- Parent
- Our Policies & Procedures
- Trips, Expeditions and Visits Policy
Trips, Expeditions and Visits Policy
Author: | Peter Marett |
Date: | September 2019 |
Reviewed: | October 2023 |
To be reviewed: | October 2025 |
Trips, expeditions and visits enable us to fulfil our vision for a students leaving JCG where we wish to see students leaving with a thirst for knowledge, have a good range of interests, have grown as individuals who are happy, well-mannered and able to find fulfilment in their service to others, be conscious of the advantages they have enjoyed, want to have a positive impact on their community and the world and have happy and lasting memories of their time at College.
We believe that students should have as broad an education as possible and part of that should include looking beyond the school grounds to broaden the curriculum and give everyone opportunities for on and off island visits.
Educational visits, expeditions and residential trips are an important aspect of the curriculum and exposure to a variety of experiences outside the classroom and off island should be part of a student’s school experience.
Expeditions, trips and visits can raise achievement by boosting self-esteem and motivation and developing key life and work skills and help to develop better relationships. Our Year 7 Outdoor Education Programme aims to instil this from the moment students begin at the College.
The curriculum content of many subjects is enhanced by trips and visits and in some subjects it is highly desirable, for example Drama students must have seen a number of plays and Geography students are required to do field work. Curriculum related visits must be accessible to all students completing the course and must therefore not cost in excess of the amount that can be granted to students on bursaries each year (currently £1100). At all times priority consideration should be given to meeting the educational needs of the students in the most cost-effective manner.
For any visit, trip or expeditions involving students, safety is paramount and for this and other reasons, meticulous planning and organisation are essential. It is also essential to use this document together with the CYPES Policy on Educational Visits.
- To ensure that all students have access to expeditions, trips and visits both local and away during their time at JCG.
- To provide worthwhile experiences which both enhance the curriculum and help to develop a student’s awareness of the world around them.
- To provide a balance of expeditions, trips and visits across the year groups to ensure that students are gradually prepared for longer and more complex experiences away from home.
- To ensure that trips, expeditions and visits at a range of costs are offered.
- All expeditions, trips and visits should enrich our students’ experiences. Trips, expeditions and visits may be curriculum based or offered as a general enrichment.
- Trips, expeditions and visits should help to develop some degree of independence and self-reliance.
- Trips, expeditions and visits should help students to develop skills that they will need when leaving Jersey to travel or go to university.
- Trips, expeditions and visits should provide an environment where students can learn to work and live together in an in inclusive way and safe way.
- Despite there being an element of risk in any trip, expedition or visit, if the risks involved are properly assessed and managed, the trip should be run safely and it is the responsibility of all staff on a visit to understand and monitor the safety of students and staff at all times.
- Staff running trips, visits or expeditions must follow the school guidelines and the CYPES Trips and Visits Policy and Procedures for running trips and visits and be aware of all health and safety implications.
- All trips, expeditions and visits should be considered in balance with the needs of the College in terms of protecting curricular time, ensuring adequate staffing and cost. The loss of curriculum and your own teaching time is an especially important consideration when GCSE students or A level students are taking a trip.
Education visits off-site and on-island. There may be regular visits (e.g. sports fixtures) which have an on-going risk assessment which is reviewed annually. Other off-site and on-island visits will generally need to follow the check-list for on-island visits.
Educational visits off-island for short periods of time (usually up to 7 days) usually, though not always, linked with a specific subject.
Educational visits off-island which are physically, mentally and emotionally challenging. An expedition would normally include some element of service and tends to be of significant duration. An expedition (particularly if costly and distant) would require around two year’s notice and planning. A JCG Annual Expedition, run around challenge week, should be open to all sixth form students and be seen as a ‘once in a lifetime’ opportunity. In order to meet the strategic aims of the College, occasionally expeditions can be organised for different year groups at different times but this would be the exception.
The Principal has responsibility for:
- Giving the ultimate permission for the trip to go ahead.
- Approving form 1 and 2 after consultation with the EVC.
- Considering applications for financial assistance (made online via our website) in cases of need. (https://jerseycollegeforgirls.com/pages/admissions/financial-assistance)
- Deciding, should it be necessary, if a student cannot attend a trip due to concerns about behaviour, welfare or progress.
The Assistant Head Teacher Educational Visits Coordinator (EVC) has responsibility for:
- Having an overview of the offering of the whole College provision with respect to trips, expeditions and visits.
- Discussing the rationale, timing, staffing and planning for the trip with the trip leader. Discussing the costs and accessibility of the trip or visit to students.
- Ensuring all health and safety guidelines are followed and the relevant offsite forms (online or paper as appropriate) and risk assessments are completed.
- Deciding on acceptable staff ratios and suitability of staff in discussion with the group leader, taking into consideration previous absence.
- Helping to develop staff competencies in leading trips and visits.
- Ensuring that the list of trips running from the College is updated and published on the website.
- Inviting expressions of interest for the JCG Annual Expedition.
Trip Leaders have responsibility for:
- Liaising with the EVC regarding the rationale, timing, staffing and planning of the trip (at least one term in advance)
- Checking impact of the trip with colleagues.
- Organising the trip, in good time, with the help of office staff and making the relevant bookings.
- Completing the relevant offsite check lists (online) and keeping up to date with all the relevant paper work, including following the CYPES Policy and procedures on Educational Visits. (Note – check list is slightly different for Challenge Week). Keeping all relevant documentation in the appropriate location on Office 365 SharePoint.
- Developing a financial plan with the finance office, taking into account the accessibility of the trip to students and to ensure parents have sufficient lead in time to plan their finances and following the financial procedures (on this policy).
- Ensuring that all aspects of trip preparation (Admin/IT/Finance/Travel) prior to launching the trip.
- Ensuring that all adults accompanying overnight trips have been DBS checked with certification currently held by College/Education. All existing College staff will be DBS checked automatically.
- Ensuring that all adults accompanying the trip are suitable (ref. Chapter 3 of CYPES policy on Educational visits) in terms of experience and understanding of the rationale of the trip.
- Ensuring that no other adult shall attend the trip at any point without the prior consent of the Principal (for the purposes of clarity, partners of staff are not deemed suitable).
- Completing a detailed risk assessment (see Appendix 4) for the trip and, should it be considered necessary a separate risk assessment for any individual student where it is deemed necessary (in liaison with the student support team).
- Making sure parents are informed throughout the process by letter and a meeting (as appropriate) and providing them with a clothing and equipment list as appropriate. If any vaccines are necessary, parents must agree to this.
- Ensuring that full payment has been received for all students participating in the trip.
- Keeping an up-to-date list of which students are participating in the trip and checking all information (regarding medical etc.) is recorded.
- Giving clear information about the aims of the trip and instructions to students both prior and during the trip.
- Providing photographs and reports to be used in school publications both during (if appropriate) and after the event.
- Having the final say about activities and health and safety issues through discussion with other teachers on the trip.
- Adhering to all the guidelines in the CYPES Educational Visits policy and JCG Additional Guidelines (see Appendix 1).
- Leaving a full record of the trip with Admin (including any incident records) and shredding any other information.
- Ensuring any accident forms go to CYPES and our records in a timely manner.
- Completing an evaluation (using online survey) of the trip to inform future practice and sending the appropriate survey link to participating students.
Staff on the visit have responsibility for:
- Working with the group leader to provide a safe, challenging and enjoyable experience.
- Encouraging students to cooperate and collaborate with each other and staff.
- Making sure the students behave in an appropriate way.
- Using their particular skills (if appropriate) in leading certain aspects of the trip after discussion with the EVC and group leader.
Students should be encouraged to take responsibility for:
- Understanding the aims, objectives and risks of the trip and participating so that they get the most out of the experience.
- Listening carefully to all instructions and safety briefings so they understand the risks and act accordingly.
- Follow JCG guidelines as specified in the trips and visits code of conduct.
- Fostering positive and inclusive relationships with each other and staff while off site.
- Behaving in an appropriate way in College to ensure that they are considered trustworthy to travel with the trip.
- Completing the online evaluation of the trip on their return.
Appendix 1 - Additional Guidelines document
Appendix 2 - Checklist for off island and on island trips
Appendix 3 - Code of Conduct for students on trips
Appendix 4 - Risk Assessment Template
Appendix 5 - Application for financial assistance
Appendix 1 - JCG additional Guidelines for off island visits
Procedures for the organisation of educational trips and visits off island JCG. You must use this document along with the CYPES Policy on Educational Visits.
- If you are thinking of planning any trip off island you need to check the calendar.
- Once this is done – speak to PM about the trip. We will then begin a checklist and follow the steps in order.
- Form 1 must be completed and submitted online (link on checklist). This form is just a proposal form and is needed before any further bookings are made. This then will be finally agreed by the Principal and sent to the CYPES who may come back with further questions about the trip and a request for your risk assessment prior to approval. Instructions on completion are in Education’s policy.
- Once approval has been given then the group leader must follow the correct financial procedures.
- CYPES has taken out insurance cover for Off Island Trips, but it is important to check for Adventurous Activities what level of insurance is provided.
- Parental consent forms for trips are done using microsoft forms. Please liaise with the IT Department. The group leader should also collect a photocopy of the relevant page of students’ passports if ID is needed for travel.
- Form 2 must be completed (instructions in CYPES policy) and given to the EVC who will go through the check list with the group leader and will then give the form to the Principal who will sign it. The contacts on the form will be completed by the office from SIMS. It is the group leader’s responsibility to check these details with the consent forms. Staff details should go on this form too. The group leader must nominate an emergency contact (normally The Principal and one other) who will each need a copy of the contact details, itinerary and staff contact details which they will keep at home. This form must be complete 2 weeks prior to departure. A copy of Form 2 (including contacts) must be left with the Office, the principal, PM and given to each adult on the trip.
- The group leader must make all necessary arrangements and open an account with the Finance Manager and then keep an account of the finances. (see also financial procedures below)
- Ensure that all records relating to the trip are kept up to date and the relevant people sign the form below.
The group leader will:
- Following initial approval of Form 1, and once necessary financial, admin and IT arrangements are in place, provide an accurate letter to distribute to parents. Letter to be approved by Principal and sent by office.
- Supply a list of all students, staff and those involved with contact details and a complete itinerary including all emergency contact addresses and telephone numbers (Form 2) to the Main Office and the people nominated as the emergency contacts in school who should also have a copy at home for out of hours problems.
- Check https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice (Foreign Commonwealth Office) website for latest advice on travelling to destination country.
- Make sure staff on the trip are contactable and contact mobile numbers are left with the office – it is the group leader’s responsibility to make sure their mobile works in the locality of the trip or take the school mobile available to them or make alternative arrangements.
- Inform parents through letters and possibly a meeting before the trip, parents require an itinerary, accommodation details and emergency contact details of the leader.
- Supply a list of internal teaching cover needed at least a week before departure to cover coordinator
- Take a First Aid box from the main Office and have a nominated first aider on the trip.
- Have the emergency contact numbers on them at all times
- Ensure students are fully briefed and know where they are staying and what to do in an emergency (an emergency numbers card is a good idea)
- Make sure the accounts are kept up to date and recorded and the finance office is kept up to date with the arrangements.
- Complete an evaluation of the trip and send any accident record forms on as appropriate.
The Office Staff will:
- Send out letters by email to parents about the trip
- Archive records of the trip after it has taken place and hold until students are aged 25
IT Office will:
- Set up appropriate online forms for data collection
- Send update reports regarding information that has been collected for the trip
While on the trip group and deputy leaders should have a copy of the following documents:
- Travel tickets, passports and visas. It is also advisable to carry a separate list of the numbers of any travel documents/passports, and photocopies of all the group’s documents in a sealed waterproof bag.
- A copy of the contract with the centre/hotel etc, if appropriate.
- Medical papers and significant medical histories;
- Parental consent forms and permission for group leader to authorise emergency treatment on parental behalf;
- The phone numbers and addresses, at home and in school, of the Headteacher and of the school contact;
- CYPES Serious Emergency telephone number which currently is +44 (0) 1534 449206.
- The names of parents and the addresses and telephone numbers at which they can be contacted (home and workplace);•
- Copies of a list of group members and their details;
- Details of insurance arrangements and the company’s telephone number;
- The emergency contact number for medical treatment via the insurance policy;
- The name, address and telephone number of the group’s accommodation;
- Location of local hospital/medical services;
- In some cases, the contact details of the British Embassy.
JCG Travel Role:
Trip leaders
JCG Travel
Specify date/time/mode of travel (flight, boat, train, coach) and ask JCG Travel to seek quote
Contact relevant booking office to request quote and inform trip leader of prices
Identify accommodation as part of costing plan
Prepare costing template
Approves costing template
Ensure deposit and payment plan means that there are sufficient funds to cover initial bookings without making trip fund overdrawn
Advises on and approves payment plan to be included in launch letter
Confirm to JCG Travel numbers for booking (including number of under 16s). Check consent forms, deposits and, if applicable, financial assistance received for all students due to travel.
Makes and pays for travel bookings once the trip is confirmed and deposits are paid |
Book accommodation and pass invoice/details to JCG Travel for payment
Pays invoices for accommodation
Provide passenger list which matches names given on passports (or the photo id being used). Note – this does not always match CMIS so you will need to check photocopies provided.
Passes passenger lists to travel providers |
Monitor payments and lead on the follow up of non-payment
Provides lists to update trip leader on who has or has not paid
Request JCG Travel to send chaser letters.
Liaises with Admin to send chaser letters
If more appropriate, make phone call to chase parents for payment
Where you require cash, inform JCG Travel (stating currency and denominations if necessary)
Orders necessary currency/cash |
Request temporary increase of limit on your purchase card
Organises increased limit
Collect cash and keep copies of receipts and record of all spending
Provides cash and sheet/envelope for record of spending
Should there be an insurance claim, liaise with JCG Travel
Liaise with trip leader to process any travel claim
Appendix 2 - Checklist for off island and on island trips
Appendix 3 - Code of Conduct for students on trips
- I agree to participate fully in all aspects of the visit. I understand that I will be a representative of JCG and that I must behave in a manner appropriate to that role at all times. This includes dressing respectfully, with consideration of venues being visited.
- I understand that all the school rules, including those on piercings, alcohol, smoking, vaping, and drugs, apply for the duration of the trip and I agree to obey those rules. Students may not consume or purchase alcohol to bring home whilst on a school trip under any circumstances even if they are of a legal age.
- I understand that I must be prompt for all rendezvous times. I also agree not to go anywhere alone at any time during the trip. I understand that this is for my own safety and the safety of others.
- I understand that any serious breach of school rules could result in me being sent home immediately and that in such case my parents would be responsible for any cost incurred.