instructions for the submission of candidates Pass or Not Classified assessment outcome

Management of issues and potential risks associated with non-examination assessments

Reference to non-examination assessment is intended to include GCE and GCSE specifications with one or more non-examination assessment component, controlled assessment (where applicable) and coursework. 

Issue/Risk Centre actions to manage issue/mitigate risk
Centre staff malpractice Records confirm that relevant centre staff are familiar with  and follow:  
  • the current JCQ/Cambridge International Instructions for conducting non-examination assessments  
  • the JCQ document Notice to Centres - Sharing NEA material and candidates’ work  
Candidate malpractice Records confirm that candidates are informed and understand they must not:
  • submit work which is not their own 
  • make available their work to other candidates through any medium 
  • allow other candidates to have access to their own independently sourced material 
  • assist other candidates to produce work  
  • use books, the internet, AI or other sources without acknowledgement or attribution 
  • submit work that has been word processed by a third party without acknowledgement  
  • include inappropriate, offensive or obscene material

Records confirm that candidates have been made aware of the JCQ/Cambridge International documents Information for candidates - non-examination assessments and Information for candidates – Social Media - and understand they must not post their work on social media

Awarding body set task: IT failure/corruption of task details where set task details accessed from the awarding body online Awarding body key date for accessing/downloading set task noted prior to start of course
IT systems checked prior to key date
Alternative IT system used to gain access. Back up.
Awarding body contacted to request direct email of task details
Centre set task:  Subject teacher fails to meet the assessment criteria as detailed in the specification Ensures that subject teachers access awarding body training information, practice materials etc.
Records confirmation that subject teachers understand the task setting arrangements as defined in the awarding body’s specification
Samples assessment criteria in the centre set task
Candidates do not understand the marking criteria and what they need to do to gain credit A simplified version of the awarding body’s marking criteria described in the specification that is not specific to the work of an individual candidate or group of candidates is produced for candidates
Records confirm all candidates understand the marking criteria
Candidates confirm/record they understand the marking criteria
Subject teacher long term absence during the task setting stage See centre’s Exam Contingency Plan
Awarding body set task not issued to candidates on time Awarding body key date for accessing set task as detailed in the specification noted prior to start of course
Course information issued to candidates contains details when set task will be issued and needs to be completed by S
et task accessed well in advance to allow time for planning, resourcing and teaching
The wrong task is given to candidates   Ensures course planning and information taken from the awarding body’s specification confirms the correct task will be issued to candidates
Awarding body guidance sought where this issue remains unresolved
Subject teacher long term absence during the issuing of tasks stage See centre’s Exam Contingency Plan  
A candidate (or parent/carer) expresses concern about safeguarding, confidentiality, or faith in undertaking a task such as a presentation that may be recorded Ensures the candidate’s presentation does not form part of the sample which will be recorded
Contacts the awarding body at the earliest opportunity where unable to record the required number of candidates for the monitoring sample
Planned assessments clash with other centre or candidate activities Assessment plan identified for the start of the course
Assessment dates/periods included in centre wide calendar
Rooms or facilities inadequate for candidates to take tasks under appropriate supervision Timetabling organised to allocate appropriate rooms and IT facilities for the start of the course
Staggered sessions arranged where IT facilities insufficient for number of candidates
Whole cohort to undertake written task in large exam venue at the same time (exam conditions do not apply)
Insufficient supervision of candidates to enable work to be authenticated Confirm subject teachers are aware of and follow Instructions for conducting non-examination assessments and any other specific instructions detailed in the awarding body’s specification in relation to the supervision of candidates
Confirm subject teachers understand their role and responsibilities as detailed in the centre’s non-examination assessment policy
A candidate is suspected of malpractice prior to submitting their work for assessment Instructions and processes in the current Instructions for conducting non-examination assessments are followed
An internal investigation and where appropriate internal disciplinary procedures are followed
Access arrangements were not put in place for an assessment where a candidate is approved for arrangements Relevant staff are signposted to the guide to the special consideration process, to determine the process to be followed to apply for special consideration for the candidate  
Candidate claims appropriate advice and feedback not given by subject teacher prior to starting on their work Ensures a centre-wide process is in place for subject teachers to record all information provided to candidates before work begins as part of the centre’s quality assurance procedures
Regular monitoring of subject teacher completed records and sign-off to confirm monitoring activity
Full records kept detailing all information and advice given to candidates prior to starting on their work as appropriate to the subject and component
Candidate confirms/records advice and feedback given prior to starting on their work
Candidate claims no advice and feedback given by subject teacher during the task-taking stage Ensures a centre-wide process is in place for subject teachers to record all advice and feedback provided to candidates during the task-taking stage as part of the centre’s quality assurance procedures
Regular monitoring of subject teacher completed records and sign-off to confirm monitoring activity
Full records kept detailing all advice and feedback given to candidates during the task-taking stage as appropriate to the subject and component
Candidate confirms/records advice and feedback given during the task-taking stage
A third party claims that assistance was given to candidates by the subject teacher over and above that allowed in the regulations and specification An investigation is conducted; candidates and subject teacher are interviewed and statements recorded where relevant
Records as detailed above are provided to confirm all assistance given
Where appropriate, a suspected malpractice report is submitted to the awarding body
Candidate does not reference information from published source CCandidate is advised at a general level to reference information before work is submitted for formal assessment
Candidate is again referred to Information for candidates: non-examination assessments
Candidate’s detailed record of his/her own research, planning, resources etc. is regularly checked to ensure continued completion  
Candidate does not set out references as required Candidate is advised at a general level to review and re-draft the set out of references before work is submitted for formal assessment
Candidate is again referred to Information for candidates: non-examination assessments
Candidate’s detailed record of his/her own research, planning, resources etc. is regularly checked to ensure continued completion
Candidate joins the course late after formally supervised task taking has started A separate supervised session(s) is arranged for the candidate to catch up  
Candidate moves to another centre during the course Awarding body guidance is sought to determine what can be done depending on the stage at which the move takes place
An excluded pupil wants to complete a non-examination assessment(s) he awarding body specification is checked to determine if the specification is available to a candidate outside mainstream education
If so, arrangements for supervision, authentication and marking are made separately for the candidate
A candidate augments notes and resources between formally supervised sessions Preparatory notes and the work to be assessed are collected in and kept secure between formally supervised sessions
Where memory sticks are used by candidates, these are collected in and kept secure between formally supervised sessions
Where work is stored on the centre’s network, access for candidates is restricted between formally supervised sessions
A candidate fails to acknowledge sources on work that is submitted for assessment Candidate’s detailed record of his/her own research, planning, resources etc. is checked to confirm all the sources used, including books, websites and audio/visual resources
Awarding body guidance is sought on whether the work of the candidate should be marked where candidate’s detailed records acknowledges sources appropriately
Where confirmation is unavailable from candidate’s records, awarding body guidance is sought and/or a mark of zero is submitted to the awarding body for the candidate
A candidate is penalised by the awarding body for exceeding word or time limits Records confirm the awarding body specification has been checked to determine if word or time limits are mandatory
Where limits are for guidance only, candidates are discouraged from exceeding them
Candidates confirm/record any information provided to them on word or time limits is known and understood
Candidates have worked in groups where the awarding body specification states this is not permitted Records confirm the awarding body specification has been checked to determine if group work is permitted
Awarding body guidance sought where this issue remains unresolved
A teacher has doubts about the authenticity of the work submitted by a candidate for internal assessment  
Candidate plagiarises other material
Records confirm subject staff have been made aware of the JCQ document Notice to Centres - Sharing NEA material and candidates' work/Cambridge International guidelines
Records confirm that candidates have been issued with the current Information for candidates: non-examination assessments
Candidates confirm/record that they understand what they need to do to comply with the regulations for non-examination assessments as outlined in the Information for candidates: non-examination assessments
The candidate’s work is not accepted for assessment A mark of zero is recorded and submitted to the awarding body
Candidate does not sign their authentication statement/declaration Records confirm that candidates have been issued with the Information for candidates: non-examination assessments
Candidates confirm/record they understand what they need to do to comply with the regulations as outlined in the JCQ document Information for candidates: non-examination assessments/ Cambridge International guidelines
Declaration is checked for signature before accepting the work of a candidate for formal assessment
Subject teacher not available to sign authentication forms Ensures a centre-wide process is in place for subject teachers to sign authentication forms at the point of marking candidates work as part of the centre’s quality assurance procedures
Candidate does not fully complete the awarding body’s cover sheet that is attached to their worked submitted for formal assessment Cover sheet is checked to ensure it is fully completed before accepting the work of a candidate for formal assessment  
Candidates work between formal supervised sessions is not securely stored Records confirm subject teachers are aware of and follow current Instructions for conducting non-examination assessments
Regular monitoring/internal audit ensures subject teacher use of appropriate secure storage
Adequate secure storage not available to subject teacher Records confirm adequate/sufficient secure storage is available to subject teacher prior to the start of the course
Alternative secure storage sourced where required
Candidates work produced electronically is not securely stored Records confirm subject teachers are aware of and follow current publication Instructions for conducting non-examination assessments
Internal processes and regular monitoring/internal audit by IT Manager ensures:
  • access to this material is restricted (insert how) 
  • appropriate security safeguards are in place (insert names/types of protection)  
  • an effective back-up strategy is employed so that an up to date archive of candidates’ evidence is maintained (insert details of how work is backed up) 
  • any sensitive digital media is encrypted (according to awarding body guidance to ensure that the method of encryption is suitable) to ensure the security of the data stored within it (insert relevant details of how)
A candidate is absent on the day of the examiner visit for an acceptable reason Awarding body guidance is sought to determine if alternative assessment arrangements can be made for the candidate
If not, eligibility for special consideration is explored and a request submitted to the awarding body where appropriate
A candidate is absent on the day of the examiner visit for an unacceptable reason The candidate is marked absent on the attendance register
A candidate submits little or no work Where a candidate submits no work, the candidate is recorded as absent when marks are submitted to the awarding body
Where a candidate submits little work, the work produced is assessed against the assessment criteria and a mark allocated appropriately; where the work does not meet any of the assessment criteria a mark of zero is submitted to the awarding body
A candidate is unable to finish their work for unforeseen reasons Relevant staff are signposted to the JCQ publication A guide to the special consideration process (section 5)/Cambridge International, to determine eligibility and the process to be followed for shortfall in work
The work of a candidate is lost or damaged Relevant staff are signposted to the JCQ publication Instructions for conducting non-examination assessments (section 8)/Cambridge International, to determine eligibility and the process to be followed for lost or damaged work
A teacher assesses the work of a candidate with whom they have a close personal relationship e.g. members of their family (which includes step-family, foster family and similar close relationships) or close friends and their immediate family (e.g. son/daughter) A possible conflict of interest is declared by informing the awarding body before the published deadline for entries for each examination series  Marked work of said candidate is submitted for moderation whether part of the sample requested or not
An extension to the deadline for submission of marks is required for a legitimate reason Awarding body is contacted to determine if an extension can be granted. Determine eligibility and the process to be followed for non-examination assessment extension
After submission of marks, it is discovered that the wrong task was given to candidates Awarding body is contacted for guidance. Determine eligibility and the process to be followed to apply for special consideration for candidates
A candidate wishes to appeal/request a review of the marks awarded for their work by their teacher Candidates are informed of the marks they have been awarded for their work prior to the marks being submitted to the awarding body
Records confirm candidates have been informed of their marks
Candidates are informed that these marks are subject to change through the awarding body’s moderation process
Candidates are informed of their marks to the timescale identified in the centre’s internal appeals procedure and prior to the internal deadline set by the examinations officer for the submission of marks
Deadline for submitting marks and samples of candidates work ignored by subject teacher Internal/external deadlines are published at the start of each academic year
Reminders are issued as deadlines approach
Records confirm deadlines known and understood by subject teachers
Where appropriate, internal disciplinary procedures are followed
Subject teacher long term absence during the marking period See centre’s Contingency Plan

Appendix 14 - Invigilator Annual Declaration Form

Appendix 15 - Exam fees 

GCSE initial registration and entry exam fees are paid by the Centre. 

A level initial registration and entry exam fees are paid by the Centre. Late entry or amendment fees are paid by the departments. If the late entry is caused by the student then they will be responsible for paying the late fees themselves. Students or departments will not be charged for changes of tier, withdrawals made by the proper procedures or alterations arising from administrative processes, provided these are made within the time allowed by the awarding bodies. 

Reimbursement will be sought from students who fail to sit an exam or meet the necessary coursework requirements. Re-sit fees for first and any subsequent re-sits are paid by the students. 

Candidates taking exams for subjects which are not taught as part of the JCG curriculum or candidates who are no longer attending College may be entered for external exams at the discretion of the Head of Centre. They will be charged fees and should be made aware (see below)

Fees for taking non-standard exams    

  • Students who no longer attend  
  • Students taking subjects not taught at JCG (with the exception of MLL learners) 
  • Students taking entrance exams for other schools 

Students taking an external exam for a subject not taught as part of the JCG curriculum or candidates who no longer attend lessons at JCG will pay the following fees:  

  • Exam Entrance Fee – as per exam board charge  
  • Admin Fee – to include making entry, invigilation, issuing results and certificate  
  • Additional charges – should the student require any access arrangements outside the main exam room and beyond exam timings, this will be charged at an hourly invigilation rate. 

Sample costs (2023) (subject to annual increases)    

Spanish GCSE 
Exam Entrance Fee – £47.80
Admin Fee - £50
Total - £97.80

French A level 
Exam Entrance Fee - £133.20
Admin Fee - £50
Total - £183.20

Students must be made aware of these fees and pay them prior to their entry being made.     

Suggested wording for communication   

External Examination Agreement:    

Thank you for enquiring about entering the …. examination through JCG.
I confirm that the total cost of the examination will be £… This fee includes the examination entry fee, invigilation and administration fee.
If you would like to proceed with the entry, please complete and return the slip below to the examinations officer.   

Student Name:
I would like to enter the following external examination:
Exam Board:
Module Codes and Names:   

I have paid the costs using the online system.   


Appendix 16 - Overnight Supervision Policy  

Purpose of the policy 

This purpose of this policy is to confirm that Jersey College for Girls follows the correct procedures when considering the arrangements for a candidate entered for multiple examinations timetabled for the same day  

The College reserves the right to exercise discretion when deciding to allow a candidate to take an examination the following morning and must have appropriate arrangements in place to maintain the security and integrity of the examination(s)  

Overnight supervision arrangements:

When candidates are entered for multiple examinations (three or more examinations) timetabled for the same day and the total duration for those papers is:  

  • more than six hours for GCE examinations (A-level), including approved extra time allowances and/or supervised rest breaks,  
  • or more than five and a half hours for GCSE examinations, including approved extra time allowances and/or supervised rest breaks Candidates may, at the centre’s discretion, be allowed to take an examination the following morning

Candidates may, at the centre’s discretion, be allowed to take an examination the following morning.

These arrangements do not apply where a 

  • GCSE candidate has five and a half hours or less of examinations in one day  
  • GCE AS or A-level candidate has six hours or less of examinations in one day 

Overnight supervision arrangements should only be applied as a last resort and once all other options have been exhausted.  

The head of centre (Principal) must be satisfied with any arrangement for overnight supervision of a candidate where necessary and must accept full responsibility for the security of the examination throughout.

  Candidates are not allowed to take examinations on an earlier day than that scheduled on the timetable .

  • The overnight supervision arrangements must ensure that the candidate does not have advance warning of the content of the examination deferred until the following morning. This means the candidate must not meet or communicate with anyone who may have knowledge of the content. This includes any form of electronic communication/storage device, e.g. telephone, e-mail, internet and social media. It also extends to television and radio, which could report key details of the day’s examinations

Roles and Responsibilities 

The role of the head of centre (Principal) 

  • nsure where a candidate takes an examination the following morning, a member of centre staff or an invigilator is appointed to supervise the candidate at all times while the candidate is on the premises sitting examinations 
  • Be satisfied that the arrangements maintain the integrity and security of the examination  
  • Inform the relevant awarding body immediately of any known or suspected contravention of the arrangements for overnight supervision of a candidate

The role of the examinations officer 

  • Discuss with an affected candidate all possible options to resolve, within the same day, their timetable clash of multiple examinations, only applying overnight supervision arrangements as a last resort and once all other options have been exhausted 
  • Re-arrange any examination that cannot be taken in the scheduled afternoon session for the following morning, ensuring if an examination is deferred from Friday afternoon, it is re-arranged for Saturday morning 
  • Ensure the JCQ Overnight Supervision and Overnight Supervision Declaration forms are completed before the overnight supervision is to commence 
  • Keep all completed forms available for inspection until the deadline for reviews of marking has passed or until any appeal, malpractice or other results enquiry has been completed, whichever is later, and not send to an awarding body, unless specifically requested 
  • Ensure where a candidate takes an examination the following morning, the candidate is under centre supervision from 30 minutes after the awarding body’s published starting time for the delayed examination and ensure there is no contact with other candidates 

Appendix 17 - Special Considerations Policy 

  • Special consideration can only be awarded where a candidate has been fully prepared for assessments and covered the entire course but their ability to demonstrate their subject knowledge and understanding is materially affected by adverse circumstances beyond their control at the time of the assessment(s).  
  • JCG must not submit applications for special consideration for trivial cases. 
  • Special consideration can only go some way to assist a candidate affected by a potentially wide range of difficulties, emotional or physical, which may influence performance in their assessments. It cannot remove the difficulty faced by the candidate. This means that there will be some situations where candidates should not be entered for a qualification or a unitised examination. This is because only minor adjustments can be made to the mark awarded. To make larger adjustments would jeopardize the standard of the qualification.  

Eligibility for Special consideration  

  • Candidates will be eligible for special consideration if they have been fully prepared and have covered the whole course but performance in the examination, or in the production of coursework or non-examination assessment, is materially affected by adverse circumstances beyond their control 
  • Special consideration must be applied for at the time of the assessment 

Roles and Responsibilities   

The role of the head of centre (Principal)  

  • Be familiar with, refers to and directs relevant centre staff to the annually updated JCQ and Cambridge International publications on the special consideration process 
  • Ensure where a candidate meets the published criteria, an application for special consideration will be submitted to the relevant awarding body by the examinations officer

The role of the examinations officer  

  • Refer to the criteria detailed in the JCQ and Cambridge International publications on the special consideration process to determine where a candidate is/is not eligible for special consideration 
  • Where a candidate meets the published criteria, submit an application for special consideration to the relevant awarding body

The role of teaching staff/ENCO (or equivalent role) 

  • Provide any appropriate evidence or information that may be required to determine a candidate’s eligibility for special consideration   

The role of an affected candidate (or parent/carer) 

  • Provide any medical or other evidence that may be required to confirm eligibility for special consideration.  

Applying for special consideration  

At Jersey College for Girls, where a candidate is eligible, special consideration will be applied for at the time of the assessment in accordance with the regulations as detailed in the JCQ and Cambridge International publications on the special consideration process.  

For candidates who are present for the assessment but disadvantaged, Jersey College for girls must be satisfied that there has been a material detrimental effect on candidate examination performance or in the production of coursework or non-examination assessment  

Examples where a candidate/candidates may be eligible for special consideration include:

  • Where a candidate may arrive for an exam and is clearly unwell, extremely distressed and/or may have sustained an injury that requires emergency access arrangements to be put in place: 
    • the candidate will be kept comfortable and under centre supervision from the required time while appropriate arrangements are put in place for the candidate to take the exam in the best possible conditions 
    • a judgement will be made on how the candidate’s situation or disposition affected performance in the exam  
    • where appropriate and where eligible, special consideration will be applied for
  • Where candidates may be affected by a major disturbance in the exam room (emergency evacuation etc.), an online application for special consideration will be submitted to the relevant awarding body where candidates have been disadvantaged 
  • Special consideration will be applied for an allowance on the last paper taken in a day when a candidate has been entered for three or more exams timetabled for the same day and the total duration of those papers is more than 5 hours 30 minutes (GCSE, Level 1 and Level 2 examinations) or more than 6 hours (GCE and Level 3 examinations). (Where extra time has been used following formal approval, this will be included in the calculation. Supervised rest breaks will not be included in the total duration of the papers when applying for special consideration.)  
  • Where a candidate may be affected a minor disturbance in the exam room caused by another candidate, such as momentary bad behaviour, a mobile phone ringing, or a momentary fire alarm, the candidate would not be eligible for special consideration.

The centre must not submit applications for special consideration for trivial cases.  

Examples of trivial cases which would not warrant special consideration include, but are not limited to:  

  • A bird tweeting outside the examination room  
  • A lorry reversing  
  • A toilet being flushed  
  • Doors in a corridor adjacent to the examination room opening and closing  
  • Very short, momentary noise from, for example, aeroplanes, helicopters, lawn mowers  

Candidates who are absent from a timetabled component/unit for acceptable reasons 

If a candidate is absent for acceptable reasons, and Jersey College for Girls is prepared to support this, special consideration will be applied for if the examination missed is in the terminal series and the minimum requirements for enhanced grading in cases of acceptable absence can be met.  

For unitised examinations taken in an examination series prior to certification, candidates must be re-entered for any missed units at the next assessment opportunity. Unless there are difficulties arising, e.g. group performances which cannot be repeated, special consideration will not be awarded.

Processing applications for special consideration  

The role of the head of centre (Principal)  

  • Ensure all eligible applications are supported by by appropriate evidence signed by a member of the senior leadership team, the student’s Head of School or a relevant medical practitioner

The role of the senior leadership team

  • Sign appropriate evidence to support all eligible applications 

The role of the examinations officer  

  • Ensure applications are processed as required by the awarding bodies 
  • Ensure the candidate (or a parent/carer) understands that all cases must be dealt with by the centre 
  • Ensure that special consideration is applied for at the time of the assessment 
  • Ensure special consideration is not applied for in a cumulative fashion and, where a candidate may be affected by different indispositions, ensure special consideration is only applied for the most serious indisposition. 
  • Keep evidence to support all applications on file until after the publication of results and provide the appropriate evidence signed by a member of the senior leadership team, the student’s Head of School or a relevant medical practitioner in support an application where this may be requested by an awarding body 
  • Meet the awarding body deadline(s) for submitting applications.

Submitting applications for special consideration  

At Jersey College for Girls, where a candidate or group of candidates is/are eligible for special consideration, applications will be submitted to the relevant awarding body following the published processes  

In cases of online applications for special consideration, the candidate/candidates will be informed when an application for special consideration is submitted to the awarding body  

Evidence to support all applications will be retained on file until after the publication of results.

Timetabled written exams 

  • Applications for individual candidates will be submitted online (where the awarding body’s secure system accepts these) by logging into the relevant awarding body secure extranet site and following the links to special consideration 
  • The processes for submitting a single application to cover all exams affected where a candidate is present but disadvantaged and a separate application for each day on which exams are missed where a candidate is absent from an examination for an acceptable reason, will be followed 
  • Form 10 Application for special consideration will only be completed and submitted to the awarding body where a paper application is specifically required by the awarding body  
  • For cases involving groups of candidates, applications will be made online where the awarding body’s secure system accepts group applications or form 10 will be completed  
  • Form 14 Self certification form (Self certification for candidates who have missed an examination) will only be completed by a candidate/parent/carer where circumstances warrant this and will not be used where the centre knows the candidate was ill  

Internally assessed work

  • Where appropriate, applications will be made online where the awarding body’s secure system accepts them or form 10 will be completed and submitted to the awarding body 
  • Where a short extension to a work submission deadline for an individual candidate is being requested, the awarding body will be contacted directly 
  • Where an application relates to a shortfall in work for an individual candidate, this will be submitted online or by completing form 10, dependent on the awarding body

Appendix 18 – Data Protection Policy (Exams)

The Jersey College for Girls hold information on students in order to run the College and in doing so have to comply with the Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018. This means that the personal data held on students, staff, governors and suppliers must only be used for specific purposes allowed by Law. (Please refer to the College’s Privacy Policy on the website for more information)  

It is the responsibility of the centre to inform candidates of the processing that the centre undertakes. For example, that the centre will provide relevant personal data including name, date of birth, gender to the awarding bodies for the purpose of examining and awarding qualifications.  All exams office staff responsible for collecting and sharing candidates’ data are required to follow strict rules called ‘data protection principles’ ensuring the information is:

  • used fairly and lawfully 
  • used for limited, specifically stated purposes 
  • used in a way that is adequate, relevant and not excessive 
  • accurate 
  • kept for no longer than is absolutely necessary 
  • handled according to people’s data protection rights 
  • kept safe and secure  

All candidates’ exam information – even that which is not classified as personal or sensitive – is covered under this policy.  

Candidate consent is required to share results and other exams-related information with a third party (this includes parents). This consent can be given by email or in writing. As a general rule, we either give a student their results in person or send results to a student’s school email address to avoid the need to give it to a third party.  

Students have to agree for their data to be shared (using the appropriate form) for exam related purposes (e.g. access arrangements or special considerations)  

Data related to examinations and assessments will be retained in line with the College’s data retention schedules.  

Appendix 19 – Malpractice Policy  

  • JCG takes an ethical approach and works proactively to avoid malpractice among students and staff  
  • JCG takes all reasonable steps to prevent the occurrence of any malpractice/maladministration before, during and after assessments have taken place 
  • Informs students through assemblies, email reminders and information online regarding what could constitute malpractice 
  • Ensures any person involved in administering, teaching or completing examinations/assessments is advised that where malpractice is suspected, or alleged, personal data about them will be provided to the awarding body (or bodies) whose examinations/assessments are involved. Personal data about them may also be shared with other awarding bodies, the qualifications regulator or professional bodies in accordance with the JCQ publication Suspected Malpractice – Policies and Procedures and Cambridge International guidelines 
  • Ensures irregularities are investigated and informs the awarding bodies immediately of any alleged, suspected or actual incidents of malpractice or maladministration, involving a candidate or a member of staff, by completing the appropriate documentation 
  • As required by an awarding body, ensures evidence of any instances of alleged or suspected malpractice (which includes maladministration) is gathered in accordance with the JCQ publication Suspected Malpractice - Policies and Procedures and Cambridge International guidelines and provides such information and advice as the awarding body may reasonably require 
  • Teaching staff must not use artificial intelligence (AI) as the sole means of marking candidates’ coursework 
  • Students’ must ensure that work submitted for assessment is demonstrably their own 
  • Where students use AI, any sections of their work reproduced directly from AI generated responses must be identified by the student and they must understand that this will not allow them to demonstrate that they have independently met the marking criteria and therefore they will not be rewarded 
  • When students use AI, this must be acknowledged 
  • We ensure JCQ Guidance and posters are used to inform students about what they can and cannot do when using AI and the consequences of not following the guidance (which is considered malpractice)